Discovery Primary Update
October 11, 2021
A Message From the Principal
We are off to a great start at Discovery. It is so fun to walk the halls and here the meaningful conversations coming out of classrooms. There are many happy sounds in the halls of our building.
This month we have scheduled Student Led/ Goal Setting Conferences for October 13, 14, and 15. These conferences allow students to showcase their skills, talk about what they're proud of, and plan for where they can grow. Teachers will be supporting students as they present their learning and discuss their goals for the upcoming school year. More information is below in this newsletter.
Discovery staff members just planted daffodils in front of our school. This tradition symbolizes " planting" or starting the goals we have set for the year. We know that as the daffodils are blooming in the spring we will also see accomplishment of the goals and the students will be demonstrating their new skills as well.
There is information in the rest of this newsletter regarding the activities we have planned this month. I wish you all the best this month.
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Daffodil Planting Symbolizes our Beginning Work on Goals
Family Fun Night - Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Conferences for your child will be held on October 13th, 14th or 15th. Your classroom teacher will be in contact with you regarding date, time, and zoom invite for individual conferences. At these conferences you will
- Discuss the progress your child is making toward end of the year goals.
- Set individual goals for the remainder of the school year.
- Have time to ask questions
We hope everyone participates in this important time. These are required meetings and non participation will result in recording student absences for the three days. If you cannot make your appointed time, please notify the teacher or the office and we will try our best to schedule another time for you.
Please note that for conferences:
- We ask that you come as a small family group (4 or fewer) to limit the number of people
- Bring your student as they will be the focus of the conference
- Socially distance from other family groups
- Masks are required in the building
Parent Pick Up/ Drop Off Update
The downside is this new system has created a road block on Oak Street and some of the side streets. It would be best if cars would not park on both sides of Oak so that others can pass through.
Para Subs Needed
Counselor Corner
A School Counselor helps students in a variety of ways. This includes individual counseling sessions, small group counseling, monthly classroom lessons, Section 504 coordination, McKinney-Vento coordination, Student Support Team coordination, community resource referrals, and Parent/Teacher consultation. To find out more, visit Discovery’s Counseling Website or School Counselor Information Page.
Discovery Needs Survey: Now that the 2021-22 school year is underway, we are checking in with families to learn more about your child's and family's needs. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions on this survey. If your child or family is in need of support or resources, the school counselor will follow up with you. Discovery Needs Survey
PTO News
A HUGE thank you goes out to our PTO for helping organize our September Family Fun Night, Take Me out to the Ball Game. It was great fun for children and adults. Upcoming PTO sponsored events include:
- Scholastic Book Fair will be set up in the Sunroom October 13-15 (during conferences)
- Annual PTO Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser Wednesday, October 20
- TRUNK OR TREAT is coming to Hedden Elementary Friday, October 29th!.
Please join us for our next PTO meeting on October 12 at 6:30PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 0988 7330
Passcode: 976572
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,83109887330# US (Tacoma)
Scholastic Book Fair
Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place from 9:00 - 7:00 at Discovery Sunroom
• Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that your child can use for shopping at our Fair. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute, too!
• If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop online at our school’s Virtual Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
We’re excited to celebrate our love of books together at the Book Fair. We look forward to seeing your child there!
Calendar update
October 6th
- Half-Day with dismissal at 12:00
- Teachers will be getting prepped up for student-led conferences the following week
October 8th:
NO SCHOOL - (State-In-Service Day)
Teachers will be in training most of the day
October 12th
- PTO Meeting 6:30
October 13th, 14th and 15rh
- Student-Led/Goal Setting Conferences:
NO SCHOOL, but please plan to attend conferences with your student
PTO will be running a Scholastic Book Fair!! Check it out in the Sunroom
October 19
- First day of library book check out for first and second grade
October 20
- PTO Fundraiser Walk-A-Thon
October 29
- Trunk or Treat at Hedden Elementary 5:00 - 7:00
November 1st - 15th Food Drive
- We are collecting non-perishable food and hygiene items
November 11th
- Veterans Day
- No School
- Specialists are working on a presentation to share digitally
November 24th
- Half Day with dismissal at 12:00
November 25th & 26th
- No School
- Thanksgiving Holiday
Discovery Primary School
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200