Kokanee Elementary
Kodiak Monthly News - October 2024
Source: https://www.culturesconnecting.com/calendars The purpose of the Diversity Calendar is to address and support the diversity of students, staff, and families in K-12 education settings and beyond in order to create culturally responsive environments where everyone feels valued and respected.
- 10/1: PTA General Meeting, Kokanee Library, 6:30-7:30 PM
- 10/1: Cross Country Meet @ Kokanee, 4:45 PM start
- 10/2: Fall Bus Emergency Drill, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
- 10/3: Individual School Portraits
- 10/7: Cross Country Practice, 4:00-5:00 PM
- 10/8: Cross Country Meet @ Kokanee, 4:45 PM start
- 10/10: Art Docent Training, Kokanee Library, 6:30 PM
- 10/14: Cross Country Practice, 4:00-5:00 PM
- 10/15: Cross Country Meet @ Wellington, 4:45 PM start
- 10/17: Great Shake Out Earthquake Drill
- 10/21: Cross Country Practice, 4:00-5:00 PM
- 10/22: Cross Country Finals @ Kokanee, 4:45 PM start
- 10/25: PTA Sock-tober Dance, Kokanee Gym, 6:00-8:00 PM
- 10/29: Dining for Dollars, MOD Pizza - Bothell, All Day
- 11/7: Individual School Portrait Retakes
- 11/11: Reflections Submissions Due
School Picture Day - October 3rd
Order forms were sent home with your student(s). Families are not required to purchase school photos, however ALL students will have their picture taken.
*Please Note* - Only use the form for payments made by cash or check. If you plan to order online, please do not fill out the form. A link will be provided on picture day for those who wish to order online.
Author Visit From Vera Ahiyya
Kokanee's Racial and Educational Justice Team is so excited to invite author Vera Ahiyya to present to both students and staff around her book You Have a Voice! If you are interested in pre-ordering her book before the visit, please follow the link or QR code on the flyer. This is a wonderful book to have in your home library.
Ordering Link: https://thirdeyebag.com/products/you-have-a-voice-by-vera-ahiyya?_pos=2&_psq=you+have&_ss=e&_v=1.0
School Celebrations
Our school team has developed a set of school-wide celebration agreements that will guide us in planning parties for our students. The agreements are as follows:
- Our grade levels will have one celebration party per semester in addition to an end of the school year celebration.
- Each grade level teacher will work together with the grade level team to develop a semester celebration plan, including a consistent date and theme for the celebration, similar to the shared same experiences provided for field trips at each grade level.
- Grade level teams will develop their celebration theme plan based on data collected about our students and work to ensure that the planned party is inclusive to all students at the grade level.
- If grade levels choose to do so, they may hold their celebration across classrooms within the grade. Grade level teams may also choose to offer different options related to their celebration, if necessary, to promote inclusivity.
- Semester celebration parties will last approximately one hour. Set-up and clean up time will not impact instructional time.
Celebrating Diversity and Inclusivity
We are excited to share that some of our Kodiaks have been eagerly discussing what they plan to dress up as for Halloween! While we do not host formal Halloween parties at our school, we believe it is important to teach about and celebrate the diverse cultural traditions and holidays that our families observe.
Throughout the month of October, and indeed all year round, we are more than happy to have students wear *school-appropriate costumes to express their creativity, individuality, and to have some fun! Students are welcome to wear costumes on class party days or holidays they celebrate. Our students in ASB and JEDI will also be organizing themed dress-up days, providing opportunities for our community to come together and share in the festivities together.
At Kokanee Elementary, we believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. We understand that families may have different perspectives on Halloween and other holidays, and we respect those differences. Our goal is to foster an environment where students feel safe, respected, and able to share their unique cultural experiences.
Also, our Kokanee PTA will be hosting a Sock-tober Costume Dance on Friday, October 25, 6-8pm in our gym. We will also be accepting sock donations for our ASB and JEDI sock drive during the month and at the event!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or the school administration. We are here to support you and ensure that all students feel valued and included.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making Kokanee Elementary a place where diversity is celebrated, and every child's voice is heard.
-Team Kokanee
*When thinking about school-appropriate Halloween costumes, it's important to ensure they are fun, inclusive, and respectful. Here are some general guidelines to think about:
- Family-Friendly: Costumes should be appropriate for all age groups at Kokanee (5-12 years old). Avoid anything violent, gory, or overly scary. We ask that costumes do not feature fake blood, weapons, or overly mature themes, ensuring that the atmosphere remains friendly for younger students.
No Masks or Handheld Accessories: We have safety guidelines that prohibit masks, as they can obstruct vision, as well as handheld items like wands, swords, or guns, even if they're pretend. Crowns or simple hats are okay as long as they don't pose a safety risk. Students need to be able to wear their costumes all day long and attend recess and also PE if it's a PE day for them.
- Cultural Sensitivity: Avoid costumes that could be seen as offensive or culturally appropriative. This includes dressing up as a specific ethnic group or using cultural symbols without understanding their significance. For example, dressing as a Native American, Geisha, or other cultural attire is generally discouraged unless it's done with respect and understanding (e.g., avoid tribal markings or religious garments).
Ultimately, the key is to ensure costumes are inclusive, safe, and fun for everyone!
Highlight from the NSD Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Students using cell phones and other electronic devices irresponsibly during the school day may have the electronic device confiscated and be subject to disciplinary action. If the student is involved in an administration interview or investigation, to maintain integrity throughout the process, a student may be asked to provide their cell phone to an office staff member or the investigating administrator. It will be returned to the student or parent at the conclusion of the interview/investigation. Reasonable efforts will be taken to secure property that has been confiscated (i.e. lock the item in a drawer, take the item to the office to be secured in a locked area, etc.); in order to prevent the loss, damage, or theft of any electronic device as a result of being confiscated.
At Kokanee, electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom except when approved by the classroom teacher. We do recognize that families may have a need for their child to have a cell phone/smart watch. If a student brings a cell phone to school, it should be turned off/silent and kept in their backpack during the school day. If a student needs to make a call during the day, they should talk to their teacher about the best way to do this. If a parent needs to contact a student, they should do so through the office, not the student’s cell phone or smart watch during the school day. If the watch is just used as a watch, it may be used, but there should not be texting, or calls made or received during the school day.
Students using cameras on these devices in an inappropriate way will have their electronic device confiscated and be subject to disciplinary action. This includes photographing or recording someone without their permission.
Kokanee Canine Companions
These dogs are trained with specific skills to support the academic, physical, and social-emotional needs of our learning community. All dogs have been tested and certified to be safe with our students. Additionally, we have the privilege of partnering with Canine Companions, one of the oldest service dog organizations in the country, to have service dogs in training visit our campus.
Being at our school helps prepare these dogs for life as working service dogs, and the children have the opportunity to follow the dogs' progress after they transition to advanced training in the specific skills needed to serve their forever person. The service dogs in training are vetted and determined to be safe on campus by local service dog trainers.
If you would like to learn more about our dogs or the program, please ask Janet Prendergast, OT/PT, jprendergast@nsd.org
Highly Capable Services
Referrals for testing in the 2024-2025 school year are now open.
Students in Grades 1 and 5 participate in Universal Highly Capable Screening each fall in their regular classrooms. This will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd at Kokanee. Students in all other grades must be referred before the Highly Capable Department will screen and assess them.
Even students who have a single subject Highly Capable designation need guardian permission for testing if they are in grades 2, 3, or 4 and their guardian wishes for them to be assessed in the other subject.
If parents, guardians, extended family, teachers and community members wish to refer students who are not Universally screened for Highly Capable testing, they may fill out the Referral and Permission Form.
All students, even those who are universally screened, need permission from their parent or guardian to participate in Step 2 of the Eligibility Process: Assessment. Screening may occur in the student's regular classroom and does not require parent/guardian permission.
If your student is in grade 1 or 5, you may give permission to Assess by filling out the Referral and Permission to Participate. If your student is in grade 2, 3, or 4 and has been Referred by someone who is not their parent/guardian, family may give permission by filling out the Referral and Permission to Participate Form.
Per WAC 392-170-045, Northshore School District has established written procedures for referring students to the Highly Capable Program. Our program permits referrals based on data or evidence from guardians, teachers, other Northshore staff, extended family members, students, and community members.
For enrolled students, the first step in the eligibility process is to obtain parent/guardian permission prior to administering any tests. Even if the student has been referred to us by a teacher or community member, we want to ensure that parents are aware of any tests that we may need to administer.
Without parent permission, we cannot evaluate the student for Highly Capable Program eligibility.
Fall Sports - Cross Country
Greetings Kodiak Families!
Thank you for your support and participation in Kokanee Cross Country, our season is off to a great start.
Fall 2024 Practice & Meet Schedule
All Practices to be held at Kokanee
* Meet times or locations are subject to change
- Tuesday, October 1 Meet @ Kokanee4:45pm start
- Monday, October 7 Practice 4-5pm
- Tuesday, October 8 Meet @ Kokanee4:45pm start
- Monday, October 14 Practice 4-5pm
- Tuesday, October 15 Meet @ Wellington4:45pm start
- Monday, October 21 Practice 4-5pm
- Tuesday, October 22 Finals @ Kokanee4:45pm start
Practice: Mondays and Tuesdays (unless there is a meet on Tuesday) from 4-5pm. We will meet outside of the GYM, then head out to the playground. At the end of practice, meet your athletes at parent pick-up area at 5pm.
Meets: On AWAY MEETS, no early school dismissal please, go home at regular dismissal time and then arrive at the location of the meet by 4:45pm, to allow time for traffic, parking, to stretch as a team, and receive last minute instructions. The cross-country race distance is about half a mile. At our HOME MEETS (10/8 & 10/22) Students will stay at school after dismissal and meet outside of the gym. Please Note: You may NOT drop your child(ren) off at the meet location. An adult MUST stay at the meet with their child(ren).
Attendance: Kodiaks are expected to attend all practices. Please send an email if students are unable to attend practice. School District Policy: Students are not allowed to participate in the meets if they are absent from school on Meet days.
Expectations: Cross Country is an extension of our school day. Our Kodiak Code behavior expectations apply during our practices and meets.
Practice Attire: Student clothing should allow for freedom of movement. Each athlete is responsible for having proper shoes. No cleats are allowed for Cross Country. Running shoes are most important and should be made specifically for running (good arch support, flexible, and light weight).
Cross Country Jersey: A Kokanee Kodiak shirt will be provided for each team member. At the conclusion of our season, each athlete will be responsible for cleaning and returning their jersey. Please return your shirt by Monday October 28th
Coaches: Feel free to contact Mr. Martin gmartin@nsd.org or Ms. Lee slee@nsd.org if you have any further questions. Thank you for your participation and support, we are looking forward to a fun season!
Practice/Meet Volunteers: We are looking for parents to volunteer at practices, no experience necessary. If interested please make sure you have filled out the required NSD background check NSD background check and then email Mr. Martin gmartin@nsd.org or Ms. Lee slee@nsd.org.
Required Forms - Reminder
An email went out to all families in the Northshore School District as a reminder to fill out required forms that must be completed each year, for each student. This year the forms can be filled out via ParentVUE and include the following:
- WA State Attendance Letter
- Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
- Weapons Letter
- Student Housing Questionnaire
- Permission to Withhold Student Directory Information
Please log into ParentVue to complete the forms for EACH of your students. If you do not have your ParentVUE login credentials, please choose that option and one will be sent to you.
Parents/guardians who have not already signed the forms in ParentVUE will be required to complete them before they can access student grades and other information.
What to do if My Child Will be Late or Absent
Please call or email the designated Attendance Line at (425) 408 - 4910 or email koattendance@nsd.org. You can also now log into ParentVue to report an absence.
When you call or email, be sure to include the following information:
- Student's First and Last name
- Teacher Name
- Date(s) your child will be gone
- Reason for absence
Students who arrive in their classrooms after the 9:30 AM bell rings for any reason will be considered tardy. Students MUST check in with the office for a tardy slip before going to the classroom. This is part of our attendance procedure and ensures they will not be marked absent for the day. Students arriving after the 9:30 AM time on district buses will not be marked tardy.
If we do not hear from you, our office will contact you at home or at work as part of our Safe Arrival Program. If communication is not received from the parent/guardian explaining the absence within 72 hours, it will be considered an unexcused absence.
Becca Bill: Northshore School District implements provisions of the revised Compulsory Attendance Law, RCW 28.A225, known as the "Becca Bill". The intent of this legislation is to direct schools to initiate a series of corrective steps when a student is absent and unexcused from attending school. School attendance, by law, has been and continues to be compulsory.
These absences are highly discouraged. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed and complete it upon returning to school. Teachers may suggest activities/work for students during the period of absence but are not required to do so. Families who take extended vacations must fill out a Notification of Extended Absence.
Students who are absent for more than 20 consecutive school days due to an extended vacation, will not be reported as truant. However, those students will be withdrawn from their classroom. Students will be readmitted upon returning but are not guaranteed the same class placement.
Requirements for Volunteering on Campus
All volunteers in Northshore are required to complete an online volunteer application for the 2024-25 school year. Volunteers who have completed a background check in the past need to renew their volunteer application annually.
Classroom(in-person or virtual) or on-campus volunteers - complete a background check (level 1) and submit your proof of vaccination through Safe Visitor Solutions. This background check is through the Washington State Patrol System which many of you are familiar with. More information about background checks are provided in the Northshore School District Orientation.
Drivers or field trip chaperones - complete a background check (level 2) and submit your proof of vaccination through Safe Visitor Solutions. There is a $12.95 cost to the volunteer to process this background check. If this cost creates a hardship that will prevent you from volunteering your time, please email partnerships@nsd.org. After your first year of volunteering, you will be asked to complete a free Level 1 background check at your yearly renewal.
Please call the front office with questions!
Lunch Menu
CHECK BACK OFTEN as the menus may change without notice due to supply chain issues. Interactive menus will be updated as quickly as possible.
Paying for Lunch - LINQ Connect
- Breakfast $2.25
- Lunch $3.75
- Milk Only $0.75
You can pay by cash or check at your school, checks should be made out to Northshore School District. Or you can manage your student's meal account safely and securely online with LINQConnect.
Parents whose income falls within specified guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture should apply for free or reduced price meals for their students. We encourage you to find out if you qualify with the NSD online application. It only takes a few minutes and is the fastest, easiest way to get approved! Don't forget... families must re-apply every year.
Celebrating Diversity and Inclusivity at Kokanee Elementary
Dear Kokanee Elementary Community,
We are excited to share that some of our Kodiaks have been eagerly discussing what they plan to dress up as for Halloween! While we do not host formal Halloween parties at our school, we believe it is important to teach about and celebrate the diverse cultural traditions and holidays that our families observe.
Throughout the month of October, and indeed all year round, we are more than happy to have students wear *school-appropriate costumes to express their creativity, individuality, and to have some fun! Students are welcome to wear costumes on class party days or holidays they celebrate. Our students in ASB and JEDI will also be organizing themed dress-up days, providing opportunities for our community to come together and share in the festivities together.
At Kokanee Elementary, we believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. We understand that families may have different perspectives on Halloween and other holidays, and we respect those differences. Our goal is to foster an environment where students feel safe, respected, and able to share their unique cultural experiences.
Also, our Kokanee PTA will be hosting a Sock-tober Costume Dance on Friday, October 25, 6-8pm in our gym. We will also be accepting sock donations for our ASB and JEDI sock drive during the month and at the event!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or the school administration. We are here to support you and ensure that all students feel valued and included.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making Kokanee Elementary a place where diversity is celebrated, and every child's voice is heard.
-Team Kokanee
*When thinking about school-appropriate Halloween costumes, it's important to ensure they are fun, inclusive, and respectful. Here are some general guidelines to think about:
- Family-Friendly: Costumes should be appropriate for all age groups at Kokanee (5-12 years old). Avoid anything violent, gory, or overly scary. We ask that costumes do not feature fake blood, weapons, or overly mature themes, ensuring that the atmosphere remains friendly for younger students.
No Masks or Handheld Accessories: We have safety guidelines that prohibit masks, as they can obstruct vision, as well as handheld items like wands, swords, or guns, even if they're pretend. Crowns or simple hats are okay as long as they don't pose a safety risk. Students need to be able to wear their costumes all day long and attend recess and also PE if it's a PE day for them.
- Cultural Sensitivity: Avoid costumes that could be seen as offensive or culturally appropriative. This includes dressing up as a specific ethnic group or using cultural symbols without understanding their significance. For example, dressing as a Native American, Geisha, or other cultural attire is generally discouraged unless it's done with respect and understanding (e.g., avoid tribal markings or religious garments).
Ultimately, the key is to ensure costumes are inclusive, safe, and fun for everyone!
Join us on October 1st at 6:30pm in the Kokanee Library for our first PTA General Meeting. We’ll be confirming this year’s budget, discussing all the fun events we have planned, and ways to get involved!
While membership is not required to attend, we recommend joining or renewing your membership prior to the meeting in order to vote and be counted toward quorum. We will be discussing PTA events & activities for the year and ways to get involved.
Please join us for the upcoming Sock-tober Costume Dance on Friday, October 25, 6-8pm. We will also be accepting sock donations for the ASB sock drive.
- Free Admission (but we’d love more socks!)
- Costumes optional (no weapon props)
- Refreshments and treats will be sold. Cash only.
- This is NOT a drop off event.
- A calm space will be available for use, and a parent/guardian must accompany the child at all times.
October 10, 6:30-8:30, Kokanee Library
What is the Art Docent program?
The Art Docent Program is an arts enrichment program lead by volunteers during the school day once a month or every other month, for an hour. Some teachers choose to incorporate art education into their plans themselves, so not every classroom will need an art docent. Volunteering is dependent on the teacher's schedule, and it will be up to the teacher and volunteer to coordinate a suitable time.
Who provides the supplies?
Materials and instructions are provided by Kokanee PTA.
How do I get involved?
If your teacher is interested in having an art docent they will mention it at curriculum night, or express interest prior to our training.
When is the training?
Training is on October 10th, 6:30pm, at the Kokanee Library.
What are Watch D.O.G.S?
Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) is a national program that encourages positive male role models - like Kokanee dads, stepdads, uncles, neighbors, coaches and mentors to volunteer at our school. By participating, you’ll have the opportunity to spend quality time with your own student(s) while also engaging with and supporting other Kokanee students across various grades and settings.
Whether you can volunteer for a full school day or just an hour, your involvement is highly valued. Watch DOGS can be a one-time experience or a regular commitment, depending on your availability. We welcome all levels of participation!
What do I do as a Watch DOG?
Your "duties," as a Watch DOG vary from welcoming kids to campus in the morning, and seeing them off in the afternoon, classroom assistance with reading or math, playing educational games, assist in PE and Music activities, lunch-line monitoring, and playing with kids at recess.
What does it take to be a Watch DOG?
You must complete the volunteer application on the NSD website and be approved, which includes a background check.
How can I sign up?
Email the Kokanee Elementary Watch DOGS Coordinator, Will Cena, with any questions or concerns, watchdogs@kokaneepta.com.
Our next Dining for Dollars event is with MOD Pizza on October 29th. (22833 Bothell Everett Hwy, Suite 16, Bothell, WA 98021). 25% of fundraiser sales during this fundraiser will be donated to the Kokanee PTA. Participate all day on October 29th by ordering online using the code MODGIVES25 or by visiting this MOD location and mentioning the fundraiser at checkout.
Reflections is a National PTA arts recognition program that helps students explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful not only in school but in life.
Students create original works of art in response to a theme. The theme for the 2024-2025 program will be “Accepting Imperfection” Students submit their completed works of art in one or more of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts, Accessible Arts. While the primary focus of Reflections is a celebration of creativity through positive recognition, finalists from local PTAs will move on to the Northshore Council PTSA, then finalists from councils will move on to the state round. Washington State PTA finalists who receive an “Outstanding Interpretation” award will advance to the National PTA round.
If your young artist would like to participate, please email PTA Vice President, Shareen Corlett, at vp@kokaneepta.com. Please note, only virtual submissions will be accepted this year. The deadline for turning in submissions will be Monday, November 11th. More information can also be found on our website under programs.
We are looking for great businesses to sponsor our PTA and help us fund the wonderful events and programs we offer and support throughout the school year.
If you are a business owner or know of one who might be interested in this opportunity, please visit our 'Sponsors' page on our website, or reach out to contact@kokaneepta.com!
Become a PTA Member ! Memberships are available at the Individual, Dual, or Teacher & Staff level.
The PTA is a network of parents, teachers, and community members working together to ensure our children and our educators have what they need by pooling our resources and using our collective voice.
Only members receive:
- Voting privileges at our meetings
- Automatic membership to the Washington State & National PTAs
- Special sponsor offers & discounts provided by WSPTA & National PTA
- Access to the PTA Takes Action Network, connecting you to Congress when help is needed on issues important to children, schools and families
- Review and approve the by-laws and budget at the 1st meeting of every year
There are no member requirements, but our community benefits the most when members:
- Attend meetings when possible
- Vote & elect PTA Officers every May
- Volunteer for school activities, committees and events sponsored by the PTA
- Provide input and vote on expenditures of funds earned by PTA
- Share ideas and feedback related to PTA sponsored events
We pay for the specialized programs our children need not covered by government or district funding.
- Art Docent Program
- Raz Kids (instructional literacy program)
- Scholastic News School-wide Subscription (cross curricular enrichment)
- PebbleGo (library research program)
- Watch D.O.G.S (school safety program)
- Reflections Art Contest
Did you know on average a teacher spends $500-$1,000 in out-of-pocket expenses per year? The Kokanee PTA provides:
- Classroom Support: $300 per classroom and specialist teacher
- Field Trips: All field trips are predominately paid for by the PTA
- School-wide Grants: Previous examples include: Flag Refresh collaboration with Kokanee's Racial and Education Justice Team, Flood relief funds, and many others!
Our events bring Kokanee families & community together:
- Bingo Night
- Celebration of the World
- Costume Dance
- Reflections Art Competition
- Carnival
- Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
- 5th Grade Celebration
*Scholarship memberships are available. Please email contact@kokaneepta.com to request.*