Viking Vibes
Staying Connected with Beck Centennial
October 25th, 2024
Beck Centennial Elementary
Entry Bell: 8:20AM
School Starts: 8:25am
Dismissal Bell 3:15pm
Beck Attendance Line: 586-797-3999
Email: officebeck@uticak12.org
Website: beck.uticak12.org
Location: 54600 Hayes Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/BeckElementarySchool
Beck Family Volunteers Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/BeckFamilyVolunteers
Twitter: @beckelementary
UCS Mobile APP: Download at the App store here and Google Play here.
Driving Dismissal Reminders
Please remember, do not turn left at our south exit. It is extremely dangerous as you are not fully able to see oncoming traffic. Only turn right. We want to keep all of our Beck Vikings safe. 😊
Also, when parking, you must use the crosswalk to reach the school sidewalk. Do not cross in front of cars in the drop off lane.
Mark Your Calendars
- 25th: Trunk or Treat
- 28th: Ike Marching Band visits Beck at 9:35am
- 30th- Young 5s and Kindergarten Halloween Parade at 2:40pm
- 31th: Halloween Parade 10:30am and Half Day! Dismissal at 11:29am
- 1st: Half Day, End of 1st Card Marking
- 1st-11th: Book Fair!
- 5th: No school, Election Day
- 6th: Conferences 4pm-7pm, in person
- 7th: Half Day- afternoon conferences, virtual
- 12th: Picture Retake Day
- 12th: BFV meeting, 6:30pm.
- 14th: Conferences, in person, 4-7pm
- 25th: Giving Tree Hats and Mitten donations begin
- 27th- 29th: No School Thanksgiving Break
- 2nd: Poinsettia Sale begins
- 2nd: Elf Shop Begins 🎅
- 9th: Choir Cluster Concert 7pm
- 12th: Bagel Day
- 16th: Candy Gram Sales
- 17th: 1pm Too Good For Drugs Celebration- more information coming at a later date
- 17th: Skate Night 6-8pm
- 19th: 1st/2nd and 6th Grade Concerts 7pm
- 20th: Half Day
- 20th: Half Day End of 2nd Card Marking
- 23rd- January 3rd: Winter Break, no school
- 6th: Back to school!
- 16th: Bagel Day
- 20th: Martin Luther King Day No School
- 22nd: BFV meeting 6:30pm
- 28th: 5th grade to DIA 8:30am- information will be sent out later
- 29th: Kindness Gram Sale Begins (til 7th)
- 4th: Skate Night, 6-8pm
- 5th: Young Fives and Kindergarten Open House 7-8PM
- 7th: Kindness Gram Sale ends
- 13th: Bagel Day
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
March: Reading Month!
- 13th: Bagel Day
- 17th: 2nd grade/VanDeWinkle to Troy Historical Village- information will be sent out later
- 19th: BFV meeting @6:30pm
- 21st: Half Day of School - End of Marking Period
- 24th - 28th: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 16th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center 9:30- 11:45am- information will be sent out later
- 18th: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- 22nd: Earth Day
- 25th: Skate Night 5-7pm
- 29th: 3rd/4th grade concert 7pm
- 15th: Bagel Day
- 21st: BFV meeting 6:30
- 22nd: 3rd Grade field trip to the Zoo- information will be sent out later
- 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
- 30th: Skate Night 5-7pm
- 2nd: 5th Concert/6th Band Concert, Time TBD
- 10th: 6th Grade Graduation
- 10th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 11:29am
- 11th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 11:29am- LAST DAY!
Halloween Is Coming!
Beck Centennial Elementary will be having our annual Halloween parade for grades 1st – 6th on Thursday, October 31. The parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will be held outside around the courtyard area. Parents wishing to observe the parade should find a spot outside the building near the playground or along courtyard. (Kindergarteners and Young 5s will hold their parade on Wednesday, October 30th at 2:40pm)
Costume guidelines for both parades:
☞ NO scary, bloody or violence-oriented costumes allowed
☞☞Absolutely NO ”Pretend” WEAPONS (Swords, knives, guns, whips, etc . . .)
☞ Students should wear their costume to school, but please make sure costumes are “user friendly” so that children can manage in school
☞ Do Not wear masks that are in any way scary or block vision needed to see in parade
☞ Make sure their costume is not offensive to any culture.
Please also avoid bringing hockey sticks, roller blades and other pieces of sports equipment. Remember: Bloody and extremely scary costumes will not be allowed to participate.
Parking will be challenging on Thursday morning – so parents, PLEASE, car-pool, walk or ride your bike if you plan on coming up to school. Our front parking lot is limited and we’ll need to work together to make this a fun – yet safe – event for the children! Cross your fingers for good weather!!
Thursday 10/31, & Friday 11/1 are Half-Days!
All students will be dismissed at 11:29 a.m.
Beck Presents: The Jungle Book
Auditions Thursday Right After School!
Hello Parents of Beck Elementary! Very exciting time to be a viking! With the success we have had musically these past few years, I have decided to put on a musical at our school this spring. Below you will find several links to take the first step to getting a cast for that musical. Please take the time to watch both videos, as they will help walk your child through the audition process. Cast members must be in 3rd grade or higher to audition for the musical. There will be opportunities for younger students to participate, but it would be tough for most of the younger students to keep up with the pace of learning this musical.
Link to informational video to the parents - Click Here!
Link explaining how audition works for the students/parents - Click Here!
Link to audition music - Click Here!
This link is to the folder with all the resources in it - Click Here!
Includes the document I sent home with your child
Recordings to all the music, and the full script
As always please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have! I am at Beck Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after school during the week.
Questions? Email Mr. Andersen
Email: John.Andersen@uticak12.org
The book fair is coming to Beck from Nov. 1-11.
Volunteers are needed! Click link below to help :-)
Fall Conferences
Conferences will be held on the following dates. As in past years, the district will be using School Soft Manager to help families schedule conferences. The parent sign-up window opens up on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 p.m and closes Sunday November 3rd at 9:00pm.
The following dates will be available to schedule a conference:
Wednesday Nov. 6th evening in person at Beck 4:00- 7:00pm
Thursday, Nov. 7th virtual conferences 12:15-3:15pm (this is a half day)
Thursday, Nov. 14th evening in person at Beck 4:00- 7:00pm
Character Strong Theme in "ISM" Special
This month's trait we will be focusing on during ISM (Instructional Support Model) is RESPONSIBILITY. Students will explore how responsibility is taking action and understanding the impact of our choices. We will be focusing on what strong listening looks and sounds like in the lower el. For upper el we will be focusing on organizing our time, tasks and things.
Books with a responsibility theme
4th and 5th Grade Mothers and Daughters Maturation Program
Community Offerings
Champ Camps with Mr. Chapp!!!
PowerSchool Help
PowerSchool Help
Creating an account- PowerSchool / Creating a PowerSchool Account (uticak12.org)
Click through tutorial- PowerSchool - How to Create a Parent Account (iorad.com)
Parent sign in- Parent Sign In (misd.net)
Adding a student- PowerSchool / Adding a Student to PowerSchool Account (uticak12.org)
Resetting a password- PowerSchool / Resetting a Password (uticak12.org)
Click through tutorial- PowerSchool - How To Reset a Password (iorad.com)
Mobil app- PowerSchool / Mobile App (uticak12.org)
Security Procedures
We are asking for your assistance to ensure that our security procedures during the school day are effective. As many of you know, our school has a security camera, intercom, and buzzer at the front entrance for use during the school day. To help us assist you when you would like to enter the school:
1. All guests must enter through the main office door
2. Please press the buzzer to speak with someone in the office
3. You will be asked to state your name and reason for visiting
4. Each time you come to the office you will be asked to show your photo ID into the security camera above the outside door and once again at the main office.
5. Office staff will assist you.
6. Guests must have an appointment to meet with a staff member during instructional hours
In addition, we are asking you to not let any visitors in the door as you enter (and they come up behind you) or as you exit the building.
Finally, all exterior doors are to remain locked and secure daily. Teachers will not prop doors open and any door that is open is to have a staff member monitoring it at all times.
The teachers and staff are committed to student safety and security and we would like to thank you for your assistance in helping keep the students of Beck safe.