2025 Elementary Summer School
Classes available for students currently in 4K to 4th grade
June 9th to June 27th
Monday through Friday
8 am to 12:00 pm (Camp Kindergarten 8 am to 11:45 am)
Held at Community Elementary School
Students are able to choose up to 3 classes
Session 1: 8-9:15 am
Session 2: 9:20-10:35 am
Session 3: 10:40-12:00 pm
** Students currently in 5th grade will need to sign up for Middle School classes**
Students on a reading plan and others who received a yellow recommendation letter are encouraged to sign up for a session of Reading Rascals and a session of Jumpstart.
Jump Start Classes in August
Jump Start is only available to students who were recommended by their classroom teacher
August 4th to August 15th
Monday through Friday
Session 1: 8-9:45 am
Session 2: 10-11:45 am
* Only Session 1 is available for 4K to 5K Jump Start*
Students should only choose 1 session
Registration will be open Monday March 10th at 4 pm to Friday April 11th at 4 pm
If you have questions please contact Lisa Pemper at lisa.pemper@edgerton.k12.wi.us or (608)561-6010 Ext. 10391