Field Elementary
Monthly Newsletter - Sunday, August 11th

Final Summer Communication
New School Year!
Thank you PTA!
Thank you PTA for hosting our Annual Pre-K/TK/Kinder Playdate at Pirates Park in Pasadena on Saturday, August 10th. We were excited to meet our new families and students that will be attending Field Elementary this school year! If we missed you this year, PTA will have a table available on Thursday, August 15th during our Meet & Greet Event. Here are few pictures from the day.
Welcome to School Year 2024-2025
Greetings Field Elementary,
We are excited to start the new school year 2024-2025 on Monday, August 19th at 8:45am. We are excited to welcome back our teachers and staff this week as they prepare their classrooms for the coming year. We will participate in our PUSD Welcome Back Event and professional development sessions throughout the week. We will open our doors to our new and returning Pre-K-5th students on Monday, August 19th. I will share a communication specifically focused on drop-off, pick-up and parking procedures later on this week. Our regular Sunday message will be sent out on Sunday, August 18th the day before school starts.
We will be taking precautions with the extreme heat/weather we are experiencing this summer. Please be advised that our school activities and events may change due to the heat/weather advisers that are communicated each school week. We will keep you updated. Please be sure to drink plenty of water.
The summer construction projects (ADA walking ramps & B Building restrooms) are in the final stages of completion. I will receive further updates this week but this should not interfere with the opening of school.
Dates & Events August 12th-August 16th
Teacher/Class Placement
Bell Schedule
First Day of School Prep
Dates & Events August 12th-16th Snapshot:
Monday, August 12th- Tuesday, August 13th- Early set up of classrooms for teachers
Wednesday, August 14th- Opening of Schools for all PUSD employees and Professional Development Day from 8am-3pm for the start of the school year 2024-2025. This event will take place at Pasadena High School. Parking is limited at this school site and shuttle service is available for the drop-off/pick-up (teachers/staff please refer to the emails previously sent last week for locations/times).
Thursday, August 15th- Field Elementary Professional Development for teachers/staff 8:30am-3:00pm (MPR)
Thursday, August 15th- All Field Elementary families will be notified via email their child's teacher(s) for the school year at 2pm.
Thursday, August 15th- Meet & Greet 3:30pm-4:30pm at Field Elementary. We will open our doors to families to walk the campus and visit with homeroom teachers (if they are available). This is not a mandatory event for teachers as it is past their contractual time on campus. Teachers that are available for this event will be in their classrooms with doors open. A few of our vendors and afterschool programs will be available, so please stop by and say hello and sign-up!
Thursday August 16th- Last day of prep for teachers/staff members
Classes visible in Parent Portal (Aeries our student database platform)
Sunday, August 18th- Sunday Message to the Field Community
Monday, August 19th- First day of school & Coffee with Parents hosted by PTA after the opening of schools event
Wednesday, August 28th- Back to School Night 5:30pm-7:00pm (Students are not permitted in the classrooms during presentations. Childcare will be provided by LEARNs (space will be limited so please ensure to sign up quickly once the RSVP list is shared by LEARNs),
Teacher/Class Placement:
Teacher/Class Placements will be communicated on Thursday, August 15th to families via email and available for view in Parent Portal in Aeries (student database) on Friday, August 16th. All class placements are based on the following criteria:
Native Mandarin, English-only and balance
An adequate gender ratio balance
A full range of aptitudes within each class
An even proportion of abilities/learning styles across the classes at each grade level
An equal number of pupils in each class per grade level
An even proportion of children with English language proficiency
Please note that individual requests have been taken into consideration but final decisions and selections of class placements reside with the school officials. All placements are on a “stay-put status” during our enrollment count period which could last between two to six weeks. No changes will be made during this time.
School Weekly Schedule:
Mondays 8:45am-1:30pm
Tuesdays-Fridays 8:45am-3:10pm
At this time the earliest drop-off will be 8:25am with adult supervision unless you opt-in for early morning care through LEARNs at 7am. You can enroll HERE. All students arriving at 8:25am are to report to the MPR until 8:35am.
Morning Drop-off- 8:25am (adult supervision)
All students report to the cafeteria
Breakfast 8:25am-8:35am
8:35am- Dismissal to the Playground (Kinder & Upper Grades)
8:35am-8:40am Playground Time
8:40am- First Bell
8:45am- Classes Begin (all tardy students must report to the front office)
First Day of School Prep:
Free & Reduced Breakfast & Lunch for ALL for this school year. We will need to ensure this online survey (linked above) is completed by all families as we prep for school year 2025-2026. We are looking for full participation and completion by August 31st!
Students will continue to eat outside in the pergola and/or the cafeteria for snack and lunch during the school year.
If I missed an important point and/or you still have a burning question after reading my message, please include your question(s) HERE.
LEARNs will be available for early childcare from 7:00 am-until the start of school
After-School Programming:
LEARNS Application: Please refer to the link here to complete an application for LEARNS. A current waitlist has been generate due to the demand. Further information can be found on the website here regarding the services provided.
Other After-School Programming:
City of Pasadena Parks and Rec, Annual Fund Afterschool Programming, iWant Chinese, Chess Club, Math Club, Lion Dancers, and more will be returning this school year. More information will be shared in the coming weeks.
School Supplies:
Your child’s teacher will communicate specific supplies that will be necessary for the school year but to begin the year please make sure your child has the following basic items for school:
Backpack or School Bag
Lunchbox or bag and include a snack for the day
We are excited to have the students return to school ready to engage in learning and show their school spirit for this school year. Please reference the link above for our uniform policy as you are completing your shopping for the coming year.
Before School Drop-off & Afternoon Pick-up/School Maps/Simple Dismissal Protocol:
A special email concerning these important points will be shared later on this week and again on Sunday, August 19th in anticipation of the first day of school. Until then, enjoy your last week with family and friends. We hope to see you later on this week at our Meet & Greet Event on Thursday, August 15th at 3:30pm-4:30pm.
Thank you!
Thank you for the generous donations received to date for the Majano Family! For all large item donations please call the front office before making any drop-offs. We will be available this week from 8:30am-3:00pm for donation deliveries. The front office phone number is 626-396-5860. We will be off campus on Wednesday, August 14th for the opening of schools event at PHS.
School Year 2024-2025 Donation Requests
In May 2024 our School Site Council (SSC) team discussed and decided to ensure financial support in our school budget for continued professional development training for the coming school year for our teachers. Due to budget cuts this decision has left us with a need to find creative ways to fund our schoolwide supplies that we normally carry in our school budget. Our instructional leadership team met at the beginning of June to determine ways to approach this situation. The supplies we normally take care of include but are not limited to copy paper, pens, pencils, folders, art supplies, printer ink, print jobs through Staples and other approved vendors etc. The team took the time to reach out to our teachers to create a list of supplies per grade level that we would need assistance with during this upcoming year. We are appreciative to the PTA team that provides our teachers with a monetary stipend for classroom specific projects and supplies during the school year. This stipend is projected to continue for the coming school year once the budget is approved by the association but our donation request for general school materials is still needed. A few of our teachers are on vacation but our list is included below. Grade levels that are still missing will be added once teachers officially report back to work on August 14th. To minimize multiple purchases of the same item, a Google form has been created to allow the donor to communicate their purchase/donation. In advance we want to thank you for your generous donations in order to assist our school site for the coming school year.
List of Requested Supplies by Grade Level (highlighted items indicate a donor has committed to purchasing this item)
Please call the front office to confirm donation drop offs or clarifying questions regarding this request.
2024-2025 Homeroom Parent Interest Form
If you have interest in being a Homeroom Parent for the coming school year please complete the following form HERE
Upcoming Events
1st Schoolwide Celebration Assembly
Celebration of July/August/September Birthdays
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Picture Day
Additional Afterschool Programming
Learns/Parks N Recs/I Want Chinese Contact Information
Latino Heritage Month Celebration
PTA hosted Mid-Autumn Moon Festival