point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Reality Check
How divided is America, really? If you listen to polls & pundits, you may assume that politics has polarized Americans. But correspondent David Pogue points out that, while we tend to have an exaggerated idea of what other people believe, statistics show Americans agree on a whole lot. Pugh Research asked Americans to choose one word to describe politics today, the most popular word was "Divisive". While it is true we frequently disagree about policies there is a whole lot of things we agreed on - Americans across the political spectrum worry about the same things – AI 88%, Scammers 58%, Kids use of cell phones 76%. We tend to love the National Park Service 76%, NASA 67% & US Postal Service 72%. We largely dislike extramarital affairs 89%, cloning humans 84%, & Kim Jong Un 91%. The majority of Americans watch Fireworks 80%, tip our servers 92%, keep our cell phones close all day 73% & we like to decorate for holidays 75%. We believe in our freedoms, Freedom of Speech 90%, Right to Privacy 88%, Freedom of Religion 84% & we fiercely believe in Equal Protection under the Law 91%.
week of September 9th
Monday, 4pm - Capital Improvement Authority
Tuesday, 4:30pm - Budget Review & Council Work Session; Municipal Court; 6pm - Clay County Comprehensive Plan Discussion
Wednesday, noon - Safe Streets & Sidewalks Discussion with Westside CID; 5pm - Historic Preservation Commission, Farmer's Market
Thursday, 11am - Urban Redevelopment Corporation; 4-7pm Pop-Up Conversation on the Front Lawn
Weekend - Slightly Off Broadway, Irish Fest
a little more about this week's meetings
Capital Improvement Authority will consider financials, Technology Fund & Building Maintenance reallocation, project discussion
Budget Review & Council Work Session - council items under development for council approval include Proclamation for Diaper Need Awareness Week, FY 25 Budget, agreement with Army Corps of Engineer for Sewer Relining Funding & agreement with McClure Engineering for updating bid documents for Sewer Relining, purchase of Police Vehicles & August Financials for Review.
Clay County Comprehensive Plan - Final virtual meeting to review plan recommendations for the Clay County Compass Comprehensive Plan. Will discuss the recommendation frameworks, goals & strategies, & next steps.
Safe Streets & Sidewalks will present to the Westside CID Board its Access Management Plan for discussion & share planning progress to date.
Historic Preservation Commission will receive information about administratively approved COA - Paint @ 251 E. Broadway; Roof & sidewalk repair @ 218 W. Excelsior; Paint, deck repair & glaze windows @ 115 Saratoga; Commission will consider COA for Elms signage/banner within the Elms Historic District; application for multiple items @ 205 S. KC Ave.; discussion of the matrix
Farmer's Market - (morning @ Community Center 9-11:30am & afternoon @ Hitch Lot 4-7pm)
Pop Up Conversation On the Lawn - We need your help setting the vision for ES' future. Meet with members of the Planning Team & City Staff to provide your thoughts on how your community should grow & develop? You can attend this informational & interactive event at your leisure between 4-7pm.
who is the city, but the people
Celebrating work anniversaries this week - Jeff Barge, Sr. Center Coordinator & Nikayla Glidden, Community Center Business Office Coordinator - 6 years; Gunnar Gudehus, Front Desk Clerk - 5 years; Cody Horky, Firefighter/EMT - 4 years; Victoria Goetz, Front Desk Clerk - 2 years; Cade Leonhard, Recreation Program Supervisor - 1 year.
Community Foundation Grant Applications are due October 31. Visit esgives.org for more information
love where you live
- Safe Streets & Sidewalks planning team met with CPKC to visit all projects that involve the railroad - Kearney Road tunnel will need to be located near the edge of the R/W which can be best gauged by the location of power poles along the route. The RR will be most concerned about the stability of the track as the tunnel is pushed under, prefer 8' in tunnel height.
- Dunbar crossing advance warning signals has a variety of possibilities to consider from signals at the Fire/Police Stations or as discussed along the route before you turn onto Dunbar.
- Upon close inspection the Titus underpass does not have a pedestrian underpass as once thought. Both Titus & Wornall underpasses are a bit narrow for pedestrians & cars together, so looking for alternatives to keep all safe. RR representatives mentioned that we have seen an increase of 2 trains/day; but more is coming.
- The Corum Road sidewalk is very narrow with obstacles; RR will require additional fencing on locations we are improving.
- We anticipate railroad projects will start June 2026. Planning progress to date for all projects includes utility coordination is finished, NEPA finished field work & will be completing agency contacts; conceptual plans are finishing up. We discussed a few right-of-way issues along sidewalk locations that will have conflicts with fences located in R/W, gaps in sidewalks, conflicts with drainage problems, intersection crossings, newer sidewalks along the route that can stay undisturbed. Looking at best location for pedestrian bridge near Wornall water tower, considered three possible alignments.
choose your attitude!
Hey local photographers - I wanted to share some of my local pics, ES is a beautiful town. The buildings & the scenery inspire me. I love it most in the Fall, but year around I find beauty. Saw it on Facebook