Superintendent Message
Inclement Weather Information

Hello, WSD Families,
As we approach the colder months, we want to provide you with information regarding the Wentzville School District's inclement weather procedures for the 2024-25 school year.
Snow Days 1-2 will be traditional snow days and will not need to be made up. Last day of school will be moved up to May 23.
Snow Days 3-7 will be Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days; students will learn remotely. No make-up days will be required. Last day of school will be moved up to May 23.
Snow Days 8-11 will be traditional snow days and will not need to be made up. However, each day taken will result in a required school day after May 23.
Snow Days 12+ will be traditional snow days and will be made up at the end of the year, beginning May 30.
Seniors: Senior’s last day of school may be different from the District’s last day and will be announced in the Spring.
This snow day plan was recommended to the Board in an effort to have the school year end slightly earlier, prior to Memorial Day.
Snow days 1-2 and 8-11 account for our six traditional snow days that are built into the current academic calendar with the last day of school for K-11 being May 30. With this plan, if we use fewer than eight snow days (traditional and AMI), the last day of school will be moved up to Friday, May 23.
We understand this may be a little confusing, so we will share this graphic with a new check mark noting each used snow day to help you stay informed on our current status.
Things to note about our inclement weather procedures:
The decision to cancel school is made for the entire District. There may be times when the conditions in some parts of the District may be deemed unsafe, while conditions in other parts of the District may not be as bad. When in doubt, we will err on the side of caution for the safety of our students and staff.
The District makes every attempt to announce school closures by 5 a.m. However, there may be times when the weather conditions change rapidly, and the decision could be delayed.
The WSD utilizes Focus to notify all households by phone, text, and email of school closures. Announcements are also shared on the District website, social media platforms, and local news stations.
In the event of a 2-hour delayed start, buses will pick up approximately two hours later than normal, and classes will start two hours later than normal.
The District may dismiss early when winter weather arrives quickly and unexpectedly during the school day. Parents/guardians are encouraged to have a plan in place to ensure an adult is available to care for young children if they get home early. Make certain that your children know where to go if no one is at home when they arrive.
We understand that unexpected changes to your family's schedule can be frustrating. Our team takes these decisions seriously and uses all available information to ensure the safety of our students and staff. We appreciate your flexibility and cooperation.
Brian Bishop
Interim Superintendent of Schools
What are AMI days?
The State of Missouri has approved Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI), such as virtual learning days, to be utilized in circumstances of emergency or extended closure for the purpose of review and reinforcement of previously taught skills and/or the continuation of current learning. Electronic and/or web-based assignments and materials will be utilized for AMI and students will have access to District-provided devices and hotspots when available. When possible, hard-copy assignments will be provided as requested.
Why are we planning to use AMI days?
We will utilize AMI to keep students engaged in learning and prevent extending the school year into the summer break. Using AMI instruction on snow days 3-7 may allow us to end the school year prior to Memorial Day.
How will AMI days be implemented?
In the event of an AMI day, students can access their assignments on our website to complete at home.
What if I have a student who receives specialized services?
(Special Education, Reading Intervention, ELL, Gifted)
In the event of an AMI day, expect communication from your student(s) case manager or specialized teacher.
How will families be notified of a snow day or AMI day?
Families and staff will be notified of which type of inclement weather day is being used through the regular district communication channels (Focus phone call, text, social media).
How will this affect my student’s attendance?
Student attendance will be recorded on days when AMI is assigned and will be documented by the completion of assignments and turning in activities. Assignments will be turned in either through Canvas or by giving them to their teacher on the next in-person learning day. Educators will be available electronically by email during AMI days for guidance with instruction.
I am not receiving district alerts. What can I do?
Start by reviewing the parent/guardian contact information in Focus to make sure it is correct. If your phone number or email address is incorrect or missing, submit a request to get it updated.