HAIS Weekly Newsletter
March 18-22, 2024
Peek at the Week
Women's History Month Spirit Week
Monday, Mar 18, 330-430: Debate, Robotics
Monday, Mar 18, 345-700: HAIS vs South Early (Mason 5)
Monday, Mar 18, 345-530: Volleyball Practice
Tuesday, Mar 19, 345-500: Girls Soccer Practice
Tuesday, Mar 19, 345-515: Cheer Practice, Dance Practice, Volleyball Practice (Gym)
Wednesday, Mar 20, 3:30-4:30: Debate (113), Interact (Rm 132), Robotics (119A)
Wednesday, Mar 20, 3:30-4:30: Conversational Italian Lesson (Go Center)
Wednesday, Mar 20, 4:00-530: BBBS 9th & 10th Grade Event (Cafeteria)
Wednesday, Mar 20, 630-730: Girls Volleyball vs EECHS (@High School for Law & Justice)
Thursday, Mar 21: Cafeteria Waiver Day: Bring your $$ to support
Thursday, Mar 21, 345-515: Cheer Practice (Gym)
Thursday, Mar 21, 3:30-4:30: Dance Practice (Cafeteria)
Thursday, Mar 21, 345-515: Boys Soccer Practice (Baldwin Park)
Thursday, Mar 21, 4:30-6:00: Boys and Girls BB Practice (BCM Ryan)
Thursday, Mar 21, 4:00-530: BBBS 11th & 12th Grade Event (Cafeteria)
Thursday, Mar 21, 630-730: Boys Volleyball Game vs EECHS (@Jones Futures Academy)
Friday, Mar 22:
Saturday, Mar 23: USTEM Robotics - Drones
***There are no after school activities on Fridays***
Upcoming Events
3/26: SDMC Meeting
3/27: Conversational Italian Lesson4/5: Progress Report Date
4/11: STAAR English EOC
4/16: STAAR English II EOC
4/18: STAAR US History EOC
4/24: STAAR Biology EOC
4/26: Report Card Date
5/1: STAAR Algebra I EOC
5/4: Class of 2024 Prom
Þ Reminder: There is no off campus lunch and students should remain on campus all day on Fridays.
Þ Student Drop Off & Pick Up: Please utilize the left-side of Stuart as a drop off/pick up lane between the hours of (730-745; 300-345). The right side is reserved for our HISD busses. Student cannot be picked up early past 245; they must remain in class until dismissal at 330pm.
Þ Campus Closes: Campus closes at 4:30 Monday through Thursday and 4:00pm on Friday. Students may wait at the Spark Park or at HCC - Central after campus closes.
Þ Fri-Yay Treat Donations Needed: Help show support of HAIS faculty and staff with our Fri-YAY Treat program. Sign up here to show your appreciation.
Þ Transportation Concerns/Requests: If you have transportation needs (new request, change of address, stop change request due to concerns) click here to complete our campus transportation tracking form*. *Note that there is a minimum 2-week district processing time. Please be sure to arrange for alternative transportation until you received your transportation update from the district and/or me.
Student Services
Please scan for assistance with the campus counselor or campus Wraparound Specialist.
HCC Information
Helpful HCC Resources
Check out our HCC Resources page here.
Student Travel Opportunities
Follow @HAISstudyabroad on Twitter and Instagram and check out our updated website for more information on upcoming deadlines. Don't miss out on your chance to see the world!
2024-2025 Applications are now open!
AFS Study Abroad Scholarships Still Available for Travel!
AFS is Recruiting our Class of 2024-2025
Exciting news from AFS-USA’s Study Abroad programs! Thanks to a new scholarship process, AFS-USA is able to meet the demonstrated financial need of all of our accepted applicants! We're actively seeking curious, adaptable, and open-minded students to join AFS-USA’s class of 2024-25, regardless of their ability to afford a Study Abroad program. Our new Global Citizenship Scholarship applies to our Summer (2-8 week), Semester, and Academic Year experiences and these programs typically fill by April. Now’s the time to encourage every student…especially those with financial need to start their applications today.
Calling all Young Women Interested in STEM!!
The AFS Global STEM Accelerators is an extraordinary, full-scholarship program for young women who are active global citizens and passionate about solving some of today’s biggest global challenges. The 2024 Accelerators program consists of virtual, interactive workshops for girls around the world between the ages of 15 and 17.5, with a focus on critical STEM skills, global competence education, and social impact – empowering them to become changemakers in their communities. Applications for the 12-week, all-virtual Accelerators exchange program will open on February 1, 2024 and close on March 15, 2024. Programming will take place between May and August, and will connect participants from all around the world. Share the website with your students so they can learn more and apply!
Student Intern Opportunity
February is a great time to start looking for summer jobs and programs to join. If you are looking for a seasonal summer position, consider working for the City of Houston in their community center programs! Pay is $13.66/hour. Apply at the link below:
STUDENT INTERN (Seasonal) | Job Details tab | Career Pages (governmentjobs.com)
Writers in the School Internship Opportunity
Writers in the Schools is seeking high school and college students to assist with the organization and facilitation of our annual summer Creative Writing Camps in June and July 2024.
Each summer, Writers in the Schools and the School Literacy and Culture Project at Rice University sponsor Creative Writing Camp (CWC). More than 1,300 children in grades K-12 participate in CWC where they write stories, poetry, essays, and plays in a fun and supportive environment.
Working alongside professional writers and poets, the student interns will have the opportunity to work in a variety of areas and gain experience in creative writing instruction, early childhood education, nonprofit administration, and arts education.
To apply, please submit an application HERE. For more information, email Kat Bacani at kbacani@witshouston.org
Ms. Oliver, Mr. Dunn, and Mr. Smith: Thank you for overseeing our students plan an amazing Black History Month performance.
- Ms Alderete
Our Student leaders and Black History Month Performers: Wonderful job showcasing your talents and highlighting the beauty of black culture at the Black History Month performance. Thank you for your hard work.
- Ms. Alderete
Ms. Rancifer: Congratulations on being named our 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year!
- Your HAIS family
Ms. Shephard and Ms. Lopez: Great job working with our students for Speak Up, Speak Out submissions.
Destiny Pickersgill, Jolie Davis, Helen Repass, Annabeth Golden: Congratulations on receiving the Community Engagement award at the state Speak Up, Speak Out Civics fair. You've made us proud.
- Ms. Alderete
Have you caught a colleague, faculty/staff member, or student doing something above and beyond? Let's recognize it.
Families and Students can still register to volunteer with us!
Track Your Volunteer Hours
Finding Volunteer Opportunities
Houston Museum of Natural Science Volunteer Opportunity
Purchase HAIS Gear and Support Your HAIS PTO
Show off your HAIS pride and support the HAIS PTO. You are able to choose your color of choice for most items. Check out the site and order now!
Click here to place your order and have it delivered directly to you.
Shop Online, Donate to HAIS
Online shopping? Shop Amazon through https://smile.amazon.com/, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to your favorite charitable organization. Please consider selecting “HAIS PTO” as your AmazonSmile charitable organization!
Through international studies, a personalized environment and a college preparatory curriculum, HAIS will prepare students for active roles as global citizens.
Follow Us on Social Media:
Instagram: @haisechs
Twitter: @HAIS_ECHS
Facebook: @houstonacademyforinternationalstudies
Email: ealderet@houstonisd.org
Website: https://www.houstonisd.org/Page/51266
Location: 1810 Stuart Street, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 7139421430
Twitter: @HAIS_ECHS