Bee Cave Beehive
Dear Bobcat Parents,
This Beehive is a reminder of the distribution of school supplies and yearbooks over the next two days. This distribution is ONLY for those who have already ordered and paid for these items. There will NOT be items available for purchase on these two days.
Distribution will take place in the front of the school. Please park in the parking lot and walk up the stairs to retrieve your items at the designated grade level table(s).
Please respect social distancing and wear a face mask.
Yearbook & School Supply Distribution by Alpha August 5th & 6th
Please use the respective assigned times:
8am - 9am A - D
9am - 10am E - I
10am - 11am J - N
1pm - 2pm O - S
2pm - 3pm T - Z
Deadline Thursday, August 6th
Parents asked to submit Student Commitment Form for 2020-2021 school year
In anticipation of opening our schools for in-person learning on campus in the fall, families with returning students already enrolled for the 2020-2021 school year as well as families new to Lake Travis ISD, must complete a Student Commitment Form. Specifically, parents are asked to select the return to school option—remote learning at home or in-person learning on campus—that will best serve their individual student(s). The Student Commitment Form is available in Skyward Family Access. Once logged in, select the icon “Commitment Form 2020-2021” from the home screen and follow the instructions provided. District officials need this information to continue planning for the coming school year and are therefore asking parents to submit commitment forms by August 6. However, you may revise your commitment form up to two weeks prior to the first day the district is able to offer in-person learning on campus. Please note, the child of any parent who does not submit a form will default to in-person learning on campus.
Bee Cave Elementary
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats