CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News:
MacMillan Coffee Morning
We will be hosting a cake sale in support of McMillan Cancer Support on Friday 28th September from 7.30am to 8.30am. Please bring your cake donations into school on Thursday 27th September.
Year 12 - Gold Crest Award
Year 12 students have recently become the first students in the school to achieve the Gold CREST Award. The Engineering in Education scheme, allowed the students to work with Tata Steel. The full story can be found on the school website.
Humanities Leaders
The school have recently appointed a group of students from Years 8-13 to take on the active role of promoting the Humanities Department. The students will be involved in Open Evening events, delivering assemblies and leading tutor time competitions and interventions.
Stars of the Week:
- Mr McRae-Smith has nominated Year 7 student Isla and Year 11 student Haydn Yr 11 for their support at Open Evening. Also nominated are 7TA for being the fastest class to arrange themselves in birthday order using just Spanish!
- Miss Fenner has nominated Year 11 students Tyler, Georgia, Dane and Nina for a great start to English Language and Year 10 student Shane for supporting our new Year 7 students.
- Mr Harley has nominated Sania 7ST for having a good standard of wok and excellent research into Zaha Hadid in Design Technology. Jayme-Lei 8SW for making good progress on her storage container project.
- Miss McGrath has nominated both Year 11 combined science groups for great practical skills during the heart dissection this week.
- Mr Godfrey has nominated Year 11 student Daryl for his perseverance in Physics this week and also Year 12 students Brennon and Liam for a great attitude towards A-level Physics.
- Mrs Vaghadia has nominated Adrian, Year 9 and Abigail Year 10 for great engagement in Sociology and Year 12 student Michael for his engagement and positive input in Psychology.
- Mr Lee has nominated Year 9 student Alicia for fantastic progress in Maths.
- Mr Rogers has nominated Year 7 student Samuel for his excellent effort in Basketball, Year 7 student Louis for for his commitment to lessons and football club and Year 11 students Bella and Millie for their continued effort in Health and Fitness.
- Mrs Ferns has nominated Year 8 student Daisy for her brilliant and methodical problem solving skills in Maths.
- Mr Horne has nominated his Year 7 mathematicians for a a great start to the study of algebra.
Celebration of Student Work:
Frantic Workshop
A group of Year 9 students worked with London based physical theatre company Frantic assembly, building team work and physicality and performance skills through a serious of physical theatre exercises and activities such as paired movement and lifts.
Year 7 and 8 Food Technology
Year 7 and 8 students have created some fantastic cookies and pizzas this week in food technology. Star bakers this week are Year 7 students Talia and Edvins and Year 8 students Lana and Julia.
Believe Big Winners
Further to our story on Year 9 students, Sam, Jack and Eoin who were the winners of this year's competition, their idea has been turned into a children's book and is on sale now. What a fantastic achievement!
Attendance Matters
Every single day a student is absent from school equates to a day lost of learning. At Corby Technical School we pride ourselves in maintaining excellent attendance. Our target is to achieve and maintain a whole school attendance of above 96.5%. We will be giving you weekly updates on our whole school attendance, the tutor group and house who achieved the highest attendance this week.
Whole School Attendance
Attendance this week is 97.94%. Well done everyone, let's try and get to 100% next week.
Best Tutor Group
Best tutor groups this week are 7CA, 7TE, 8TA, 8TE and 10S all with 100% attendance.
House Winner
House winners are T house with 98.37%. Well done Telford and Tacke.
- We will be holding an Open Events for Year 6 students on Thursday 27th September with sessions at 5.30pm and 7.00pm on both evenings. No appointments are necessary.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby