Memorial Messenger
Weekly Family Newsletter (8/12/24)
Memorial's School Theme: A Beautiful Day in Our Neighborhood
New picture/graphic for school theme coming soon...
Important Dates for the Next 2 Weeks:
Open House
First Day of School Grades 1-12
Click on QR Code or look at graphic below
Memorial's 2024-2025 School Supply Lists K-5 & Excel
The buttons below are links to important district & building information:
Our goal is to create a nurturing and supportive environment where your child can thrive, and we value your role as a parent in this journey. We encourage you to contact your child's teachers whenever questions or concerns arise. Whether you'd like to discuss your child's academic achievements, social interactions, or any aspect of their school life. Remember, our home to school partnership is imperative for your child's success and growth. Our school staff is here to listen and collaborate with you. While email often proves to be a convenient method for staying in touch, please allow at least 24 hours to respond. Your involvement makes a world of difference, and we're grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you in supporting your child's growth.
How will the school communicate?
- Teachers update the online grading book called Progress Book weekly. Parents can log into their child's account to monitor their student's progress. At the mid-point of each quarter if/or when a student's grade averages below 65% in grades (3G-5G) or in KG-2G "Insufficient progress", the teacher will contact the parent about the low grade.
- Teachers will communicate classroom information regularly to families for classroom or grade level specific activities and upcoming events.
- The Memorial Messenger Newsletter will be emailed on Monday at noon. The newsletter is linked in the districts BE INFORMED NEWSLETTER (click here for archived newsletters.)
- The Memorial Elementary School homepage has the school handbook, school supply lists, contact information, PTG, and school events and newsletters all linked.
- PTG events and news are updated on their Facebook page as well as included in our Memorial Messenger.
Third Grade Chromebook Distribution
Third grade students are assigned a Chromebook for the school year that can be taken home each day. In order for your student to receive their device, a Student Device Loan Agreement must be completed.
Chromebook cases can be purchased during Open House or the first week of school for $6.00 (in Memorial's office with cash or check).
For additional information, as well as purchasing optional insurance information, please use this link.
Before and After School Care Available:
Right at School will be returning to Hickory Ridge to provide before and after school programming. For additional information or to sign up, please Our Right at School program has been very successful and students enjoy a variety of activities and support.
Attendance at school for school aged children is the law. Please click here to see the Brunswick City School District Handbook for the policies/procedures regarding Attendance.
If your child is absent or will be late due to a doctor appointment:
Please call the attendance phone number – 330-273-8107 by 9:00 a.m. or after 4pm on the day preceding an absence.
If your child is going to be absent or late, please briefly state the following information:
Your name and relationship (must be a custodial parent/guardian)
Student’s first and last name
Grade level
Teacher’s name
Reason for absence or late arrival
Make sure you send in a copy of Doctor’s note or proof of office visit to be medically excused.
You must call the school everyday that your child is absent. If we do not receive a call, you will receive a call directly at home or work. Outgoing attendance calls from school start at approximately 10:15 a.m.
If your child is leaving early for an appointment or a change for dismissal:
Please write a note; dated and signed by the legal custodial parent (unfortunately, a babysitter or other family member is not allowed) and send it to school with your child. The note will be sent to the office in the morning to record for attendance/dismissal purposes. Please DO NOT email or message via any apps/social media to teachers as these are not checked throughout the school day due to instruction and the message needs to go to the office. Dismissal changes from 3-3:25pm will not be accepted as there is not enough time to notify teacher and student(s) unless there is an emergency. The office phone cannot be answered between 3:25-3:35pm while dismissal is in progress.
Your child is tardy if they are walking into school after the tardy bell rings at 9:00 a.m. Students must report to the office with a parent or legal guardian to sign-in. Students are not permitted to enter the building alone.
Deciding when to keep a sick child at home from school is not always easy. It’s important for children to attend school but when children are truly sick, they need to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and to prevent spreading illness to others. Please keep the school office up to date with current phone numbers so you or an alternate contact can be reached if your child becomes ill or injured at school. The following are common symptoms/diseases seen in school and may help parents decide when to keep their child home from school. This information does not take the place of consulting a medical provider.
Children need to remain home at least 24 hours after prescribed treatment has been initiated for:
Strep Throat
Bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Children need to stay home for at least 24 hours until symptoms are resolved for:
Fever –temperature of 100°F or greater
Lice: Child can return to school after treatment with pediculicide and no live lice OR when free from lice or nits if not using pediculidide. Refer to district policy.
Unexplained rash or open, weeping sores that can't be covered or drainage contained.
Keep your child home until the health care provider and school approves the child's return for vaccine preventable diseases such as Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Pertussis, Chickenpox and Hepatitis.
Keep your child home and consider visiting your healthcare provider If your child appears ill, such as deep or uncontrollable coughing or significant lack of energy, even without a fever.
School Fees & Lunch Account
Over the summer, BCSD transitioned our lunch and student fee payment system to a new vendor, PaySchools. Click here for PaySchools Central to register and create your account.
Please note that any balances on your student’s lunch accounts (from MySchoolBucks) have already been transferred to PaySchools and will be available immediately upon creating your account in PaySchools. Also, any outstanding student class fees have been transferred to PaySchools. You will also have the option to pay any Athletic and Marching Band Pay to Participate fees through your PaySchools account.
Additionally, parents interested in applying for free and reduced lunches can submit applications starting July 31, 2024, using their PaySchools account.
There are no fees involved when paying your student's fees online.
There will be a small transaction fee for the Meal Accounts.
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions less than $25.00) $1.65 per transaction
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions $25 to $49.99) $2.00 per transaction
Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions greater than $49.99) 4.5%
Electronic Check (All transaction amounts) $1.75 per transaction
Several PaySchool links are provided below. At the bottom of each informational document, you will find PaySchools customer service contact information. Feel free to reach out to PaySchools if you encounter a problem when creating your account.
If you have a district-related question regarding your fees please contact Tina Campbell, Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer, at We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this transition.
PaySchools Parent Registration
PaySchools Free and Reduced Application
Newsletters From the Superintendent
In case you missed an email message from our school Superintendent Mr. Niedermeyer.
Miss Behringer's Counselor Corner
Second Step Lesson Information:
Families can create a Second Step account and access the parent materials through the website. This link is how they can set up the parent account:
Use this link then enter the following Activation Key:
Kindergarten- SSPK FAMILY70 Look for Lessons under Home Link
1st Grade-SSP1 FAMILY71 Look for Lessons under Home Link
2nd Grade-SSP2 FAMILY72 Look for Lessons under Home Link
3rd Grade-SSP3 FAMILY73 Look for Lessons under Home Link
4th Grade-SSP4 FAMILY74 Look for Lessons under Home Link
5th Grade-SSP5 FAMILY75 Look for Lessons under Home Link
Looking for further resources to reinforce the topics from Second Step? Check these out!