March 2023 Board Meeting Recap
Fremont School District 79
Regular Board Meeting
Gabriela Whipple, Board President, opened with highlights including a congratulations to IESA state wrestling qualifiers and Science Olympiad team, a thank you to the Countryside Fire Protection District for the "high-five" Friday and for the PTO for the highly successful March Madness event.
Dr. Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent of Schools, shared that a community-wide FSD79 mailed newsletter will go to all taxpayers in early April, a new audio and video intercom system is being installed outside the entrance over spring break to each of the schools so that visitors can be identified prior to gaining access to the vestibules, and the Illinois Assessment of Readiness testing begins after spring break. The April 24 board meeting will include a presentation on the math curriculum. She wished everyone a safe and restful spring break!
The Board of Education recognized Amelia T., a student Fremont Intermediate School. Amelia was nominated by her teachers for her consistently positive attitude and work ethic and for being a great classmate to her fellow students.
Allison Stempien, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services, presented the 2023-24 Licensed Staffing Plan. The staffing plan is fiscally sustainable and supports the 2023-24 projected enrollment, student support services, and identified priorities for the school year. Highlights included the reallocation of staff to include another 1.0 special educator teacher at the ES, a 1.0 middle school teacher to reduce 8th grade class sizes, and introduction of an Asst. Director of Student Services to support more inclusive services and parent/staff communication enhancements.
Early Release Plan Recommendation
Assistant Superintendent of Learning Dr. Brian Bullis and Director of Student Services Dr. Jane Pederson presented on a weekly Early Release plan to be implemented starting next school year. This plan will increase teacher collaboration and professional learning without reducing student instructional time. Students will be released 30 minutes early on Wednesdays. A no-cost after-school child care option with transportation will be available on Wednesdays. The 2023-2024 school calendar was amended to reflect the early release plan, including discontinuing the six half-day SIP days.
Informational Items
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Ivy Fleming remarked that the final report of the District's facility assessment will be shared with the Board of Education at the April 24 meeting to inform future capital projects planning. As the next phase in long-term planning, the District is searching for an architectural firm to partner with to facilitate an Educational Master Facility Plan (EMFP). The EMFP project will start in the fall of 2023 and involve community engagement.
Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) Proposed Resolution
Board member Shawn Killackey asked the Board to support a proposed resolution to the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) that would allow delegates from school boards across the state to vote on the Resolutions Committee Ballot either electronically or via regular mail system.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Out-of-State and Overnight Field Trips
Disposal of School District Personal Property
Fremont Middle School Science Classroom Renovation Bid Awards
District Office Renovations Bid Award
District Early Release Plan Starting in School Year 2023-24
Revised 2034-24 School Calendar
2023-24 Licensed Staffing Plan
To view the Board Packet materials from the March 20, 2023 Meeting, click here.
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79