Mrs. Lake's Weekly Update
October 27, 2024
Dear All Saints Families,
This week the Catholic Church celebrates Hallowtide with three days of prayers and celebrations for those gone before us. The triduum of feast days begins on October 31 with All Hallows' Eve followed by All Saints Day on November 1 and finishes up on November 2 with All Soul's Day. As a school, we celebrated All Hallows' Eve a little early with our trunk or treat event. All Saints Day will be celebrated as one school together at Saint John's Church. That event starts with Mass at 8:30 am on Friday, November 1 where our third graders will be dressed as their favorite saints. Following Mass students will spend time with their prayer partners learning about our wonderful saints! As we did with the last joint Mass students at Saint Mary's Campus should be dropped off at the front of Saint John's Church between 7:45 and 8:05. If you have siblings that attend Saint John's Campus they can also be dropped off at this time. The intercampus bus will leave Saint Mary's Campus at 7:45 and take before care as well as any others to Saint John's Church. Students who attend Saint John's Campus can be dropped of at their usual time and will walk to the church as a group. Following the All Saints Day festivities students from Saint Mary's Campus will be bussed back to their school.
~ Johanna Lake, Principal
Schola Starts This Week
Schola Cantorum is for students in grades 4 or higher and the first rehearsal is October 30.
Youth Choir is for students in grades 1 - 3 and will start on November 6.
Below is all the information including a permission slip that can be turned back into the office.
Sell books and earn fundraising hours
It takes a lot of volunteers to run our scholastic book fair. Please sign up below if you are able to help out. All hours earned count towards your fundraising hours.
Check Out All That's Going On Through the PTO
All Saints Catholic School
Principal: Johanna Lake
Marketing & Advancement Director: Kate Rogers
Nurse: To be determined
Saint Mary's Campus
Cecile Beaulieu
(207) 947 - 7063
Saint John's Campus
Terri Ward
(207) 942 - 0955
Through the lens of faith, the All Saints Catholic School community models a HEART-centered approach to forming every child of God, by emphasizing: High academic standards, Eucharistic identity, Acts of service, Respect, and Traditions of our Catholic Faith.