Oak Prairie Newsletter
Principal's Update
October brings us the end of the first quarter on the 18th, and it also starts the month of "Socktober," where students bring new socks to donate to the homeless. Student Council is also excited to host the Fright Fest on October 25th from 7:00-9:00. Please see the flyers below for more details.
8th Grade students will be visiting the Holocaust Museum on October 29th. Permission slips were sent home with students today and they are due back to their teacher by October 22nd. Click here for the Permission Slip.
Important October Dates:
Oct 8th - NJHS Induction Ceremony - 7:00pm
Oct 14th - No School - Columbus Day
Oct 17th - Fall Band Concert - 7:00pm
Oct 18th - End of Quarter 1
Oct 21st - 22nd - Boys Basketball Tryouts (see below for flyer)
Oct 23rd - OP Jazz Ensemble with Brass Tracks at North & Maple (7pm)
Oct 25th - Student Council hosted Fright Fest - 7:00-9:00pm
Oct 28th - Nov 1st - Red Ribbon Week
Oct 29th - 8th Grade Holocaust Museum Field Trip
Oct 31st - SIP Day - Early Dismissal - 10:55am
It's a great day to be a Bulldog!
Mrs. Forcash
Clubs & Activities
Lunch Procedures
You can add money to their ID by sending a cash or check to school or by using MySchoolBucks.
Detailed information about the D92 Lunch program can be found here: D92 Lunch Program.
OP Athletics
Find Athletic Information on Oak Prairie's Athletics Page.
Find Schedules on Oak Prairie's 8to18 website: Oak Prairie Athletics Schedules
Girls Basketball
Girls basketball played a great 2 games this week at Bolingbrook Humphrey. 7th won 43-7; Gabby Scanlan and Julie Tadros each with 10 points on the board along with 6 others to seal the victory. 8th played an impressive 2nd half with 27 of their 33 points in the second half, but fell short by 3.
Both girls basketball levels played fantastic games against Brooks on Wednesday! 7th won 23-15 and 8th won 25-8. Julie Tadros had 10 pts and Brooklyn McGinnis with 8 pts in the 7th grade game along with Liz Carlson with 10 pts in the 8th grade game. Join the girls for this first home game on Monday Vs Jane Addams at 4:30pm
Cross Country
On Saturday the cross country team competed in the Westview Invite. Oak Prairie had two that placed in their races: Brayden Klacko & Lilly Barrett.
Boys Basketball Tryouts
Monday Oct. 21st
6th/7th Grade = 4:15 - 6:00
8th Grade = 4:15 - 6:00
Tuesday Oct. 22nd
6th/7th Grade = 2:30 - 4:15
8th Grade = 2:30 - 4:15
Click the following links for each grade level to sign your son up for tryouts:
8th = 8th Grade Boys Basketball Sign-up
Visit the PFA Website for more information on how to get involved!
Nurse's News
Click on the Newsletter below for active links.
SOS After School Academic Support
About us
Email: sforcash@d92.org
Website: https://www.d92.org/
Location: 15161 Gougar Road, Homer Glen, IL, USA
Phone: 8158362724
Facebook: Oak Prairie Jr High