Highcroft Hotline
April 19, 2020
Highcroft's Mission
At Highcroft, we help learners grow in a safe, caring community where ALL are valued and supported to become leaders.
Upcoming Events
- April 19 - May 22: Virtual Learning, Building Closed
- April 19 - April 24: Virtual Book Fair, access the Book Fair by going to: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/highcroftridgeelemschool
- April 19 - April 24: Virtual Literacy Night(s) https://sites.google.com/parkwayschools.net/highcroftliteracynight/home
- April 22: Board of Education Regular Meeting, 7:00 - 10:00 pm https://www.google.com/url?=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ustream.tv%2Fchannel%2Fparkway- schools
- April 23: Spirit Day - Backwards Day (wear your clothes backward)
- April 24: No eLearning School on Fridays
- April 30: Spirit Day - Character Day (dress like your favorite book, movie or TV character)
- May 1: No eLearning School on Fridays
Lucas Letter
Dearest Highcroft family,
When I returned to Highcroft, I felt like I was coming home to be with my family. I was overjoyed and honored to accept the position of leading this staff and community. The love and support I have experienced from this community make writing this letter tremendously bittersweet.
Melissa and I have accepted an opportunity to lead Hanna Woods Elementary next school year. While we are looking forward to new adventures, we know how much we will miss Highcroft. We love our students, staff, and this community and will miss you terribly. I want you to know this was a difficult choice for us to make. However, this opportunity allows us to continue learning and growing through new experiences and challenges. We know there are many great things yet to come for Highcroft. While we will not be here to partner with you, we know you will have amazing leaders to support you and carry out the Highcroft mission and ROSE values.
Melissa and I want you to know that we are dedicated to concluding this school year with the same passion as we began it, and we will assist the new administration in the transition. I came across a quote that read, "As you move on, remember me, remember us and all we use to be." Please know that I will remember your families and this staff. I will carry you and your children in my heart wherever I go. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be part of this community and to love and lead your children. I have learned so much from you and I’m incredibly proud of all the things we have accomplished together.
With love,
Dr. Cartelia Lucas
Specialist Office Hours
PE News
Highcroft Students and Parents,
Hopefully, students and families have been getting outside to get some much needed exercise and fresh air. We hope all Highcroft families are staying safe and healthy.
All physical education activities and information can be accessed through Schoology.
Each week, a new folder is added with activities to participate in for each grade level.
The activities are under Mrs. Maxvill’s or Mr. Meinershagen’s Schoology page and each class has a physical education folder with activities. Please click on the folder to access information.
Feel free to email us if you have any questions or concerns.
We miss all of you!
Counselor Corner
Cindy Beeler Grades K,1,2,4 cbeeler@parkwayschools.net
Scharma Banks Grades 3,5 sbanks@parkwayschools.net
As we go into Week 5 of eLearning we want to say again that we are here as a resource and support for our families. You may contact us through our emails. Students can check in with us using this google form. Counselor Check In.Through this form, students can request a private meet up with the counselors.
Coping Tool for Children - Sit Still Like a Frog
Giving yourself a mindful break is always a great way to calm down. A mindful break is always a good habit to get into every day. At Highcroft, we have used “Sit Still Like a Frog” many times in classroom guidance.
Sit criss-cross with your back straight, like you're stacking coins.
Close your eyes and think of your sunny day place. Remember it’s that person, place or thing that always makes you smile.
Only think about your sunny day place while you “smell the cake, blow out the candles”. Ignore the noises you hear and the other thoughts that pop in your head.
Try doing this every day for about 1 minute. Your brain will say, “Thank You!”
Guidance for Parents
We have learned about The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey throughout the year. During this time of eLearning it’s important to especially remember Habit 7, Sharpen the Saw or Balance is Best. Challenge your family to set weekly goals which will include activities to balance your heart, mind, body and soul. Here is a Balance is Best goal sheet that you could use. Balance is Best Goal Setting
Parkway Resources
Parkway Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Page/10020
Grading during the closure: https://www.parkwayschools.net/domain/2415
Meal Request: https://www.parkwayschools.net/domain/2421
Technology request or assistance: https://www.parkwayschools.net/domain/2420
Family Resources
Emergency Resources
911/Take your child to the ER
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Behavioral Health Response Crisis Line: 1-800-811-4760
Saint Louis Crisis Nursery: 314-768-3201
Salvation Army: 211 (mortgage, utility bills, clothing, medication bills, etc.)
News from the Nurse
School Nurse
Hello Highcroft Redhawks!
I want you all to know that I miss you so much and I am thinking of you. I can't wait until I get to see you again!
Parents and Students,
During these uncertain and constantly evolving times, please reach out to me for information, resources or questions. I am working from home at this time so the best way to reach me is by email at chubert2@parkwayschools.net
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
use at least 60% alcohol based hand sanitizers when hand washing is not an option
Avoid being exposed to the virus through social distancing - keep at least six feet between you and another person and stay away from those who are sick
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Stay at home when you are sick, EXCEPT to get care
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow
Disinfect frequently touched surfaces
I have attached some links that can be helpful tools to use when discussing the coronavirus pandemic with your children. According to the Child Mind Institute, "not talking about the pandemic can actually make kids worry more." (See link below for more tips)
Free Coronavirus Book Download
Free Webinar for elementary students and families
Information about COVID-19 has flooded every social media outlet for some time now. When seeking information it is best to use a trusted, reliable source such as the ones listed below:
Local information about St. Louis County (including testing sites) can be found at www.stlcorona.com or you can call the St. Louis COVID-19 Hotline at 314-615-2660
Remember, I am always here to help you find the resources you need for your health/medical issues. These are uncertain times and we must remember to take care of ourselves and know that we are all going through this together and we are here to support each other!
AT HIGHCROFT WE STICK TOGETHER! Much love and hugs to all of you!
April Acts of Kindness Calendar Created By The 3rd-5th Kindness Leaders
Virtual School Spirit Days
Virtual Gotcha
A Virtual Gotcha is used to recognize students when they display our ROSE Values. Please consider submitting a Virtual Gotcha for your child to be recognized.
Contact Information
Email: clucas@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/16
Location: 15380 Highcroft Drive, Chesterfield, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighcroftRidge/
Twitter: @HighcroftRidge