Elms Monthly Parent Newsletter
December 2024
Monthly Activities
December 2nd
Showcase Choir Concert
7:00 pm
FHS Auditorium
December 3rd
2nd Grade Play "The Littlest Christmas Tree"
6:30 pm
FHS Auditorium
December 6th
Popcorn Friday
December 9th
PTA Meeting
Elms Library
7:00 pm
December 10th
Board of Education Meeting
7:00 pm
December 13th
Santa's Workshop
1:00 - 7:00 pm
December 18th
Early Dismissal
Students will dismiss at 2:05 pm
Winter Break
December 23rd - January 3rd
School resumes on January 6th
Flushing Christian Outreach Center
The Flushing Christian Outreach Center (FCOC) provides nutritious food, like-new clothing, personal care, and household cleaning products for Flushing families in crisis. Community means people have a sense of belonging. It is a feeling created by relationships nurtured by shared experiences and supported by resources available as needed and offered without judgement but with compassion. The responsibility of the community to collectively and individually care for each other is inherent. FCOC accomplishes this by maintaining unwavering respect for human dignity and offering hope for sustainable independence when community members find themselves in hardship situations. For more information about FCOC, please call (810) 487-2223 or visit their website at https://www.flushingchristianoutreach.org. You may, also, contact our School Home Coordinator Krista Leitelt at (810) 581-7349.
School Climate Survery Results
Season greetings families. In November our school conducted parent surveys. I would like to share some glows and grows from the survey with you as I reflect upon the results.
Glows are classified as survey results that are positive and need to be celebrated.
Grows are classified as survey results that may need attention and has potential for improvement.
Parent Glows
Parents feel that Elms teachers promote academic success for all students. Parents also feel that their children feel safe at school and that the school is well maintained.
Parent Grows
On the parent survey an area for improvement is parental involvment. While some parents are actively involved in activities at school there is room for improvment for more parent participation.
We look forward to utlizing the parent survey results to celebrate as well as make improvements throughout the school year.