Jaguar Tales
Feb. 9, 2025
Hello, Jaguar Family!
We hope this weekend has brought each family rest and joy. This week brings quite a few activities to Cedar Valley, that include information meetings for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, the first track meet of the year, and the Valentine's Day Dance, to name a few. We hope there is a way for you to connect with us this week through one of these activities. We're looking forward to a great week at Cedar Valley!
Go Jags!
Larissa Ortiz
Cedar Valley Middle School Principal
Helpful Tip: Some editions of Jaguar Tales are longer than others. If you are viewing the newsletter in your email and it seems to randomly cut off, please click on the title of the newsletter (Jaguar Tales) in your email. Doing this will link you to the full newsletter on the Smore site. You can also click on "View entire message" at the bottom of the email. 🙂
Cedar Valley's Teacher of the Year
Please help me in congratulating Cedar Valley's Teacher of the Year, Ms. Galvan! Ms. Galvan teaches Theatre Arts to all grade levels. Those who nominated her, describe her as being engaged with her students inside and outside of the classroom and caring deeply about their efforts and commitment to the theatre program. She cultivates an atmosphere that is welcoming to all and is every student's biggest cheerleader. She gives her all to make her students better versions of themselves. She is a team player and exudes positivity.
Cedar Valley's Paraprofessional of the Year
Mrs. Beal, who serves Cedar Valley as the administrative assistant in the main office, was named Paraprofessional of the Year. Mrs. Beal has been described as "the heart of Cedar Valley. She helps everything run smoothly, supports everyone from admin and teachers to students, and helps make us a community" and we couldn't agree more!
Information for Rising 6th Graders
Do you know a rising 6th grader who will coming to Cedar Valley next year? Please feel free to share this information with them!
We are looking forward to welcoming our rising 6th graders to the Cedar Valley Middle School community next year! As we prepare for the 2025-2026 school year, we have several important events to share with you.
Please mark these dates on your calendar:
Wednesday, February 5th - fifth grade students from our elementary feeder schools will visit and tour Cedar Valley during the school day.
Monday, February 10th - Fifth Grade Parent Night and Elective showcase will be held at Cedar Valley from 4:00-6:00 p.m. This night is designed specifically for us to answer any questions you may have about course offerings as your child transitions to middle school as well as explore elective options offered in sixth grade. The fair will begin in the CeVMS commons followed by a Q&A style meeting in the cafeteria from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. The presentation will be shared via each elementary school after Feb. 10 for anyone who is not able to attend.
Thursday, February 13th - Cedar Valley 6th grade counselor and administrator will go present to students at our feeder elementary schools.
Friday, February 14th - the choice sheet link will be emailed to all incoming CeVMS sixth grade students via their RRISD student email account. Parents and students can log in to their student’s email account to complete the choice sheet electronically. View the RRISD middle school course catalog here.
Friday, February 21st - course selections are due and the choice sheet link will be closed.
Jag Camp and parent meeting will be held before the first day of school, on August 7th (9:00am- 10:30am Last name A-L, 11:00am-12:30pm Last name M-Z) to provide all students an opportunity to become familiar with Cedar Valley before school starts.
We look forward to you joining the Jaguar Family!
Information for Rising 7th and 8th Graders
This information is for our rising 7th and 8th graders (current 6th and 7th graders). Below are important dates for students and parents.
Feb. 11 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Mtg 5:30pm - 6:15pm, Cedar Valley Cafeteria
The presentation will be shared with all rising 7th grade students and parents via email after Feb. 11.
Feb. 11 - Incoming 8th Grade Parent Mtg 6:30pm - 7:15pm, Cedar Valley Cafeteria
The presentation will be shared with all rising 8th grade students and parents via email after Feb. 11.
Feb. 14 - Choice Sheets incoming 7th/8th sent out through advisory
Feb. 21 - Choice Sheets due to school counselors - Online Only
TAG Testing
TAG testing will be held on February 12th and 13th. Students will receive an email from Mrs. Mills on February 10th with more information.
For any questions about TAG testing, please contact
February Staff Appreciation Lunch - Feb. 13
We are going to show the CeVMS Staff our love language is PASTA! Please sign up to bring items or donate for the CeVMS PTA's Staff Appreciation Pasta & Salad lunch happening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Click here to donate items, or click here to make a monetary donation and we'll do the shopping for you.
Valentine's Day Dance - Feb. 14
Cedar Valley All-School
Valentine's Day Party
Friday, February 14th, 4-6pm
We still need Volunteers and Donations to make this all-school dance successful.
🚩 Signup to Volunteer or Donate Here 🚩
(If you cannot volunteer or donate food, please consider making a
monetary donation to help cover supply costs.)
Friday Lunch:
Wristbands go on sale FRIDAY ONLY, 2/14/2025.
Buy Discounted Wristbands at Lunch $5 CASH (or $7 at the door)
Additional sales at lunch:
Food and Game Tickets & Valentine Flowers
Friday After School:
3:35pm Take ALL of your belongings directly to the SMALL GYM
4:00pm PARTY TIME!!!
NO ENTRY after 4:15pm.
NO RE-ENTRY if you leave.
Take your money and phone with you.
Leave everything else in the Small Gym! (It will be locked until 5:45pm.)
All food must be eaten in the hallway seating area.
Have fun and be respectful of others and the school!
5:45-6:00pm Parent/Guardian Pickup (parking lot by cafeteria)
Expected Price List
Wristbands (to enter dance): $5 at LUNCH (Friday Only), $7 at DOOR
$1 Drinks, Candy, Chips & Video Games
$2 Karaoke, Pizza, Cookie Decorating & Flowers
NOTE: Cash Only
A note from campus administration:
In order to purchase a wristband and attend the dance, students must have no library fines and need to meet behavior and attendance criteria. Students will not be allowed to attend the dance if they have 3 or more tardies or receive a referral resulting in administrative disciplinary action during the week of 2/10-14/2025.
No Valentine's Day Deliveries
8th Grade Penny War
(Fundraiser for the 8th Grade Dance)
No School - Feb. 17, 2025
Comic Con - Feb. 22 - 9:30-3:30
(Click the image below for more information)
Eastern Europe Trip Information Meeting - Feb. 25
ALL ARE INVITED! Mrs. Fooshee is hosting an Education First trip for students and parents to Berlin, Prague, Krakow, Budapest, and Austria! Our Spring meeting will be at 6pm on Tuesday, Feb. 25! Please plan to attend to get more information! Click the link below to register for the meeting!
This trip is going to be an incredible opportunity for students AND parents to explore new cities, cultures, and languages TOGETHER and we can’t wait for everyone, especially our students, to discover more about themselves, gain leadership skills, and grow more confident in the process.
By attending the meeting there will be discounts and a raffle for more discounts on the trip! STUDENTS AND PARENTS are welcome to travel!!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email me @
***THIS IS A Non-RRISD AND Non-Cedar Valley sponsored trip***
NJHS Walk for Wishes Carnival - March 8
(Click on the image to order your t-shirt/ ticket)
Updated Notifications Coming to HAC Accounts
Coming in February Home Access Center will send grade notification alerts if your student’s average class grade falls below 75. A drop in grades can signal difficulties such as learning gaps, time management struggles, or personal challenges.
Learn more about HAC grade alerts:
Register for a HAC parent/guardian account
A partir de febrero, Home Access Center enviará alertas de notificación de calificaciones si la calificación promedio de su estudiante en clase cae por debajo de 75. Una caÃda en las calificaciones puede indicar dificultades como brechas de aprendizaje, dificultades para administrar el tiempo o desafÃos personales.
Obtenga más información sobre las alertas de calificaciones de HAC:
RegÃstrese para obtener una cuenta de padre/tutor de HAC
8th Grade Student Transition/Registration Dates
March (TBD) - Course Verification (HAC)
March (TBD) - Course Change Deadline
MHS Incoming 9th Grade Football Parent Meeting - Feb. 19
McNeil HS Cheer Tryout Information
If you are interested in cheering in high school at MHS, please join Coach Mendez as well as the rest of the MHS Cheer team for practice from 4:40-6:40 pm in the MHS N wing Cheer Gym. The dates are listed under "Spring Semester" in the form below. The sessions are free of charge. Please click on the link for more information.
For any questions about the cheer clinic, please contact MHS Head Cheer Coach:
Courtney Mendez,
High School Cheer Tryout Information
Mandatory Cheer and Mascot Tryout Information Meetings to be held on February 5th (strongly recommended to attend this one) and February 13th (make-up meeting) from 6-8 pm. You only need to attend ONE of the meetings.
Meetings are held in the cafeteria of your feeder High School Campus. Please attend the location you will be trying out for.
***Candidate AND Parent/Guardian must attend together
8th Grade Transition Resources
As high school information is shared from the high schools it will be included here (ex: presentations). If you have specific questions about any of the programs or information shared, please reach out to the high school directly.
Save the Date - 8th Grade Formal Dance - May 3, 2025
Save the Date for the 8th Grade End-of-Year Celebration!!
This year's formal dance will take place on Saturday, May 3rd, from 7-10 PM at Cedar Valley MS!
Admission is FREE, along with snacks, great music, and much more!
This is a PTA and 8th grade parent sponsored event, exclusive for 8th grade Cedar Valley MS students only. No outside guests or students from other grades will be allowed to attend. Parents can attend as volunteers only. Look for additional information on volunteering, donating, and reserving {free} tickets coming out soon.
Spirit Wear is Available!
Spiritwear is now available to purchase through our online store! You can place an order anytime and it will be delivered to your child's advisory class within a few days!
Check out our new shirt design for the 2023/2024 school year! The shirt was designed by an eighth grade art student at Cedar Valley! Help support our school and teachers by purchasing a shirt today!!!
Volunteers Needed!
One of the best ways to show your student that education is important to you, is by volunteering at their school. There are lots of different ways to contribute your time, support and resources.
Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form below to help us match your interests with the school's needs (such as Staff Appreciation, Concessions, Fundraising or School Dances).
This does NOT commit you to anything other than possibly receiving emails when we need help in your areas of interest.
Beginning the 2024-25 school year, PTA Memberships will be completed and paid directly from the Texas PTA site.
For further Information, please visit Memberships.
Upcoming Events
All events at Cedar Valley can be found on the Cedar Valley Master Calendar.
Did you know that you can add the Cedar Valley Master Calendar to your calendar? Simply click on this link to access it and add it to your calendar!
Join PTA Today!
Visit our Cedar Valley PTA Online Store to make donations and purchase your Cedar Valley merchandise at our one stop shop! Merchandise will be back online shortly.
To join PTA, click here. We're happy to have you on board!
Cedar Valley Middle School
Vision: Fostering an inclusive community of lifelong learners
Location: 8139 Racine Trail, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2300
Twitter: @cevmsjags
Front Office Staff
Administrative Associate - Principal's Office: Ms. Cristol Alvarez, 512-428-2316
Administrative Assistant - Counseling Office: Ms. Marilyn Beal, 512-428-2348
Attendance: Ms. Dana Harrison, 512-428-2305
Receptionist: Ms. Allison Samuelson, 512-428-2301
Registrar: Ms. Vicky Escruceria, 512-428-2315
6th Grade Counselor: Ms. Gabrielle Kerr
7th Grade Counselor: Ms. Heather Mills
8th Grade Counselor: Ms. Elizabeth Guidry
Principal: Ms. Larissa Ortiz
6th Grade Assistant Principal: Ms. Jennifer Bingham
7th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Marc Scott
8th Grade Assistant Principal: Mr. Andrew Carroll
Nurse Clinic
Campus Nurse: Nurse Mina Shimomura
Records Specialist: Ms. Kristie_Rocheleau