Woodglen Paw Press - April 2024
Kindergarten Garden
Our 5th Grade Woodglen Girl Scouts worked on their Bronze Award project by helping Woodglen create a pollination garden. The scout group will also be creating painted plant tags. We are thrilled for all the help our garden has received: Rotary club, local girl scouts, PTA and Woodglen families!
Ms. Maguire's Class
Kushley by Christophe
How To Make A Landslide By Ella
Enrichment - Kindergarten
The students have been learning about bees. Last week they learned about pollination. We made our own bees and went from flower to flower with different colored "pollen" to see what happens when the bees actually get the pollen attached to their bodies. This week the children learned that bees, just like all living things, need water, food, shelter and air to live. Getting water can sometimes be tricky and if the bees aren't careful, they won't be safe. We learned that the bees must have something to stand on when they drink in order to prevent drowning. So we planned out our Bee Water Sources and made sure they included rocks, sticks and leaves. Then we made those things out of PlayDoh and placed them in our "water bowls" so that our bees were able to drink safely!!!
Enrichment - 1st Grade
The students have been learning about Biomimicry...when life copies nature...in order to solve a problem. We studied burrs and learned that they were spiky and had a lot of hooks on them. These spiky seeds get stuck on clothing or animal fur. These seeds were the inspiration for the invention of Velcro, which works the same way. This week, we started working with Piggy and Gerald (from the picture book series) and after learning that Piggy wanted to fly in one of the books, the students started planning the possible ways that they might "biomimic" nature to help Piggy do just that.
Kazim from Mrs. Gould's class was inspired to biomimic a bird and build a plane on his own!!!
Tower Challenge
4th and 5th graders participated in the district wide Tower Challenge. They designed and built their structures and tried to make their towers as high as they could. Some of the towers were even engineered to hold weight.