The Lincoln Log Issue #11
Abe Lincoln School Newsletter - Jan. 10, 2025
A Note From Mrs. Shaw...
Dear Abraham Lincoln Families,
Welcome back in the new year! As we rapidly approach the mid-point of the school year, I want to provide some reminders and information to families.
Morning Drop Off/Dismissal
If you need to get out of your car to drop your student off, the car line along the school side of Forest Avenue is not for you. This line keeps moving continuously and is for students who can exit their vehicles independently or with a little help from the staff on duty. If you need to get out of your car and walk your child to the gate, please refrain from pulling up on the school side of Forest Avenue along the fence and instead park on the opposite side of the street and utilize the cross walk where we have a crossing guard posted.
The same is true in the afternoon for dismissal. If you are getting out of your car, please park on the opposite side of the street or Somerset street and utilize the crosswalk. Please adhere to the "No Parking" signs posted along the fence on Forest Avenue in front of the school. If a grandparent or other caretaker is dropping off or picking up, please share this information with them. We appreciate everyone's consideration and cooperation in following these procedures and guidelines.
Cold Weather Guidelines
We will begin each day outside as long as the real feel temperature is at least 10 degrees. All students will participate in the morning recess unless they are having breakfast at school. Having your child already dressed in their outdoor gear, including snow pants, prior to arriving to school will help them to be warm and be able to take full advantage of the brief, 10-minute recess. We know that being outside and physical activity are good for the social, emotional, and cognitive well-being of students.
Shannon Shaw, Principal
Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration Coming Soon! Please help spread the word!
Read Squad: Building a Love of Reading Together
Read Squad is an exciting reading mentoring program connecting Cohen and Abraham Lincoln
Schools, made possible through a grant from the Barbara Bush Foundation. Each week, teen
mentors from Cohen team up with younger students from Abraham Lincoln to strengthen their
reading skills.
The program provides special training for the mentors and ensures that mentees receive age-
appropriate books, along with a parent guide. These books become part of their home library,
encouraging students to keep learning and enjoying reading with their families.
This year, 31 Cohen mentors and 24 Abraham Lincoln mentees are taking part in the program,
working together to foster a lifelong love of reading!
A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Trisha Martin, a teacher at Cohen Middle School, who coordinates this wonderful program for our two schools and to Mrs. Sossong and Mrs. Burke who help out each Thursday afternoon with the Read Squad sessions.
School Attendance Matters
Our school attendance goal is at least 95% average daily attendance each month. Here's how we are doing after four months of school:
September: 95.5%
October: 95.1%
November: 94.9%
December: 91.9%
Resources for Parents Regarding Screen Time
You are invited to access this valuable resource for families. You can find guidelines for student use and internet safety, TikTok, Cyberbullying, and other web-related topics of concerns for families.
Contacting the School Office
Abraham Lincoln School
call: 207.941.6280
email: abelincolnoffice@bangorschools.net
fax: 207.990.6376
visit: 45 Forest Avenue, Bangor, ME 04401
Principal's Secretary: Marian Jerome, mjerome@bangorschools.net
Principal: Shannon Shaw, sshaw@bangorschools.net
School Nurse: Erika Wing, ewing@bangorschools.net
School Counselor: Dana Morris, dmorris@bangorschools.net
School Social Worker: Lindsay Chadbourne, lchadbourne@bangorschools.net
After School Activites
After School Club Schedule:
After School clubs are from 3-4p.
Mondays: Grade 3 Chess Club
Mondays: Grade 2 Coloring Club
Wednesdays: Grade 3 Music-Makers
Thursdays: Read Squad
BSD Dining menu:
Stay Up To Date on Abe Lincoln and BSD Announcements. Download the BSD app.....
- 1/20 No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- 1/22 5:30p Grade 3 Winter Concert
- 2/4 4-6p PreK & K Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
- 2/12 5p Volunteer Training w/ Mrs. Shaw
- 2/12 5:15p February PTO Meeting
- 2/17-2/21 No School - February Break
- 3/6 4:30-5:30p Academic Showcase Night
Please review these bus safety rules with your children.
A reminder for students to bring their water bottles to school every day. Hydration is crucial for their well-being and concentration in the classroom.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students refreshed throughout the day.
**We are graciously accepting donations of small paper or plastic cups for students to use to access water when they forget to bring their water bottles to school. THANK YOU!!**