Fargo Davies Student Announcements
February 7, 2025
Boys and girls track and field will be having pre-season lock-in on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 7p.m. – 12 a.m. Check in in the Commons. There will be games, food, an opportunity to see if track & field is a sport for you and if it is, a chance to get to know teammates. It is $10(can waive the fee if needed). Email beilr@fargo.k12.nd.us with any questions.”
Art Club will be continuing with our clay projects from last meeting by glazing and firing our tripod mugs! We’ll be meeting on February 11th, 4-5 pm in room C104. See you there!
February 14th will be an early out day at Davies High. The schedule will be as follows:
- Eagle Hour (8:05-8:40)
- Period 1 (8:50-9:20)
- Period 2 (9:25-9:55)
- Period 3 (10:00-10:30)
- Period 4A (10:35-11:05)
- Period 4B (11:00-11:30)
- Period 5A (11:10-11:40)
- Period 5B (11:35-12:05)
- Period 6 (12:10-12:40)
- Period 7 (12:45-1:15)
- period 8 (1:20-1:50)
Lunch 1 (10:35-10:55)
Lunch 2 ( 11:10-11:30)
Lunch 3 (11:45-12:05)
There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting on Thursday, February 6th, at 8:15 AM, in Room B210. Everyone is welcome!
Ski/Snowboard Club Announcement: Any students interested in joining our next trip to Giants Ridge Mountain (north of Duluth) can sign up NOW on school pay. You NEED to pay in order to be signed up for the trip, sign-ups close on Friday, February 7th at noon and WILL NOT reopen after that. We need as many people as possible to make the trip happen! This hill is awesome and will be a blast!!! Please sign up today and talk to Mrs. G in room C213 or email her at gagliac@fargoschools.org with any questions. See you on the slopes!
The Booster Club encourages Davies students to be involved in their school through the many different sports, clubs, and activities that are offered. We help support all of these activities through its memberships and corporate sponsors. This year, the Davies Booster Club is excited to offer our first ever scholarship for students who are active at Davies and also has a parent or guardian who supports the Booster CLub and what we do for our Eagles.
Scholarship forms can be found on the Davies booster website https://daviesbooster.com/scholarship-program. This scholarship is also listed on the scholarship spreadsheet under the counselors page on Davies website.
If you’re struggling with classes, come to Davies’ tutoring club! If you need help understanding concepts or need to get your grades up before an eligibility check, come sign up for a tutor! We’ve got tutors for math, English, foreign languages, and everything in between. The link to the form is here: https://forms.gle/9tsBLTzA6D9Tmvq27.
Fargo Davies High School
Troy Cody, Principal - 446-5604
Dale Miller, Asst. Principal - 446-5607
Sean Safranski Asst. Principal - 446-5606
Lenny Ohlhauser Asst. Principal/Activities Director - 446-5608
Work Hard, Be Yourself, Do The Right Thing