NLMS School Improvement Plan 24-25
School Improvement Plan 24-25

School Improvement Plan 24-25
We will improve student outcomes, focusing on underserved populations, through school-wide tier one instructional strategies and engaging in effective collaborative educator teams.
We commit to:
- excellent instruction through universal use of three of our nine LSSD instructional strategies
- strengthening the effectiveness of our Collaborative Educator teams
- achieving equitable outcomes for each student through effective use of Student Growth Goals
By committing to these things, we will achieve the following:
ELA 6: 63% of students will perform at level 3 or higher on the Spring 2025 SBA from 58% on the 2024 SBA. On the STAR assessment, students below grade level will demonstrate high growth, and those at/above grade level will have typical growth.
ELA 7: 67% of students will perform at level 3 or higher on the Spring 2025 SBA from 62% on the 2024 SBA. On the STAR assessment, students below grade level will demonstrate high growth, and those at/above grade level will have typical growth.
Math 6: 57% of students will perform at level 3 or higher on the Spring 2025 SBA from 52% on the 2024 SBA. On the STAR assessment, students below grade level will demonstrate high growth, and those at/above grade level will have typical growth.
Math 7: 56% of students will perform at level 3 or higher on the Spring 2025 SBA from 51% on the 2024 SBA. On the STAR assessment, students below grade level will demonstrate high growth, and those at/above grade level will have typical growth.
Science: 80% of students will meet standard on science classroom based assessments.
SEL: 80% of students will respond to the question “overall, how much do you feel like you belong at school?” from 77% spring 2024.
Additional Goals
We will intentionally focus on achieving equitable outcomes for students receiving IEP services and students who receive multilingual services.
80% of students will meet the attendance goal for the 24/25 school year from 76% during the 23/24 school year.
We will monitor our progress during the year through:
Formative and summative data will guide instructional decisions of the Collaborative Educator Teams. Specifically, teams will utilize classroom based assessments, SBA interims, and STAR testing. Additionally, WIDA data will be used to monitor ML students progress.
Social Emotional Learning:
- PBIS monthly monitoring and responding to monthly SWIS data
- Attendance team meeting weekly to review data and create tiered systems of support
- Panorama results in the spring of 2025
Our Tier One Strategies -- we commit to excellent instruction through the universal use of
School wide:
Positive Greetings at the Door
Co-Constructed Norms
By Department:
Math-Small group, Cite your Source
Science-Vocabulary Instructional Routines, Sentence Starters
ELA-Vocabulary Instructional Routines, Goal Setting/Monitoring growth
Social Studies-Cite Your Source, Talk 10/Reflect 2
Electives-Vocabulary Instructional Routines, Cite Your Source
Wellness-Vocabulary Instructional Routines, Goal setting/Monitoring Growth
Collaborative Educator Team Work
Our Collaborative Educator Teams (CETs) will analyze data from formative and/or summative assessments within units of study to determine intervention needs
Utilize SLOPES protocol during the inquiry process for 3 units of study
Strengthen tier one instructional strategies within units of study
We will achieve equitable outcomes for students using Student Growth Goals......
Individual teachers, or teachers within their CET teams, write goals for students based on knowledge of individuals. Student input is solicited and valued.
Based on student data, CET’s will create intentional supports and interventions
Focus on reflective conversations about learning with evaluators rather than quantitative results
February check in
At the midyear point, here is where we are...
June check in
At the end of the year, here is how we did, and the start of our plan is for next year