Caddo Mills ISD
Celebrate the Past, Create the Future
A Letter from Superintendent Luke Allison
Kathy Kirkpatrick Elementary School (KKES) is quickly taking shape and moving along on schedule to open in August 2025. This will be a beautiful campus and a wonderful place for students to learn. We will be making staffing decisions in the spring. As most of you know, Leslie Crow will be the principal of KKES. Mrs. Crow has a deep love for Caddo Mills and will work to make our new campus welcoming for our staff, students, and their families. I can't wait to see the great things that will happen there. Our preliminary plans for rezoning are included in this newsletter.
According to demographers, the Griffis zone will grow more quickly than any other CMISD elementary school over the next few years. Making the KKES zone larger will allow our largest campus to accommodate the most students right away. In August 2025, we anticipate having 1,381 elementary students: Griffis - 438 students, KKES - 501, and Lee - 442. The current zoning will also give us a little time before building Elementary #4. CMISD will allow some intradistrict transfers for a limited time based on grade-level numbers. We will send more information on this in the coming weeks.
Rezoning is never an easy task, but we are blessed with two great elementary schools, and we have no doubt that, with your help, KKES will be one, too.
Should you have any questions, please email questions@cmisd.org
Thank you for your continued support during these exciting times,
Luke Allison
KKE Principal Leslie Crow and one of Mrs. Kathy Kirkpatrick's children, Lisa Sinclair, toured the building this week to check on the progress.
This is the stairway as you enter through the front doors.
Kathy Kirkpatrick Elementary Updates
Elementary Boundary Map
This is a picture of a classroom. Student lockers will soon be placed under the windows.