July 7, 2022
FCCLA teams take home wins from national competition
Fifteen students from Sumner High School and Bonney Lake High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) competed at the 2022 National Leadership Conference in San Diego over the weekend. Students landed multiple projects in the top 10 spots in the nation, competing in the areas of leadership, hospitality, tourism, recreation, website, service project and more.
Congratulations to these students:
Bonney Lake High School: Dylan L., Gigi O., Lily H., Samra Y., Hailey L., Paige L., Lauren L., Emily W., Isabelle T., Callia C.
Sumner High School: Rei C., Chris S., Viola E., Alexys C., Hannah S.
Our FCCLA advisors were also recognized at the competition. BLHS advisor Kahale Ahina and SHS advisor Janine Sather were recognized as Master Advisors by National FCCLA.
SHS, BLHS students selected for 2021-22 Tim Thomsen Leadership Award
In June, students were chosen to receive the 2021-22 Tim Thomsen Leadership Award:
- Kaylee Cooper
- Wyatt Redding
- Bo Carlson
- Brook Mansfield
- Jaelin McQueen
Tim is known and admired for his servant leadership that he has modeled for students and staff during his 40 years with the District. The Tim Thomsen Award was created to recognize senior athletes at both Bonney Lake High School and Sumner High School who best represent their schools both on and off the field.
Congrats to our 2021-22 recipients!
BLHS Key Club volunteers at horse therapy farm
This month the Bonney Lake High School Key Club lent a helping hand to Young Hearts Therapeutic Riding, which connects individuals with special needs with horses.
The club helped with upgrades around the farm including planting pumpkins and carrots, creating new signs and barrels and cleaning up on site.
“A huge thank you to everyone who came out and worked hard!” said Young Hearts Therapeutic Riding. “Not only do we appreciate you, but we see your dedication to the community, strive for improvement, and overall gracious efforts for our program!”
Thank you Bonney Lake High School Key Club for your partnership with the community!
District booth at Rhubarb Days this weekend
If you’re looking for a family-friendly activity this weekend, join us at Rhubarb Days & Vintage Market in downtown Sumner. In addition to enjoying vendors, food trucks, live bands and a kid zone, look for SBLSD’s booth, which will feature a prize wheel and volunteers sharing important District news and events. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on July 9 and 10.
Job Highlights: diesel technician, technology teacher, registered nurse
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is looking to fill a variety of positions for the upcoming school year, with jobs in the areas of health services to teaching to transportation.
Here is a sample of the openings:
- CTE Technology Teacher at Bonney Lake High School (ID #7227): Teaches topics in the area of technology, including computer science, photography, videography, digital arts and communications.
- Diesel Technician (ID #7165): Conducts vehicle maintenance and repairs for district vehicles and includes a safety bonus if State Patrol Inspections finds no failures, in addition to a $650 annual stipend for 100% passage of summer vehicle inspections and a $350 annual student for a 97-99.9% passage during summer inspection.
- District Registered Nurse (ID #7235): Ensures health and safety of our students by working with families to develop health plans for students.
To apply for a job with the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, visit
$2,000 incentive: Now hiring bus drivers
We are looking for bus drivers to join our team! We offer a $2,000 incentive, flexible schedule and free training.
"I like that every day is different,” said Amelia, a SBLSD bus driver for 3 years. “It keeps things fresh and interesting and on your toes. Probably most of all, it's the students too. The little kids are so silly and so funny, and just kind of help me remember what it's like to be a kid."
To view more about the bus driver position and benefits and to apply, visit
Watch below to hear more from our bus drivers about the job!
Free lunches available at Daffodil Valley Elementary
The District is offering free hot lunch for all children 18 years and younger throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary. Unlike the past couple of years of curbside grab-and-go bagged meals, we will now serve hot lunches to be enjoyed inside the school building.
Here are the details:
June 27-Aug. 19, Monday-Friday
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Daffodil Valley Elementary (1509 Valley Ave., in Sumner)
No applications required
For more information, call the District’s Child Nutrition Services at (253) 891-6450 or visit
Free backpacks, school supplies for SBLSD families in need
Families of Sumner-Bonney Lake students in need may pick up school supplies, such as backpacks, pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks, binders, and more at one of four grab-and-go events in August:
School Board July 6 meeting highlights
- Accepted donation from Donald Eismann Elementary PTA in the amount of 11,200 to Donald Eismann Elementary to be used for the 2022-23 school year to support classroom libraries.
- Adopted Policy 2021: Library Information and Technology Programs
- Adopted Policy 2161: Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students\
- Adopted Policy 2162: Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Adopted Policy 3241: Student Discipline
- Adopted Policy 3246: Restraint Isolation and Other Use of Reasonable Force
- Adopted Policy 4220: Complaints Concerning School Personnel
- Adopted Policy 5410: Holidays
- Adopted Policy 6022: Minimum Fund Balance
- Adopted Policy 6801: Capital Assets and Theft-Sensitive Assets
- Adopted curriculum Human Geography: A Spatial Perspective for AP Human Geography
- Adopted Resolution 14/21-22: Sumner-Bonney Lake School Board Director Area Redistricting
- Adopted Resolution 15/21-22: Out-of-Endorsement Assignment Waiver
- Approved Dr. Laurie Dent's Superintendent Employment Contract 2022-2025
- View meeting recording (passcode: p^7?%7Tm)
Next Meeting
- Aug. 17, 6 p.m., Central Office Boardroom