Lowell Lantern
Principal's message
Lowell Families,
You should have received a phone call last evening updating your family about school closings for MSD Warren Township. Some key things to remember are:
All schools will be closed starting today, Friday, March 13 through Friday, March 20. All buildings will be closed and practices, games, and events canceled at this time.
Spring Intersession starts Monday, March 23 and goes through Friday, April 3.
The Governor has granted waivers for missed instruction time; therefore, we will NOT be using eLearning days at this time.
Your students brought home eLearning lessons on Thursday. We will NOT be utilizing those lessons at this time. Please hold onto those for potential use at a later date.
A free grab and go lunch will be provided on each of the 6 days (Friday, March 13 and Monday, March 16 - Friday, March 20) and available for pick up at Warren Central High School, Door 1, from 11:00am - 1:00pm for all MSD Warren students.
Please continue to watch for further announcements concerning school closings by visiting our website at www.warren.k12.in.us.
As noted in the district letter sent home on March 9, MSD Warren Township is requesting that all staff and families travelling during spring break to a Level 2 or Level 3 state or country follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance of self-quarantine and self-report to school and district leaders. In accordance with CDC guidelines, those who choose to travel to states or countries with a CDC level 3 travel advisory for coronavirus must self-quarantine for 14 days. Travelers should also note that the possibility exists that a state or country experiencing an outbreak could suspend travel in or out and could result in travelers being stranded. This guidance in detail is linked to our district COVID-19 resource webpage. The webpage can be found under the Parent Tab or by visiting https://www.warren.k12.in.us/o/msd-of-warren-township/page/covid-19-coronavirus-disease-
For your reference, below is the district message that was sent out last evening:
Under the guidance of the Marion County Public Health Department, all schools in MSD Warren Township will be closed beginning Friday, March 13th through Friday, March 20th due to the Coronavirus based on an over abundance of caution. All buildings will be closed and practices, games and events canceled during this time.
We do not plan to use eLearning days at this time based on the Governor’s announcement of allowing waivers provided for missed instructional time. Please hold on to the materials that you received for eLearning for potential use at a later date.
Before and after school care at the Warren Early Childhood Center, is also closed.
A free grab and go lunch will be provided on each of the 6 days available for pick up at Warren Central High School, door 1, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM for all MSD Warren students.
Please watch for further announcements concerning school closings on TV or radio or visit our web site at www.warren.k12.in.us.
If needed, I will be available by phone at 317-532-3901 or by email at kgriffin@warren.k12.in.us Take care and we will see everyone in April!
Mrs. Griffin
Journey of a Graduate (JoG)
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Fro-Yo Friday!
Our students will REALLYappreciate it!!
Important Dates
3/13-3/20 School closed
3/23-4/3 Spring Break
Birthday treat policy
While we love to celebrate, please remember there is a "no birthday treats" guideline. To access fun and helpful resources for healthy celebration ideas, please visit:
Thank you for understanding and adhering to this policy!
Clothing donation for the Lowell Clinic
No Smoking
Please remember that our Lowell Campus is a smoke-free campus. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on Lowell grounds. This includes smoking in your cars while on the Lowell Campus. Please refrain from smoking on school grounds if you are picking your child up or dropping your child off at school. We appreciate your support with this policy!
* If your child will be absent due to illness or late due to a doctor's appointment, please call the front office at 317-532-3900 to report the absence or late arrival. This helps to ensure your child's safety. Please bring a doctor's note to document the excused absence.
* Dismissal is at 3:05pm. If you are picking up your child from school, please follow our car rider procedures.
* When arriving at Lowell, please make sure you stop first at the front desk. All visitors MUST sign in and put on a Lowell Badge while in the building. Safety is our top priority for our students. This process allows us to ensure every child's safety during the school day. Thank you for your cooperation.
* Parents are always welcome at Lowell! If you would like to visit your child's classroom, please call or email your child's teacher or Mrs. Griffin so we can make arrangements and ensure that the students will be in the classroom at the time of your visit. We encourage you and welcome you to always be a part of your child's learning, and we truly value your involvement!
* Please remember that our Lowell Campus is a smoke-free campus. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on Lowell grounds. This includes smoking in your cars while on the Lowell Campus.
The occasion may arise when the school district wants to recognize your child or your child's school. This may include your child's photo, your child's name or your child's work in district publications, newsletters, on school district websites, and in electronic/ social media or in staff training videos. We may also want to tell the media (including newspapers, television, and radio) about your child's achievements. We never knowingly release information about a student to anyone who wants to use it for commercial/ political purposes. However, we will honor your request to not include your child in these types of recognitions if you notify your child's school office in writing that you do not want this type of information released.
Student Success Handbook 2019-2020 School Year
Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1