Week at Windsor 11.10.19
Looking back and ahead at Windsor news and happenings...
Dear Windsor Families,
Here is our Week at Windsor.
Author Visit
The Arlington Heights Memorial Friends of the Library is helping us to host Laurie Wallmark on Thursday, November 14th. Her presentation will be for our 3rd - 5th grade students @ 9:30 in the Commons. Laurie is the author of Grace Hopper, which is a Bluestem nominee. Her presentation is entitled, "Women in Coding." There will be book sales through The Book Stall in Winnetka.
Veteran's Day-Monday 11/11
We want to wish all our staff members and Windsor families who served or with loved ones who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces our sincere gratitude and appreciation on Veteran's Day. We do have school tomorrow. In fact, Windsor will be celebrating with a special breakfast sponsored by our PTA. We encourage all students to wear red, white, and blue tomorrow, as the breakfast will be followed by an indoor school parade to honor our guest veterans.
We look forward to a wonderful day tomorrow and to the week ahead!
Warmest regards,
Piper Boston, Principal @PrincipalBoston
Lindsay Anastacio, Assistant Principal @lindzana
Check out our Windsor Twitter page for different insights into our school days!
You can tell the school year is underway. Our Twitter page provides lots of great highlights into each school day!
Windsor PTA First Grade Activity Night
Worthy Wildcats
We celebrate the Wildcat Way in different ways. Our Wildcat Council helps classes and students nominate their peers for being Worthy Wildcats and demonstrating the Wildcat Way to them. Congratulations to our September and October recipients! We will feature them all on our board outside the office this week.
K- Tatum Sudol
K- Leona Rodriguez
1st- Jorge Hurtado
1st- Yaashika Rajesh
2nd- Penny Davidson
2nd- Cam Sadalski
3rd - Zlata Kvartsyana
3rd- Victoria Selbka
4th - William Dubon
4th- Anthony Walczak
5th- Piper Stuckenberg
5th- Riley Cordell
Handbook Reminders around Illness
We are seeing more illness amongst children and adults. We continue to remind students of responsible habits for coughs, sneezes, hand-washing, etc. Below are some reminders from our District 25 Handbook on page 17. While school attendance is important, maintaining your child's health and the health of all is equally important. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is exhibiting symptoms of being ill or sick.
If your child becomes ill at school and needs to go home, the school nurse will attempt to notify you or your designated emergency contacts at the numbers listed on the emergency form. Please have a plan in place so that your child can be picked up as soon as possible.
A child who shows signs of illness should not come to school. This is for the sick child’s own benefit and for the protection of other children. Some of the symptoms of communicable diseases include an elevated temperature (higher than 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit), purulent discharge from the nose or eyes, uncontrolled bouts of coughing, an unidentified skin rash, vomiting and/or diarrhea. A child displaying any of these symptoms should be kept home from school until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours or until a physician has examined the child and determined that the child can return to school. The school will notify you if your child displays any of these symptoms at school. Please notify the school if your child has any contagious disease
Morning Arrival/Drop & Go Reminders
As the weather is turning colder, we are seeing an increase in our morning drop off traffic. To make arrival time safe and efficient, we are re-sharing our procedures. (Please help make sure any family or friends helping for the first time understand them as well.) Here are some important reminders based on observations and concerns.
- Cars may not park or stop in crosswalks. While a crossing guard is on duty, both pedestrians and cars need to follow his/or her direction. They serve an important role ensuring our children are safe on their way to and from school.
- Please always pull all the way up in either Drop & Go line. For Windsor Drive, especially, please wait in cars until you are able to pull up past the first drop off sign (before the drive/bike rack door). We feel letting children out so near the Miner crosswalk is dangerous, as it can easily gets backed up.
- If the weather is inclement, students can go in the closest door to their Drop & Go spot. Please do not try to stop perfectly at your child's entrance, as it can back up the Drop & Go line for all.
- Finally, make sure your child is ready to depart the car quickly and independently each morning.
Again, we so appreciate your assistance in making our Drop & Go time as safe, efficient, and stress free as possible for all!
Fifth Grade Robert Crown Parent Night 2019
Signing Children In/Out During School Hours
If you need to pick up your child early during the school day, we ask that you please contact your child's Homeroom teacher and the Windsor school office in advance whenever possible in order to make it a smooth dismissal for all. We want to avoid disruptions during instructional time for all teachers and students and have your children ready to leave with you to help your day.
If your child is arriving to school late, which is anytime after 9:05 AM, a parent/adult must walk him/her into the office and sign in on one of of our two Chromebooks in the office.
From our D25Handbook: "Elementary school students going home for lunch: If your child is going home for lunch, you must provide written permission for your child to leave school. The letter should include the specific date your child will be going home for lunch. If your child will be going home for lunch on a regular basis, you should have a letter on file in the school
office that includes the schedule." We still need children to be signed out and in out of school for lunch.
Winter Dress
As the weather has started to get colder and with the arrival of our first snow, this is another reminder to please send your children to school with the appropriate winter gear: coats, hats, mittens/or gloves, snow pants, and boots so they can be safe and enjoy outdoor recess. Don't forget to always label your child's personal belongings.
Math Contest
The Noetic Learning Math Contest (NLMC) is a math problem solving contest for elementary students. The goal of the competition is to encourage young students' interest in math, to develop their problem solving skills, and to inspire them to excel in math. During the contest, students are given 45 minutes to solve 20 problems. Problems are designed to challenge students and to enrich their problem solving experiences. This year, Windsor’s fourth and fifth grade students will participate in a fall competition. New this year, we will be having a lunch time study session to help prepare for the contest.
Windsor PTA
- MON (11.11) - Vets Day Breakfast - 8 am (4th grade singers arrive by 8:20 am, head to music room, wear red-white-blue)
- TUES (11.12) - Nov PTA Meeting - 9:10 am, Teacher's Lounge
- Information has gone home with students about signing up for Junior Great Books.
Coffee and Conversation with the Principal
During these opening days/months of school, I have prioritized getting to know staff, students, and the in's and out's of Windsor Elementary School. I haven't even begun to know everyone or everything...YET! Still, I have enjoyed the journey and continue to feel so fortunate to work each day with this fantastic team of educators and your amazing children.
At Curriculum Night, I shared a desire to set up a series of Principal Coffees and Conversation dates/times with parents/guardians. These first meetings are meant to help interested parents get to know me better and to help me get to know/hear from all of you. Below are three offerings for the month of November. Please only RSVP for one, as they will all be similar in format, and I would like to keep sizes conducive to conversation.
- Tuesday 11.5.19 Coffee #1 at 2:45 PM
- Tuesday 11.19.19 Coffee #3 at 9:15 AM
- Wednesday 11.20.19 Rescheduled Coffee @ 6:30 PM
Coffee and Conversation with the Principal #1 (Choose one of the November dates if interested.)
These first meetings are meant to help interested parents get to know me better and to help me get to know/hear from all of you. This is one of three offerings for the month of November. Please only RSVP here for one, as they will all be similar in format and I would like to keep sizes conducive to conversation.
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2019, 02:45 PM
Windsor Commons
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Coffee and Conversation with the Principal #3 (Choose one of the November dates to attend if interested.)
These first meetings are meant to help interested parents get to know me better and to help me get to know/hear from all of you. This is one of three offerings for the month of November. Please only RSVP here for one, as they will all be similar in format and I would like to keep sizes conducive to conversation.
Monday, Nov 18, 2019, 09:15 AM
Windsor Commons
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Coffee and Conversation with the Principal Rescheduled Date (Choose one to attend)
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019, 06:30 PM
Windsor LMC
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
District 25 Parent-Student Handbook
Wildcat Way and Mission
We value our Windsor community that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, and a growth mindset.
- We believe in a kind, safe and responsible community because our students are important.
- We believe in designing lessons that promote inquiry, academic risk taking, and flexible thinking.
- We believe in supporting cultural, emotional, social, and academic diversity.
- We believe in working collaboratively as a school community for continuous improvement in a trusting environment.