DHS Rotary Newsletter
September 2021
Message from our President
Dear Fellow Rotarians:
Welcome to September. A time when Rotary starts ramping up for its many projects and events. Committees form, ideas are implemented and members are returning from a long and hot summer. Screech…the brakes are hit!
Our Club, and the rest of the world, is teetering on getting back to normal, albeit a new normal. COVID is still taking its toll and forcing us all to be more cautious and tentative. Should we go ahead with upcoming projects and events ? To what extent ?
We are proceeding carefully. Members, guests and speakers have been steadily attending our Thursday noon lunch meeting. The Interact Club has started on campus. The Middle Schools will shortly have their own Interact Club and Early Act is starting up soon. Our committees on the Music Competition and 4 WayTest Speech Competition are beginning their work. Happy Healthy Halloween our fun community event, will carry on but be a different event this year.
In the past year and a half our club has learned how to modify itself and roll with the punches. We did succeed in holding on to the majority of our members, have some events and programs go forward…we survived and even excelled!
The work of Rotary never ceases. There are local as well as international needs. You as a Rotarian have made a commitment to the principals of our club. The fact that we are moving along and succeeding under a “new normal” is a testament to YOUR dedication regardless of the situation.
Thank you to all that continue to come to lunch meetings, financially support our club, take leadership positions and involve yourself by participating in events and projects.
Always in Rotary Service
Brian Brodowsky,
President DHS Rotary Club
Noon Meetings Every Thursday!
Thank you to the our guest speakers in August!
We look forward to hearing from our guest speakers in September!
September 2 - PS Rotary, Dr. Victoria Bentley
September 16 - Palm Canyon Theater, Se Layne
September 23 - American Legion
September 30 - PSUSD Board Member, John Gerardi
October 7 - Luke Rainey
Happy Birthday to you!
Jody Diaz - September 16th
Eric Harris - September 15th
Jacqueline Macharia - September 8th
Thanks for spending another year with us!
Brian Brodowsky - 3 years!
Colleen Farber - 4 years!
Ed Molloy - 5 years!
Michael Platt - 13 years!
Bill Richter - 2 years!
DHS Rotary Shirts
There are two shirt options:
T-shirt: Updated design from our last version, featuring the interact and early act logos in addition to the Rotary wheel.
Polo Shirt: Offering two choices of material, polyester and cotton. In the past we originally had the cotton polo and the last round of orders was using the silk touch polyester. Opinions varied so this round we are offering both.
Please see attached spec sheets and order form for more details on all of the shirts.
Thank you,
Ivan Sewell ivan@theonlyprintshop.com
Rotary Cares, From Jessica Gilbert
Yvonne is still in rehab getting herself better.
Colleen is totally on the mend.
Bill is much better and he and his wife Joyce have adopted a Labrador retriever and he is now entertaining Bill and Joyce❤️
From Jackie Chatman, Community Service Chair
Sign Up Link: https://volunteersignup.org/CBCJ7
Community Service Calendar of Events
Vocational Service
Music Competition Committee
For the first time, our club will be sponsoring entrants in Rotary District 5330’s MUSIC COMPETITION (Vocal, Piano, Instrumental), but we cannot do it without you.
Interact Club
Live Scan Reminder
Early Act
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month
"More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. That’s 17 percent of the world’s adult population.
Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults."
Learn More Here: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes/supporting-education
Rotarians At Work!
Rotarian of the Month
Desert Hot Springs Rotary Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DesertHotSpringsRotaryClub