Roosevelt Reader
May 28, 2024
Principal Corner
Dear Roosevelt Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for another successful school year. We have made so many great memories and are proud of the student's successes. We wish the 5th Grade a heartfelt congratulations as they finish their time at Roosevelt.
Please take a moment to review the calendar of events for our last week of school.
Thank you for making Roosevelt School a special place for children to learn and grow.
Have a safe, relaxing, fun, and healthy summer vacation!
Dr. Dwyer
May 31: 3rd Grade Wax Museum/ Park Ridge Public Library visits
May 31: Chorus concert in the LRC at 6 PM
June 1: Chicago Dogs Roosevelt Family Fun Night
June 3,4, or 5: Class Party TBD on class
June 6: 5th-grade parade exit Door 11 @ 3:25 PM
June 6: Last day of school for the 2023/2024 school year
August 14: First Day of the 2024/ 2025 School Year
School Supply Boxes
It's that time of year! Don't forget to order your child's 2024-2025 school supply kit.
The kits will be waiting for your child in their classroom on the first day of school. 1st Day School Supplies gives back $5 for each box to Roosevelt School! Don't delay, order today! Orders may be placed now through 7/1.
Rainbows Student Peer Group
A local Rainbows peer group was recently initiated to provide a safe space for students in 1st - 8th grade to share their experiences associated with loss of a loved one and/or a changing family dynamic due to divorce, deployment, etc. Trained facilitators help encourage communication while identifying, navigating and discussing feelings amongst the group. A second session of the program will begin in September of 2024. Each session is 12 weeks long, meeting weekly in the evening for 1 hour.
Please note, we are looking for more volunteers to help facilitate these peer groups. Teachers will receive CPDU credits! Any interest or questions please contact Justine Karl, 847-340-1741 or Phyllis Lubinki, 312-659-6226
Please fill out this Google form to sign up and/or to be added to our communication list."
Roosevelt's End of the Year ABC Countdown
Join the Award-Winning D64 Instrumental Music Program!
We would like to invite your student to join the District 64 Instrumental Music program next year! Beginning in 4th grade, your child is eligible to join Orchestra and 5th grade students are eligible to join the band or orchestra. To learn more about the program and the string instruments offered, please see the links below:
Read: Important Information About Instrumental Music
Video Presentation: All About Band!
Video Presentation: All About Orchestra!
If you already registered your child for the 2024-2025 school year but did not select instrumental music, log back into your account to add band/orchestra: Click Here to Add Instrumental Music, click "Forms" on the left, then "Enrollment" at the top and scroll down to instrumental music.
Click here for a video tutorial on how to add band/orchestra to your child’s registration!
The instrumental music registration deadline is August 1. Band/Orchestra teachers will communicate more information via email with registered families the second week of school. Lessons will begin the week of September 2.
If you have any questions, please email Erica Faulhaber (efaulhaber@d64.org), Curriculum Specialist for Instrumental Music.
Dine to Donate at Oberweis Park Ridge!
Thursday, June 6, 2024
from 10:00am -- 9:30pm
101 S NW Hwy
Park Ridge, IL 60068
20% of proceeds go to the D64 Band Orchestra Parents Association (BOPA) from every order received for Dine-In or Carryout
*Must mention fundraiser at time of order to ensure credit towards fundraiser*
For questions, please contact Christine Erickson bopa64@gmail.com
Green Team School Supply Recycling Event
It’s time to sort out school supplies! The Roosevelt Green Team would like to encourage all families to help students sort through their school supplies by
Reusing as many of their school supplies as possible for the next school year. Check out these lists.
Donating any gently used school supplies like notebooks, folders, writing & drawing utensils, rulers, pencil cases, etc. Roosevelt School will have a donation box near the office and on each floor. We will also have a drop box at 1309 Brophy Ave. June 5th-June 10th and will take the items to Scarce an organization that works to reduce waste and give back to students everywhere.
Recycling all paper products (notebooks/folders). Just make sure to remove any metal parts.
Thank you for helping make the world a greener place!
Dist 64 Green Team
Lost & Found--Last Day!
Please stop by at arrival or dismissal to check for your student(s) missing item(s). The lost and found will be located outside Door 5 on Wednesday, June 5th and Thursday, June 6th. All items will be donated June 6th after school.