The Pine Run Post
News and Updates from Mrs. Adelman and Mrs. Brevic
September 27, 2024
Important Dates
Next Week:
- Monday, September 30th: Specials Day 5; Early Dismissal - Pine Run is an "A" school we dismiss at 11:55AM
- Tuesday, October 1st: Specials Day 1
- Wednesday, October 2nd: Specials Day 2
- Thursday, October 3rd: No School - Offices Open - Rosh Hashanah
- Friday, October 4th: Specials Day 3
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, October 7th: Specials Day 4; Book Fair Week and Fire Prevention Week
- Tuesday, October 8th: Specials Day 5; Chorus Rehearsal
- Wednesday, October 9th: Specials Day 1; Bagels, Bananas & Books 7:45 - 8:30AM - Last Names (A-K)
- Thursday, October 10th: Specials Day 2; Bagels, Bananas & Books 7:45 - 8:30AM - Last Names (L-Z)
- Friday, October 11th: Specials Day 3
Updates from Mrs. Adelman
Hello Pine Run!
We strive to model Feather Five at Pine Run: I am respectful. I am responsible. I am accepting. I work as a team. I put forth my best effort. By fostering these traits, we continue to build a strong community of learners and responsible citizens.
As parents, guardians, and educators we know children will make mistakes. They will have lapses in judgement and make choices that do not align with home and school Feather Five expectations. We as a school team are not here to judge these missteps but to acknowledge them and hold students accountable for their actions and choices. Additionally, we use opportunities for teachable moments. We will reflect with students and report concerns and issues to you. I strongly believe that communication and compassion will be the key to resolving any issues we may face. Below you will find information on behavior referrals and discipline. We ask that you review this as a family.
We will address each situation in a caring and developmentally appropriate manner. When the behavior occurs, the supervising adults will address the behavior with the student(s), this may include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Staff/student conference, mindfulness, or reflection activity
2. Loss of privilege (class or grade level incentive)
3. Behavior Notice
4. Office Referral
Some behaviors will require more immediate attention and intervention from our staff. These often result in an immediate office referral. Examples of such behaviors are threats to self or others, physical fighting, harassment, weapons of any kind, destruction of property, and/or a situation that jeopardizes that safety of our Pine Run community. Pine Run processes do not override the Central Bucks School District Disciplinary Procedures and Responsibilities, which we will follow.
As appropriate, the student will complete the reflection statement. The document will be sent home to be reviewed and signed, as notice of receipt. Please note this notice is meant to help facilitate a conversation and review expected behavior choices. All incidents will be reviewed on an individual basis to determine appropriate consequences. Consequences can include and are not limited to the following:
- Student/teacher conversation
- Loss of class or school activity
- Parent conference
- Loss of recess/school activity
- In-school suspension
In the coming weeks, we will continue to share information about our positive school behavior system, Feather Five, and our behavioral supports when needed. I have included an example of our current student reflection sheet below.
Thank you in advance for your support in helping students follow Feather Five in and out of school! Thank you for helping to foster the building our Pine Run Community, we are one together!
Mrs. Amy M. Adelman
Proud Pine Run Principal
This Week's Feather Five Winners!
Journey - 6th Grade
Mr. Garvin - Staff Winner
Hootie - Our School Mascot
PSSA Reports - 4th, 5th, 6th Grade
Dear Parents of a 4th - 6th grade student,
Today, Friday, September 27th the 2024 PSSA Individual Student Report (ISR) will be sent home in a sealed envelope with your 4th - 6th grade child. The assessment was administered in grades 3-6 in English Language Arts and Mathematics, and grade 4 in science during the 2023-24 school year. If your child receives a blank report, that is an indication that your child did not take the assessment. Additionally, you will not receive a report if your child was not a student at Pine Run Elementary School during our last school year. If you have any questions about this information, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Adelman and/or Mrs. Brevic. We value your continuous support of your child's learning.
Pine Run HSA Updates
HSA Calendar and Sign-Ups:
Click HERE to view the HSA calendar with links for signups! September-December available. Please check back often for updates sign ups/events.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, September 30th: Sign-ups for babysitting course start - 50 spots - $55. The link to signup will be sent on 9/30 at 10AM.
October 1st: Tabora Farm Pie Sales Begin, Halloween Bowling Signups Begin. The link to signup will be sent on 10/1 at 10AM.
October 7th - 11th: Book Fair
October 9th: Bagels, Banans, and Books - 7:45 - 8:15AM (Last name A-K)
October 10th: Bagels, Banans, and Books - 7:45 - 8:15AM (Last name L-Z)
Author Visit
Author Mat Heagerty will be visiting Pine Run and presenting to grades K-5 on Tuesday, October 29th! If you would like to order a copy of one of his books, see the attached order forms. Orders are due Friday, October 4th! Thanks! Any questions reach out to Mrs. Romano.
Meet Tucker a Roxy Reader Pup!
Little Bites Collections
Once again, we will be collecting Little Bite wrappers as a school wide initiative to help protect our planet. To date, Pine Run owls have collected over 68 pounds. These wrappers are sent to Terra Cycle where they are then turned into benches, playgrounds, etc. Twice a year, the company makes a donation to our school based on the number of wrappers they have received.
We are not encouraging you go out and buy this snack, but if you do eat them at home, please send in your wrappers.
Homework Near Observances
New This Year: Limits on Due Dates for Homework and Summative Tasks Near Observances
In past years, the district has notified faculty in the week or weeks prior to religious or cultural observances to ensure they are cognizant of these events when assigning schoolwork. This year, the district has shared a year-long calendar of these observances with faculty and set guidelines on when no homework or summative tasks should be due.
Pine Run Student Directory
We are preparing the 2024-2025 Student Directory. This directory includes school information as well as parent contact information. If you do NOT wish to have your personal information included in the directory, (address, phone number, email) please email Mrs. Covino in the office, . Please contact Mrs. Covino by 9/30. Thank you!
Please note, school staff members are not permitted to give out student/parent information for outside invitations, such as birthday parties or playdates. We will direct you to the Pine Run Student Directory to locate the names and numbers of those you would like to invite to such an event.
Book Fair
The Pine Run Fall Book Fair will take place from Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th!
Volunteers are still needed – please consider signing up to volunteer:
Please join us for a NEW EVENT - Bananas, Bagels, Books and Buddies! We are inviting grandparents, aunts/uncles or special guests on Wednesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 10th to have breakfast and shop the book fair from 7:45 – 8:30! Please RSVP so we can order food accordingly!
Teachers are also being asked to create an eWallet so they can purchase books for their classrooms, so if you would like to contribute to your child’s teacher, please see the link they share.
There are opportunities for presale of some GREAT books! Check out our homepage to order – orders can be placed starting on 10/7 and free shipping will be applied. Book Fair Homepage (
- The books are: FGTeeV Blasts Off, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Dog Man Big Jim BeginsFG TeeV needs to be ordered by 10/8 to get free shipping!
- Library Class Times during the week of October 7th – 11th
- Tuesday, October 8th from 3:30 until 5:30 (IF I can get volunteers)
- Wednesday and Thursday, October 9th and 10th from 7:30 – 8:45 (***join us for a GRAND event - bagels, bananas, buddies and books ***)
- Friday, October 11th from 8:00 – 8:45
Device Fees
Device Usage Fees Due by October 30
It has been a great start to the school year with our student device distribution! All students will receive or continue using their assigned device. Before receiving a device, families in grades 3-6, 7, and 10, as well as new students, must complete the online user agreement and pay the usage fee. The elementary student fee is $15/year, while the fee for students in grades 7 and 10 is $60, which covers three years. Prorated fees apply for new secondary students. If you need financial assistance, please visit our website for details. Thank you for your cooperation. Next steps here: