Eagleside Elementary
March, 2024
From the Principal...
Happy March...hard to believe we only have 3 months of school left this year and the time will definitely fly by! Here are some highlights for this upcoming month:
- Class picture day is Monday, March 4
- We are having a family event from 4:00-6:00 on Thursday, March 14. This is our "Literacy Around the World" night; please plan to join us for a performance at 4:00 in the cafeteria, followed by activities from 4:30-6:00 throughout the building!
- We will have another opportunity for you to join your child's morning meeting followed by Coffee with the Counselor this month. This will be held on Monday, March 18 and the topic is "Managing Anxiety". https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesswu7yzyi0c2i-nUtJiXP8nU517JLnTaO8BWfi_KJ-SsfWg/viewform?usp=sf_link
- Report cards for 3rd quarter will be sent home on Friday, April 5. Be on the lookout for those.
- We serve breakfast from 7:05-7:25 am. If your child(ren) is eating breakfast, please try to have them here by 7:15 so they have time to eat. We have had a number of students arriving right before or at 7:25 and this impacts their ability to get to class and start their day on time with their classmates. (First bell rings at 7:25am; tardy bell rings at 7:30.)
- Just a reminder that we do go outside if the "feels-like" temperature is above 21 degrees. Please make sure your child(ren) have coats, hats, and gloves during this cold weather season!
- See below for our calendar and breakfast lunch menus. Links can be found at the bottom of this newsletter for a printable version.
We are looking forward to another great month!
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Anne Warren, Principal
Coming Up at Eagleside...
- Monday, March 4--class picture day
- Thursday, March 14--Literacy Around the World family event 4:00-6:00pm
- Friday, March 15--1st grade program 1:40
- Monday, March 18--Morning Meeting and Coffee with the Counselor
- Friday, March 22--Career Day
- 3rd Q report cards will be sent home on Friday, April 5
Eagleside Career Day
Do you love your job? Would you love the chance to help our students learn a little about what you do? We have an opportunity for you!
We are excited to host our first career day at Eagleside! We have been working on essential skills of "Communication, Collaboration, and Problem Solving" this year as a building focus. We would love to have some parents/aunts/uncles, etc. come in and share with grade levels about your job and how you use the three above-mentioned skills in your current role. Please take a minute to fill out the attached survey so we can gauge interest and best time of day. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Morning Meeting/Coffee with the Counselor
We would love to have you join us on Monday, March 18 as a participant in your child's morning meeting. At Eagleside, we value relationships and understand the importance of a strong classroom community. Starting off each day with a morning meeting allows for students to begin their day as a collective and fosters relationships and communication skills. Please plan to stay and join for coffee with the counselor immediately following; this month's topic is Managing Anxiety.
********************General Eagleside Information*********************
General Information
Laptop Fees
Just a reminder that all 4th and 5th students will be assessed an annual laptop fee of $40 for the first child and $20 for each sibling. This is reflected in Infinite Campus. Please see our parent/students handbook (on our website) for more information. Students will have a charging cord checked out to them as well; failure to return the cord at the end of the year will result in a fine to cover the costs of replacement.
In order to support our staff in creating a work/life balance and to honor time with their families, we are implementing a new practice at Eagleside this year. We will respond to messages and communicate with families between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00 pm, M-F. Any message left for staff will be answered by the end of the next school day. Please know that if you send a message to staff during the day, they may not respond immediately as their first priority is their time with your children engaging in teaching and learning. If a message is sent after hours, it will be responded to the next day. All professional communication will be through a phone call, in-person meeting, district email or Remind.
See the flier below for our upcoming event dates; we are hosting round table discussions about grading, offering more opportunities to join our morning meetings, and much more!
Our main office is open from 7:00am-3:30pm M-F and we can be reached at 719-382-1520. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Breakfast and Lunch
We are excited to share that we are once again offering free breakfast and lunch to all students.
Breakfast is served from 7:05-7:25 am. We will not have supervision prior to 7:10 am except for in the cafeteria. First bell rings at 7:25am; students are tardy after the 7:30 tardy bell.
Eagleside Elementary
Website: https://eagleside.ffc8.org/
Location: 9750 Sentry Drive, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1520
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EaglesideCowboys