Memorial Elementary Newsletter
June 2024
Soaking Up the Final Days Together
Our first graders end a chapter of their early elementary careers and begin new as 2nd graders. We are so proud of all they have brought to Memorial as students, friends, and citizens of Pitman. We cannot wait to see all they achieve. To our first graders, "Open your heart and mind like the wings of a butterfly and see then how high you can fly.” — Zeenat Aman
As this year wraps up we also have a retiring staff member, Nurse Barbara Hess. Her commitment to the Pitman School District is beyond measurable. To all of us at Memorial, she has touched our lives with talent, time, and memories we cherish. We wish her a well-deserved new journey full of joy and contentment.
To all our families, thank you all for a memorable year. Your support during this year of much change has not wavered. The relationships we have built are the foundation for our success as a school community and a district. We wish you all a restful summer and look forward to the next year to come.
Have a wonderful summer season.
Warm Weather Considerations
Please be aware that we are outside alot in the final days of school.
- If you would like your student to wear sunscreen please apply at home in the morning before leaving. Additionally water bottles are a must.
- We have refilling stations so just be sure your child come with a waterbottle in the morning and we will keep it filled for them all day.
- Flip flops and sandels do not go well with the blacktop and playground mulch. Please wear approprate footwear like sneakers or other hard sole shoes.
Our goals is to be safe and have fun.
Theme Days
6/5 Wear tie-dye
6/6 Wear red, white or blue.
6/7 Schoolwide Movie Day
6/10 The Water Ice Station
6/11 Field Day
6/13 Frist Grade Clap Out 1:00 pm
June Events
6/6 Donuts for Grown-Ups
6/10 Water Ice Day HSA Sponsered
6/11 Half Days Begin, 1:15 Dismissal
6/11 Field Day
6/13 Last Day of School, 1:15 Dismissal.
6/13 First Grade Calp Out 1:00 pm
6/13 Report Cards Distributed
The first day of school is September 4th, 2024. Early Dismissal.
Orientation dates will be announced via email.
1st Grade Chromebooks
Library Books and Lunch Balances
Lunch balances are also due on 6/13.
Cash or checks can be sent to the Memorial main office. Checks should be made out to the Pitman School District.
Memorial Elementary School
Email: ksagermiller@pitman.k12.nj.us
Website: https://www.pitman.k12.nj.us/Domain/10
Location: 400 Hudson Avenue, Pitman, NJ, USA
Phone: (856) 589-2526