High School Warrior Weekly
Week of October 14, 2024
Attention Seniors
Submit Your Senior Photo Today!
Seniors are reminded that the deadline to submit a senior photo for inclusion in the yearbook is November 29, 2024. Directions on how to submit the photo for the yearbook can be found on the High School website under the Familes/Students tab:
There is no fee to submit your photo.
HERE is the list of names showing photos that have been received. In the upper right corner you will see the date that it was last updated. Continue to check periodically as your photographer may be submitting the photo on your behalf. Local photographers traditionally wait and send them in groups as they have many clients from WHS. Please make sure you are following up with them if you do not see your photo submitted.
Important to note: We do not collect photos for the Tribune. Seniors are responsible for submitting their photo directly to the Tribune.
Stay tuned for more information on an exciting change to the traditional senior profile section of the yearbook.
DECA Fundraiser
High School DECA is selling tickets for Forward Madison FC for their Back To School Night on October 12th and a regular match on October 19th. The Back To School Night will have many fun activities for families. For every ticket sold, Waunakee HS DECA will receive a $5 commission. Here is a link to where the tickets can be bought.
Appreciation Committee
Volunteers and Donations Appreciated
For over 19 years, the Staff Appreciation Committee has been providing a meal for the teachers and staff on conference night. Please help by clicking the link and signing up for anything you can bring to help or volunteer to set up or clean up. Any help is appreciated! Please have your donation to the office by 2 PM on Monday, October 14 (no deliveries the week before please; if you need help getting your donation to school, reach out to one of the coordinators). October 2024 Staff Conference Meal Sign Up
If you would prefer to make a cash donation and have one of the coordinators do the shopping, please reach out to one of us (below) and we will provide the information needed.
Thank you for helping us treat the staff to a pre-conference meal!
Staff Appreciation Co-Coordinators
Shawna Schalk shawnaschalk@gmail.comMelissa Meinholz tmzmein@yahoo.com
Maggie Ziegler maggieziegler22@gmail.com
Music, Food and Fun!
Waunakee FORMATA - (Family Organization for Music and Theatre Arts) is our music and drama support group for our programs in Waunakee.
- WHO: The Waunakee Family Organization for Music and Theater Arts (FORMATA) is once again hosting Raise It To The Rooftop. The funds raised at this year's event will help pay for large instruments for our High School, Middle School and Intermediate School.
- WHERE: The Lone Girl, 114 E. Main St. Waunakee
- WHEN: Sunday, October 13, 3:00-7:00 p.m.
- WHAT: Featuring performances by teachers and students as well as special guests greenTONE A cappella from 3:15-4:45 p.m. and The Evan Riley Band from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
- WHY: Enjoy a night of music while supporting our vibrant music and theatre programs through financial support, advocacy, volunteer opportunities and helping complete the purchase of ourYamaha S6X concert Grand Piano for the Performing Arts Center as well as help support large instrument purchases across the school district.
Counseling Office Connection
Juniors & Seniors
A college representative will be available to meet with juniors and seniors in the Counseling Office during Contact Time on the following days:
Tuesday, October 15: UW-Oshkosh
Thursday, October 17: University of Iowa
To attend either session, students can sign up in FlexiSched under the Counseling Office on Monday, October 14, 2024.
Celebrating Academic Excellence!
We are thrilled to announce our 2025 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists and Commended Students! The National Merit Scholarship Program recognizes and honors students for their exceptional academic achievements, extracurricular activities, skills, and future potential.
Join us in congratulating our outstanding Semifinalists:
(L-R) George Kind and Madison Kremer. We also applaud our accomplished Commended Students: At Right: Alyssa Franks and Selah Kim and Cooper Yecoshenko (missing from photo).
To learn more about this prestigious recognition and our remarkable scholars, visit the National Merit Scholarship Corporation website.
We wish our Semifinalists the very best of luck in the next round later this year! Your dedication to excellence is an inspiration to us all.
Attention Seniors
Attention Seniors, if you are interested in attending a U.S. Service Academy, Congressman Pocan's Office is now accepting nomination applications through October 18, 2024. Although a nomination is not a guarantee that a student will attend a U.S. Service Academy, it is required to apply to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point. Please feel free to contact Rep. Pocan's office at 608-258-9800 or email Diego.Benitez@mail.house.gov with any questions.
Winter Coats and Accessories
Coat Distribution
Is your family in need of winter coats, hats, mittens, etc.? Coats will be distributed on Saturday, October 12 - Friday, October 18 at Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (WNC).
Schedule Appointment Time
Please sign up for a time separate from your regular shopping appointment by calling WNC or using the QR code provided.
Post Prom Planning Meeting
Attention Junior Parents/Guardians
If you are interested in helping to plan/organize the Post Prom festivities (April 12th, 2025), we will be meeting Wednesday October 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the Waunakee Village Center. If you are interested in helping out, but are unable to make the meeting, please contact Mr. Hernandez: (stevenhernandez@waunakee.k12.wi.us ) so that he can pass your name onto the Post Prom Planning Committee.
Post Prom is organized by parents/guardians and offers a wonderful opportunity for our students following Prom.
Thank you for your help and support in advance.
Waunakee Community High School Administration Team
Athletics / Activities
Winter/Spring Sports Meeting
On Wednesday, October 23rd at 6 PM, there will be a required meeting for all freshmen/new students to Waunakee who have not participated in a high school sport before. This is the third and final meeting for the school year, so any winter and spring parents and athletes should attend this meeting in the Performing Arts Center (PAC).
Winter Athletics and Activities
Winter Athletics and Activities are now available for registration in Infinite Campus. Please refer to the 9/24 email sent to students and parents/guardians for directions on how to register and for details on additional required paperwork that needs to be completed before your student can be cleared to participate. Step-by-Step registration directions can also be found here on the Waunakee Community School District website.
- HS Winter Athletics/Activities: Boys Basketball, Boys Hockey, Boys Swim, Forensics, Girls Basketball, Girls Hockey, Gymnastics, Ski & Snowboard, Winter Cheer, Winter Play, Wrestling
- MS Winter Athletics/Activities: Boys Basketball, Dance, Girls Basketball, Wrestling
Family Fun Event
Organized by National Honor Society | Sponsored by American Legion
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 29 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. for the annual Waunakee National Honor Society "Halloween in the Halls" event! This is a fun (and climate-controlled) trick-or-treat night at the high school. All children from preschool through sixth grade are invited to attend. Several high school clubs will provide treats and activities throughout the halls. Admission is free. Families should enter the high school through Door #1/Main Entrance. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. See the flyer for more information and be sure to share it with your neighbors. Questions, email caitlynnhoff@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
School Health Office
Health Update: 10/02/2024
Cases of Pertussis, also known as Whooping Cough, are increasing in Wisconsin and nationwide. WCSD has had a handful of positive cases since July. Pertussis is a very contagious respiratory illness that may begin like a common cold, but develops into a severe cough that can last for weeks.
To reduce the risk of transmission in our school buildings, the following is recommended:
Stay home for 5 days while on antibiotic therapy for those who are diagnosed with pertussis or a medical provider is treating as a probable case
Stay updated on vaccines, including DTaP and Tdap, which help protect against Pertussis
Wear a mask when experiencing a cough or other respiratory symptoms
For additional information, click here. To report a positive case of Pertussis in your home, please contact your school’s health office.
Thank you for your support,
Jenny Sydow, RN
Fall 2024 School District Referendum
🔍Wondering about the fall 2024 referendum?
Check out our website to explore and find the answers that matter to you!
- Learn More: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/community/fall-2024-referendum
- Email: wcsd_fall2024referendum@waunakee.k12.wi.us
School Funding
Our public schools are the cornerstone of our community. The education and opportunities we provide for students today shape their futures and ours. Schools, like any organization, need money to operate. But in Wisconsin, funding the needs of our schools has been a growing challenge due to the lack of state funding.
Watch Video: https://youtu.be/Jy2bueJvq_Q?si=tWZhv54jqnRyujoW
Learn More: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/community/fall-2024-referendum
2025 Project Graduation
🎓Keeping Traditions Alive
Project Graduation is a fun, after graduation party organized by the parents and guardians of the graduating SENIORS. This event was established to offer seniors a safe place to celebrate for FREE and we hope to continue providing it.
If you are willing to help plan/organize Project Graduation, email waunagradparty@gmail.com to express interest . There will be the initial planning meeting on Tuesday, October 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the high school staff lounge. Thank you for your help and support in advance.
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
Visitor Management System: Visitor Aware Update
As we enter the second year of utilizing Visitor Aware, we want to take a moment to remind you of this important Visitor Management System in our K-12 school buildings. Visitor Aware continues to streamline the check-in process for visitors while enhancing the safety of our students, staff, and families.
Key Features to Remember:
Initial Check-In: If you are visiting our schools for the first time this year, please remember to bring a state ID (such as a driver’s license or passport) for verification. This allows us to ensure a safe environment by checking visitor identities against national databases.
Facial Recognition Technology: After your first visit, checking in will be quick and easy - just use your photo at the front office kiosk. Visitor Aware employs facial recognition technology to identify registered visitors efficiently.
Enhanced Accountability: By tracking who is in our schools in real-time, we can improve our emergency preparedness and response capabilities. Visitors must also indicate where they are going in a building.
Strengthen Staff and Visitor Communication: Visitor Aware promotes clear communication among front office staff, principals, and visitors. If a visitor is unrecognized or requires further review, a discreet notification is sent to prompt the front office to contact the principal or the Office of School Safety. This system utilizes technology similar to facial recognition used in mobile phones to document and authorize entry for all visitors.
Support for Families: Our school office staff are always available to assist you, especially if you have questions about the check-in and check-out process or need help with your first visit.
Visitor Aware plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and welcoming atmosphere for our school community. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support in helping us ensure the safety of our learning environment.
If you have additional questions or to view additional resources for Visitor Aware, please visit our Safety and Security district website.
Supporting DECA & FBLA
Start Saving!
The Bucky Book offers 50% OFF at 300+ businesses and you only need to redeem a few coupons--and in many cases, just one--between now and September 30, 2025 to recoup your contribution while you are supporting Waunakee DECA & FBLA. As you know, businesses have increased their prices and using the Bucky Book pays you back. There are 50% OFF coupons you can use right now from car washes, groceries, golf (now & next season), pizza, fast food, oil changes, pet food, carpet cleaning, shopping, home services and so much more. The Bucky Book makes an excellent gift to anyone in the Madison area!
BONUS! You will also receive a bonus flyer of Hy-Vee 50% OFF coupons for groceries valued over $50 in addition to TWO FREE GAMES at Pinseekers in DeForest for mini bowling & golf just by purchasing your book(s) from our organizations! These bonus inserts will cover the cost of your Bucky Book (and more)!
If you have kids, you'll save on half off birthday parties, bouncy houses, bowling, ice cream, UW games, Dane County Fair, swimming, amusement parks, etc.
If you want to purchase a book, please email sandrameinholz@waunakee.k12.wi.us or colleenserum@waunakee.k12.wi.us or purchase from any student member of either organization. Books can be delivered or picked up at Waunakee Community High School.
If you want to order online, please use the link https://www.buckybook.com/waunakee-high-school-deca-fbla to purchase your book(s) or the QR code below.
If you want to make a donation to offset our DECA & FBLA traveling costs, you may do so through Classmunity. THANK YOU for your continued support of our co-curricular programs!
Science & Service Trip Fundraiser
How can we help?
In June of 2025, a group of Waunakee students are embarking on an educational trip to Sweden and Denmark to study and experience the world’s best examples of Sustainability, Conservation, Clean Energy, and Environmental Engineering. In line with our mission and vision, we are offering our services to care for yards and properties to raise finances for all group members.
WHEN? October 19-20
WHO? High School students enrolled in this trip, teacher chaperones, and parent volunteers.
WHERE? Any property or business in the Waunakee area or north/west of Madison
WHAT? We can offer any of these services:
- Rake and bag leaves
- Plant trees/bulbs/plants/seeds
- Pull/cut weeks
- Lawn mowing
- Lawn fertilizer application
- Pot plants for indoor use
- Remove oil/paint/metals/etc. (taken to proper Dane County recycling facility)
- Paint or stain a deck or fence
- Other: What do you need accomplished….?
COST? Donate any amount to our district-sponsored Classmunity fundraising page.How do I request services? Make a request online and donate OR scan the QR code:
Financial Aid Night
Attention Seniors
Financial Aid Night is scheduled for November 18 virtually beginning at 6:30 p.m. via THIS LINK.
Sarah Doebereiner of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Financial Aid Office will be present to provide an overview of all things financial aid, and will also share information about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) -- a necessary application for families to qualify for financial aid. Students and guardians will receive important information and will have the opportunity to ask questions. The FAFSA will be available to complete in December which was a change last year with the new application rollout. I will also take time to briefly present about local scholarships and where students can find scholarships we are notified of.
The information included about College Goal Wisconsin. College Goal Wisconsin is a beneficial event that provides free information and assistance to families who want help completing the FAFSA. Participation in College Goal Wisconsin will give you access to expert advice, and students can enter a scholarship drawing for a chance to win a one-time college scholarship. Here is a link to the College Goal Wisconsin website for more information.
Please mark your calendars for Financial Aid Night. If you are unable to attend there will be a recording of the session as well as materials to review at a later date. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Kim Bonsett-Veal, High School Counselor.
All About Yearbooks
2023-2024 Yearbook Distribution
The 2023-2024 yearbooks were distributed in classrooms for students in grades 10-12. Students who were not in their advisory should check with their advisory teacher for their yearbook. For questions regarding a yearbook order, please email Mr. Willauer at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
Extra yearbooks are available to purchase in the main office. Books will be sold for $75.00 and can be paid for in cash or a check. There are a limited number of over-run books and sales are based on a first come-first served basis.
Graduated senior yearbooks are available in the main office and can be picked up during the office hours of 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Please note that students who are currently enrolled at the High School can pick up a book for their graduated sibiling.
2024-2025 Yearbook Order
Please make sure you order your 2024-2025 yearbook as soon as possible to ensure the lowest price and that you will get your copy!!!
There will be three levels of pricing for the 2024-2025 yearbook:
- From now until December 31, 2024 the base price of the book will be $60.00 with all extra options available.
- From January 1, 2025 until March 31, 2025 the base price will be $70.00 with all options available.
- From April 1, 2025 until the yearbook plant closes its order window the price of the book will be $80.00. Optional items may still be available but the plant does cut off orders at various points to ensure delivery is on time.
The Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students and families can participate in their school communities regardless of a family’s ability to pay. Financial assistance may be available to anyone looking to purchase a yearbook. Please contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 or a high school social worker to learn more about the student financial assistance fund. If you need assistance in a language other than English, please call the district interpreter/translator at 608-849-2000 option 2.
Placing your order is quick and easy: ONLINE ORDER PLACEMENT IS PREFERRED AT www.yearbookordercenter.com. Enter school code 3927. If you would like to purchase a book with cash or paper check please email Mr. Willauer at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Sharing Photos
Student Absence Requests
At the high school level we ask that all parental absence requests be made only through the Infinite Campus parent portal or on the 24/7 voicemail machine. We understand that this is a different policy than the other schools within the district, but past experience tells us that high schoolers are more able to use parental devices to get themselves out of classes via email.Therefore, high school administrators have asked the attendance desk to not accept email absence requests.
Thanks for your understanding with this matter.
Schoology Tips
Waunakee High School (and Middle School) are using Schoology Learning, an integrated learning management solution that provides course management, mobile learning, and support for system-wide communication. Schoology enables our students, parents, and teachers to engage with learning materials and their school community from the classroom and beyond. With Schoology, students can digitally submit homework assignments, review grades, participate in interactive discussions, receive announcements/feedback, take tests, write academic blogs+more.
As a guardian, you will be able to view your child’s activity within the platform.
Login instructions:
Enter the full email address associated with your infinite campus account.
Click on “Forgot your Password”
Schoology will send you an email with instructions and a link to reset your password.
Click link & set a "new" password
Login again using the link above with the "new" password
Your student(s) will already be associated with your schoology account.
We value your participation in your child’s education, and we encourage you to read Schoology’s Privacy Policy & Terms of Use at https://www.powerschool.com/privacy-statement-overview/. Student progress and activity will be monitored by faculty to ensure a safe, secure, and controlled environment. In addition, parent resources for Schoology can be found here. If you have questions or feedback regarding Schoology please email us!
Courtney Lovell (courtneylovell@waunakee.k12.wi.us), High School Educational Tech
Rick Franz (rickfranz@waunakee.k12.wi.us), Director of Technology
Family Referendum Dates & Chart
We invite you to participate in upcoming informational sessions for the Waunakee Community School District to share more about the upcoming 2024 school district referendum.
The school district will be hosting additional information sessions throughout our community. All sessions will begin with a welcome, short district presentation, and will conclude with questions/answers discussion with participants.
October 16: Waunakee Public Library (Living Room) at 2:00 p.m.
October 22: Waunakee Village Center at 1:00 p.m.
October 29: MNM Coffeehouse at 9:00 a.m.
You can view more information on our district website to learn more. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a time to talk with our referendum team, please email us or call us at (608) 849-2000.
Community Events and Education
Community Events
We believe in collaborative partnerships with students, parents, teachers, staff, businesses and the greater community leading to educational excellence. Community involvement and support is an essential ingredient for the district’s success. Check out our Community Events section on our website to find information about the happenings around our community. Please check back often!
Community Education Class
Unlock your creativity with an exciting two-night workshop! Join us for a hands-on workshop that is perfect for beginners and design enthusiasts alike, no prior experience is necessary. All supplies and materials will be provided, and participants will leave the workshop with completed projects. Participants must be 18 years old and older. Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under Innovation Center Classes. We look forward to seeing you at the WCHS Innovation Center!
Go Fan Passes/Tickets Available
Thank you for your support of the Waunakee Community High School’s athletic activities. We highly encourage you to purchase passes and/or tickets prior to the games being held at the Waunakee Community High School. Tickets and Activity Passes are now available on the GoFan website. The GOFAN App is FREE to download on your mobile device (iOS and Android) and also allows you to purchase single game tickets for $5 + processing fees at any Home Varsity/Junior Varsity events we charge admission to.
Purchase of Single Game Tickets are available only during the season for the following events:
Fall: Football, Boys Soccer, and Volleyball
Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey, and Wrestling
Spring: Girls and Boys Lacrosse, and Girls Soccer
Items to Note:
Family Passes are available to purchase for $150.
High School students can purchase a Student Activities Pass for $50.
Families that have more than 6 immediate family members will need to contact the Athletics Department for a special code to purchase.
If families need assistance with ticket prices or student passes, please consider reaching out to the Student Financial Assistance Fund.
If the app is not loading your ticket at the gate, we can look up the name of the ticket holder for you on our system. If you are using a family pass, we will need to know the name of the person in the family that bought the passes.
Grandparents/Senior Citizen Pass - Golden Card Club
Senior citizens of the District (persons 62 years of age or older) are eligible for lifetime membership in the Golden Card Club which shall permit them to attend all K-12 activities of the schools, including athletic events, free of charge. This does not apply to WIAA tournament events, musicals or plays. Application for membership must be made in person at the Waunakee Athletic Office at Waunakee Community High School or at an admission gate when tickets are sold. These guest passes shall represent a small token of appreciation from the District for all that the District’s senior citizens have done for the schools over the years.
Click on the following videos to learn more about GoFan:
As a reminder, we will not accept cash for ticket sales. Cash is accepted at concession stands. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, please contact the High School Athletic Office at 608-849-2103 or 608-849-2100 or visit our Waunakee Athletic website.
Go Warriors!
Student Financial Assistance Fund
The Waunakee Community School District Student Financial Assistance Fund (SFAF) ensures ALL students in our school district can participate in district programs and activities, as well as community organized programs and activities.
The Waunakee Community School District is committed to ensuring that all students and families can participate in their school communities regardless of a family’s financial situation and ability to pay. Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program, and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
PLEASE CONTACT: Your School Social Worker for more information on these opportunities with the Student Financial Assistance Fund.
Taher Food Service
Taher's goal is to provide high quality, safe and healthy meal options to every student. Students need good nutrition to feed their minds and bodies to enable them to learn during the day.
To view their daily menus, please click on the following link: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
Waunakee High School Main Office
Email: waunakeehighschool_schooloffice@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Website: https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us
Location: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee
Phone: (608) 849-2100