The AGAPE Times
a newsletter for students and families - 2020/21 Vol 6
A note from our Administrator, Lois Vosika-Weir
AGAPE Students and Families,
Everyone at AGAPE hopes that your families had a safe and restful break. 2020 was a difficult year and we are hopeful that 2021 will be AGAPE's best year yet!
Second quarter is ending on January 28th and we are here to help you be successful! If you were unable to pass your Q1 classes, there is a HUGE opportunity available to you. Details are on the on the flyer above called "Credit Earn Back Information", on the AGAPE website, and in our all-school Schoology group.
On Fridays, we wear college gear and we have our Virtual All-School Meetings at 9:30am on GoogleMeet. We are having some great guest speakers and activities! Please join us - the GoogleMeet code will always be: agapeadmin
Feel free to contact me with questions - Call or text (651) 335-9145 or email at lois.vosika-weir@spps.org.
Lois Vosika-Weir
AGAPE Administrator
Quarter 2 Daily Schedule
Coming soon......AGAPE Facemasks!
Email your teachers for help getting caught up - they want to meet with you!
Letters from our Counselor, Mary Gannon
Hey everybody! I am so excited to share information about and work with you and your families with Xello and to create your Personal Learning Plans (PLPs)!
ACT Testing
This year, although we are currently in full distance learning, we are proceeding as though in the spring we will be offering in-person testing. For all Juniors and Seniors who did not get a chance to take the ACT last year, we will anticipate offering the ACT test on March 2nd at the AGAPE building. Please email or text our school counselor, Mary Gannon, to discuss how you can prepare for this very rigorous college admissions test!
Mary can be emailed at mary.gannon@spps.org or call/text her at 612-834-7757.
Resources From our Social Worker, Christy McCoy
Christy can be reached by email at christy.mccoy@spps.org or by call or text at 612-368-1457.
COVID-19 Housing Assistance (deadline is Dec 7th)!
Neighborhood House Food Resources
Free Home Meal Delivery Information Flyer
English, Hmong, Spanish, Karen
Notes from our school nurse, Michelle Lessard
Questions about pregnancy, your baby, COVID symptoms, or flu shots? I can help or find someone who can! Give me a call or text on the Agape NURSE cell number: 651-328-7873.
Open office hours on Google Meet daily over your lunch hour from 11:30-12:30 at code AgapeNurse.
HealthStart Clinic Information
Feeling anxious, stressed, or maybe just need someone to talk to? Call or text Christy, our school social worker! 612-368-1457
Congratulations to our latest Students of the Week!
Meal Information (CHANGES COMING starting January 25)
2020-2021 iUpdate is still open!
Health & Wellness
iPad Problems?
Are you having issues loading videos or accessing linked websites using your district-issued iPad??!!
Try this:
- Open Self-Service
- Seach iBoss controller
- Reinstall iBoss
- Reinstall Schoology
- Restart iPad
If these steps do not resolve the issue or if you are having any other iPad or HotSpot-related issues, please let Maddi know via email at: (maddi.mcdonell@stpaul.k12.mn.us).
Words of Wisdom
Babies, babies and more babies! Submit your pics of your newborn and we will make you a birth announcement!
Nurse's Corner
AGAPE Title I Corner
AGAPE High School
Email: lois.vosika-weir@spps.org
Website: agape.spps.org
Location: 1037 University Avenue West, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-744-7970
Twitter: @AgapeSpps