North News
January 24,2025
A Message from the Principal
North Families,
I hope everyone stayed warm during our two "cold days" this week. The two days off of school delayed our start to the second semester, but on Thursday, we were prepared and ready to kick off Semester 2 of learning with your Norsemen.
Be sure to check in with your students about their second semester classes, their goals, and the action steps they will take to accomplish them.
Dr. Sara Delgado
Connect with North Administrators
Mrs. Meloney Cargill
Assistant Principal 10th/12th
Mr. Kevin Shubnell
Assistant Principal 9th/11th
Medical Reminder
In order to keep everyone at North as healthy and safe as possible, please continue to keep your child home if they are ill. A student who is sick will not perform well in school and could spread the illness to other students including those who have underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised. Thank you for your help in keeping all of our students safe!
Norsemen Learning Cafe
We will begin offering after school tutoring every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting on Wednesday, December 11. This new “Norsemen Learning Cafe” will take place in the library and will be a joint effort with NHS and staff tutors.
The goal of the Norsemen Learning Cafe will be to offer a welcoming, safe, and inclusive space for tutoring, studying, collaborative learning, and building positive peer and faculty relationships.
The Norsemen Learning Cafe setup includes three station for diverse learning needs;
Quiet Zone: for focused, independent study
Tutoring Zone: with 2 teachers and peer tutors available for guidance
Collaboration Zone: featuring a coffee bar for a comfortable, engaging study environment
Please connect with counselors or Mr. Shubnell if you have any questions.
Senior Announcements
Upcoming Events for Class of 2025
February 5 - 6:30 - Senior All Night Party Meeting in the commons
February 12 - Lost in Trance-Lation Hypnotist Fundraising event (flyer below)
May 31-June 1 - Senior All Night Party - Buy your Ticket Today for $50 (flyer below)
Class of 2025 Announcements
The senior class needs MANY volunteers. Here is a Sign Up Genius for volunteering! Please see the graduation announcement from Josten's (above) in this newsletter.
You can continue to support the Class of 2025 by donating $25 on the 25th of each month throughout the year. Use the QR code to the left to donate.
Upcoming Important Dates
January 20 - No School MLK Day
January 21 - Start of Quarter 3 (Semester 2)
February 17-21 - No School Mid-Winter Break (Return Feb. 24)
Counseling Corner
Save the Date - Skilled Trades Career Night
The counselors from North and South are excited to announce our 2025 Skilled Trades Career Night on February 27, 2025 from 6-8 in the GPN main gym. Save the Date! We need your help to make this a success! Do you work in the trades or have connections in the trades? Please forward our flyer and reach out to Jill Davenport at davenpj@gpschools.org. It is our hope to give our students as many opportunities to learn about different careers in the trades as possible!
College Application Reminders for Seniors:
Check your email! Remind your seniors to check their email often so they don’t miss updates or action items that need to be completed from colleges.
Stay organized! We suggest keeping a spreadsheet of all the schools and scholarships with deadlines to help stay organized. A template was shared last year but can also be found HERE.
Does your student’s college require the CSS profile? The CSS profile (College Scholarship Service Profile) is an online application required by numerous colleges to determine eligibility for non-federal financial aid like institutional scholarships and grants. It allows colleges to get a more detailed picture of your family’s financial situation. Check your student’s college websites to see if this is required for your student. You can learn more and start the application process HERE.
Now that your student’s applications are submitted, are you looking for more scholarship opportunities? Check out this list of scholarship sites that you can explore HERE. This is not an exhaustive list. We also post local scholarships on the Class of 2025 schoology page so make sure you and your student check these posts weekly!
Beginning in Fall 2024, Michigan high school seniors and recent graduates are eligible for the Community College Guarantee. Click HERE to read more about this opportunity.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship:
The Michigan Achievement Scholarship is designed to help students pursue their dreams, goals and aspirations in the Mitten State! Graduating high school seniors may be eligible for up to $27,500 over five years in financial aid just by filling out the new and simplified FAFSA.
Those who qualify could receive up to $5,500 if they attend a Michigan public university, private college or university or are enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program at a Michigan community college, per year, up to five years
To learn more, families can attend an information session by clicking HERE.
Parent Association Announcements
Parent Association welcomes all Grosse Pointe North parents to the monthly meetings to discuss upcoming events and ways we support the school. Here is a schedule of the meetings. Meetings are held at 7:30 pm in the Commons. Please see below information on upcoming events.
- February 10
- March 10
- April 14
- May 19
- June 9
Important Athletic Information:
Senior Athletes: NCAA Signing Day is the period of time in which athletes will make their athletic scholarships official by signing their National Letter of Intent. Grosse Pointe North has created guidelines for signing day that are now posted on the North Athletic page under the “NCAA Guidelines Signing Days” tab. The remaining dates this school year are February 5th and April 23rd. Contact the athletic office to schedule your 10 minute time slot.
The winter sports season is in full swing. Please check out our website (https://grossepointenorthathletics.com/) for game schedules and additional information. Go North!
Volunteers Needed: The Grosse Pointe North Athletic Booster Club (GPNABC) could use some volunteers to man the concession stand during some of the winter season contests here at Grosse Pointe North. The sign up genius link is as follows: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0949A8AE2AA46-50161925-fall
Please consider volunteering to assist the GPNABC in their efforts to support our athletes and teams. Thank you!
Looking Ahead: The Senior Athletic Brunch Awards will be held on Sunday, June 1, 2025 at noon at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. This event is sponsored by the Grosse Pointe North Athletic Booster Club. More information will be forthcoming as the event draws near.
Spring Sports: The spring sports season will begin March 10, 2025. Please check the athletic website (https://grossepointenorthathletics.com/) for spring tryout information and times. The tryout schedule is also below. All athletes that have not participated in a Fall or Winter sport will need a physical dated after 4/15/24 and a gold card in order to try out. Physical and gold card forms can be obtained from the athletic office or the athletic website. If you have questions, please contact the athletic office.
GPPSS is hiring!
GPPSS is hiring! We have multiple positions available. Click the link for more information and to apply!