McMillan Monthly
Information for our McMillan Community for Sept., 2024
McMillan Mission, Vision and Goals
The Mission of McMillan
The Mission of McMillan Middle is to academically challenge students and to promote student ownership of learning in a safe, diverse, and respectful environment.
The Vision of McMillan
- Collaborate with School, Family and Community-based partners
- Provide an Innovative, project-based, cross-curriculular school setting
- Integrate components of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math through Project Lead the Way. (PLTW)
School Learning Goals
- Goal 1: By 2025, 6th-8th grade student proficiency on the NSCAS ELA and Math assessments will increase by 6 percent.
- Goal 2: By 2025 we will reduce the percentage of students missing 5% (approximately 9 days) or more of the school year by 5 percent.
- Goal 3: By 2025 the percentage of EL students who are on-track towards English Language Proficiency, as measured by the ELPA 21 summative, will increase by 12 percent.
School Climate, Equity/Respect for Diversity, Discipline, and Parent Involvement
From the Principal
Greetings McMillan Families,
The 2024-25 School Year is off to a fantastic start. We are elated to see students engaged in learning and extra-curricular activities! Be sure to keep up with athletics and activities by following the McMillan Calendar by clicking on this link.
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Every minute counts and we appreciate your support with getting students to school on time each day. We are working hard to provide high quality learning experiences to prepare every student for High School and life beyond. Students with Perfect Attendance between the start of school and September 20 will be eligible to participate in the 100th Anniversary North High School Parade on our school-float! See all the Homecoming activities for North below!
McMillan provides supports to encourage positivity in our school through MTSS-B. In addition to periodic hall sweeps for safety, we also provide daily announcements for students to communicate, Lion's Loot to reward positive behavior, and teachers work hard to teach and reinforce expectations about attendance and conduct with each other as Monarchs in classrooms. Students are expected to keep making choices that cause them to be safe, responsible, respectful, and "MACademically successful".
On September 11, we plan to hold our first PTO virtual/in person meeting of the year at 9 AM at McMillan. Please contact Mrs. Jordan Pfeiffer for more information. A Zoom link will be communicated before this meeting!
We have reviewed Safety Procedures and conducted safety drills as communicated with you already in August. If we need to implement any of the Standard Response Protocol, communication will be sent at the end of the day. We reserve real time notification (as an event is happening) for situations where action is required on your part. Please know that we value open communication and will do our best to keep everyone informed.
Please review the Newsletter for additional updates. Note that Dr. Walters will run grade checks for the school every 2 weeks and communicate with families accordingly to keep our students working to be "MACademically successful" - passing all classes through turning in student assignments. Thank you for your continued support of your students' experiences at McMillan Middle. If you have any questions, please contact us at 531-299-2440 or see me at the curb any day between 7:20 and 7:40 AM.
Go Monarchs! - Dr. Walters, Proud McMillan Principal
Safety Drills happening at McMillan
Our caring McMillan Staff for 24-25!
September is OPS Attendance Awareness Month!
Students learn the most when they attend school! The single most important factor contributing to student achievement is school attendance. During this time, it is especially important to attend and engage to be successful. Students are expected to attend on time and for the entire day (or as scheduled) Students with Perfect Attendance between the start of school and September 20 will be eligible to participate in the 100th Anniversary North High School Parade on our school-float! See all the Homecoming activities for North below!
If your student is going to be absent, please contact school at 531-299-2446 before 7:40 am. Voicemail will be available to leave a message to include the student’s name and the reason for their absence. Check out our NEW attendance email address also: mcmillan.attendance@ops.org. This is to ensure that every student is accounted for and for their safety.
Attendance is an important life skill that will prepare students to excel in college, career and life. Help your child succeed in school: build the habit of good attendance early. Showing up daily is crucial to academic success. Thank you for helping us attend as much as possible at McMillan!
TeamMates Mentoring - Check it out!
All Around McMillan
Keeping our bus drivers cool!
First days of school were awesome to be a part of!
Caring McMillan staff serving up hotdogs!
September McMillan Academic Calendar
Clubs at McMillan
African American History Challenge is a Quiz Bowl format about African Amerian History and is open to all students. See Mrs. Ballard in the Counseling Office if interested!
Several competition clubs live in the Gifted and Talented Education Department sponsored by Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Dewitt. See them for Book Blasters, Quiz Bowl, National Jr. Honor Society, Spelling Bee, and Think Tank.
Mrs. Olson is looking to start up a Drama Club starting later this term - so stop by 160 if interested. Mr. Casey, Mrs. Rydberg, and Ms. Tenny are also offering various lessons/groups after school as part of our fine arts program!
Student Council is a group that assembles during the school day, traveling to read to students in elementaries, community service for our school, and serving teachers/classes through leadership. Contact Mrs. Weinandt for details about Student Council.
YMCA Lion's Pride meets each day after school. Food, tutoring, dance team, bicycle workshops, cooking, farming, hair design, and various other activities are offered during this time. Sign up for this through email to Mrs. Stephanie Conley.
McMillan boasts the largest and oldest P4K Chapter in the Omaha Metro. Grade-level groups meet regularly and are scheduled through Mr. Coran. Please email Mr. Coran with interest at dcoran@p4k.org.
Parent Portal
The Campus Portal for Parents allows parents and guardians to monitor their children's academic progress online. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please click the Infinite Campus icon to access directions.
Information for Bus Riders
Zūm Parent App
With Zum app, you can better protect your student's safety by:
- Tracking your student’s ride in real-time and receiving ride updates
- Knowing the driver profile and vehicle assigned to transport your student
- Viewing pick-up and drop-off time estimates
- Starting real-time chat with our support team if needed
- Canceling rides when necessary
Download the Zūm App (iOS) (Android) from your carrier’s App Store.
If you have questions or concerns about your child's transportation, their eligibility to receive transportation, a late bus or more, please call the transportation hotline at (531) 299-0140.
McMillan Middle Community Calendar - Fall Sports Schedules
September 2 - Labor Day, No School for students and Staff
September 3 - Volleyball vs. Bryan at McMillan
September 4 - XC at Buffet Middle
September 4 - P4K for 7th grade 3:05 to 5:00 in room 103
September 5 - Volleyball vs. Lewis and Clark at McMillan
September 5 - First Lockdown/Secure Drill
September 5/6 - North High School Kiddie Cheer Camp (see right)
September 9 - Full staff meeting 3:20 to 4:20, topic is MAP Data and being responsible
September 10 - Volleyball vs. Marrs at McMillan
September 10 - September 10, from 3:15-4:15pm, Quiz Bowl practice will be in room 266.
September 11 - XC McMillan Invitational
September 11 - PTO Meeting via Teams and/or in person - Jordan Pfeiffer
September 12 - Volleyball vs. Morton at McMillan
September 12 - from 9:20-9:50am in room 266. NJHS election meeting
September 13 - Football vs. Marrs at Blackburn stadium (home game)
September 17 - Volleyball at Nathan Hale
September 17 - Quiz Bowl Quads at UNO 9am-2pm
September 18 - XC at Bryan Middle
September 18 - Volleyball at King Science
September 19 - Student Principal Advisory during PRIDE
September 19 - Staff Principal Advisory - 3:20 to 4:00
September 19 - Football vs. Lewis and Clark at Blackburn stadium (home game)
September 24 - Volleyball at Bluestem
September 24 - 2 hour late start for students. PD for staff with TAC directives/Planning Time
September 25 - Committee Meetings: 3:20 to 4:00
September 25 - XC at Morton Middle
September 27 - Football at Beveridge
September 27 - North High School 100th Anniversary Parade - Perfect Attendance Students.
October 1 - Volleyball at Monroe
October 2 - XC at Davis Middle
October 3 - Football at Norris
October 3 - Volleyball vs. Beveridge at McMillan
October 8 - Volleyball at Buffet
October 9 - XC City Finals at Bryan Middle
October 10 and 11 - Volleyball City Finals at TBD
October 11 - Football at King Science Middle
October 15 - Football City Finals at TBD
October 22 - Fall Writing Retreat at UNO 9am-2pm
November 13 - PTO Meeting via Teams and/or in person - Jordan Pfeiffer
November 14 - Staff Principal Advisory - 3:20 to 4:00
November 14 - Student Principal Advisory during PRIDE
November 19 - Winter Music Concert and Title 1 Night - 6:30 PM
December 10 - Think Tank Competition at UNO 9am-2pm
December 12 - Staff Principal Advisory - 3:20 to 4:00
December 12 - Student Principal Advisory during PRIDE
January 9 - McMillan Open House - 6:00 to 7:30 PM
February 1 - All City Instrumental Concert at the Holland Center
February 2 - All City Vocal Concert at the Holland Center
February 25 - Orchestra Collaboration Concert with North - 6:30 PM
March 12 - Vocal Music Adjudication at McMillanm
May 8 - Spring Music Concert and Title 1 Night - 6:30 PM
May 13 - McMillan Honors Night - 6:30 PM
School Photos
Nurse Notes
Reminder for Immunizations and Physicals to be turned in. Right now we have about many students in need of shots. I have sent out 1st notices to each family and will start calls after September 5.
The following forms must be turned in for students who will participate in athletics during the 2024-25 school year
Sports Physical - Must be done after May 1, 2024, or it will not be accepted as a valid physical.
OPS Student & Parent Concussion Information Sheet & Acknowledgement Form
Nebraska School Athletic Association Consent Form
OPS Medical Health Insurance Information Form-must include the insurance ID number/policy number
Also, reminder that medications can't be given without a note from a doctor. For returning students, this note has to be renewed every year. Thanks for your work to keep your students safe and healthy to be prepared for success at school!
Medications at school:
The Medication Procedures of the Omaha Public Schools prohibit the administration of any medication or self-administration by a student without a written order from a licensed prescriber. No unauthorized medication (including Tylenol, cough drops, Advil, antacids, etc.) shall be administered by the school nurse or other school personnel without a written order from a licensed prescriber. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide updated medication orders annually and as changes occur. Medication orders must be completed by a healthcare provider and signed by the parent/guardian.
7th-grade Families:
This is a reminder message to all 7th-grade families that students need a physical exam and to be up to date on all immunizations before September 11th. This is a requirement based on Nebraska state law. We recommend contacting your child’s Primary healthcare provider to schedule a physical and immunizations. Families can also visit a school-based health center. Bring copies of health information to school OR have the health care
provider fax records to the school – McMillan Nurse 531-299-2459. If you have already submitted this information, no additional paperwork is needed.
Students enrolled in Omaha Public Schools are provided free health screening in accordance with the Nebraska State Statute. Screenings are conducted throughout the school year and may begin as early as September. Students in seventh grade are screened for hearing, vision, dental, height, and weight per the rules and regulations set forth by the state of Nebraska. Screening is not intended to be diagnostic, but to identify students with potential problems. Findings that need further evaluation by a healthcare provider will be sent home.
Per Nebraska State Regulations, a parent/guardian may supersede the mandated school health screening by submitting a statement signed by an authorized health care provider attesting that the required screening has been completed in the previous six months. An updated healthcare provider statement must be submitted each school year.
Please see Nurse B for questions or concerns.
- Nurse Bonacci-Lemay
- Phone: (531) 299-2441
- Nurse Fax: (531) 299-2459
- Nichole.BonacciLemay@ops.org
Need help? McMillan Building Leadership Team
6th Grade Dean, Mrs. Jordan Pfeiffer
Mrs. Pfeiffer is the 6th Grade administrator. Please contact her for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student. Mrs. Pfeiffer also helps with Athletics/fitness throughout all of McMillan.
Email: Jordan.Pfeiffer@ops.org
7th Grade Dean, Dr. Matthew Coffey
Dr. Coffey is the 7th grade administrator. Please contact Dr. Coffey for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student. Dr. Coffey also works with all things MTSS-B and helps facilitate our school store with Lion's Loot.
Email: Matthew.Coffey@ops.org
8th Grade, Activities & Athletic Director, Mr. Alex Curran
Mr. Curran is the 8th grade administrator and our school Athletic & Activities Director in charge of after school sports and activities. Please contact Mr. Curran for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student. You should also contact Mr. Curran with any sports or after school activities related questions or concerns.
Email: Alexander.Curran@ops.org6th Grade Counselor, Ms. Stacey Rawlings
Ms. Rawlings is the 6th grade administrator and is the other 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact Ms. Rawlings for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student any counseling issues.
Email: Stacey.Rawlings@ops.org
7th Grade Counselor, Ms. Jodie Rodriguez
Ms. Rodriguez is the 7th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Rodriguez for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student and any counseling issues.
Email: Jodie.Rodriguez@ops.org
8th Grade Counselor, Ms. Demetria Ballard
Ms. Ballard is the 8th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Ballard for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student and any counseling issues.
School Social Worker, Ms. Samantha Naser
Ms. Naser is there for our students and families as our school Social Worker. From supplies for home and school, to TeamMates mentoring, to helping work through personal and student issues, Ms. Naser is a support that all students and families can rely on! Email: Samantha.Naser@ops.org
Assistant Principal, Data Processor, Dr. Matasha Jordan
Dr. Jordan is there to support all students and staff with schedules, lockers, questions about academic supports, how our school is achieving, and all types of supports for all of our families. Student going to be absent for a period of time? Let Dr. Jordan help! Email: Matasha.Jordan@ops.org
Instructional Facilitator, Chelsie Weinandt
Ms. Weinandt is your go-to for all things testing, classroom achievement, helping students and teachers come together for academic success, and other teacher trainings and learning. Ms. Weindandt is there for all students and staff. Email: Chelsie.Weinandt@ops.org
McMillan Middle School has been named a PLTW Distinguished Gateway School for their commitment to increasing student access, engagement, and achievement in their PLTW programs.
McMillan is proud to announce being recognized as a Common Sense School! This honor is for being dedicated to teaching young people how to be safe, responsible digital citizens. #CommonSenseEdu
Dr. Andrew Walters, McMillan Middle School Principal
Email: andrew.walters@ops.org
Website: https://www.ops.org/mcmillan
Location: 3802 Redick Avenue, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-3923
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPSMcMillanMiddle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OPS_McMillan