Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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August 16, 2024
16 de agosto de 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Hilhi Families,
I hope summer has been a time for fun and family for each of you. It is wonderful to have a slower pace, more time outdoors and time to reconnect with loved ones. At the same time, it's a reset for us as we enter a new school year, and at Hilhi, we are preparing for students to return for another amazing year.
Spartan Days are Monday from 4:00-7:00 and Tuesday from 9:00-12:00. This is a time for students to get their school picture/ID card, check out a Chromebook and purchase yearbooks. Students can attend anytime by themselves or with their families, and we'll have all these services available once school starts for those who can't make it. I hope to see you there!
Families, please take time to complete online enrollment verification for each student. This ensures we have accurate emergency and health information, as well as gives families the opportunity to complete a family income survey to qualify for fee waiver. You can access enrollment verification on the ParentVue app or website. If you need help accessing your account, please call the school or stop by during Spartan Days.
Student schedules are now visible in StudentVue and ParetVue. Please know that we are still hiring and counselors will be balancing class sizes, so changes will continue to occur. Counselors will be available during Spartan Days, so you can stop by if you have a question about your schedule. If you cannot access your StudentVue or ParentVue account, we'll have folks ready to help with that as well.
I look forward to connecting with many of you during Spartan Days and in the coming weeks. Welcome back, Sparts!
Cary Meier
Spartan Days Registration
Spartan Days are for all students to take care of business before school starts. Be ready to have your school picture taken, get your Chromebook and explore what we ready for the new year. Any Spartan can come either day, and if you can't make it, we'll have make up times once school starts. See you soon, Sparts!
HSD Family Engagement
The Hillsboro School District is currently accepting community member and student applications for its Community Curriculum Advisory Committee (CCAC).
The CCAC serves as a resource to the Board and Superintendent in setting the direction for long-range curriculum development and assisting in the development of the school’s curriculum and instructional programs. Members are appointed to two-year terms by the Board of Directors. Learn more here and apply by 5 PM on Thursday, Sep. 13, 2024
New website
Over the summer HSD moved to a new website. While we are still working to update the information on the site, the new site is more accessible and easier to read on a mobile device. You will notice that in order to prevent cyberattacks, staff email addresses are no longer on the website. Familiess can access teacher emails in ParentVue or via Remind. You can also use the generic formula of staff last name with first initial @hsd.k12.or.us. If that doesn't work, you can use the "Contact Us" button on the website and we'll send your message to the right person. If you can't find what you're looking for on the website, let us know and we'll get it added!
Online Verification & Fee Waiver
Each year families are asked to verify student enrollment online through the ParentVue app. This ensures we have accurate contact information for your student and gives families the opportunity to complete the family income survey to request fee waivers. We'll have staff available at Spartan Days to troubleshoot ParentVue access.
The fee waiver request is new this year, as we are no longer able to automatically waive fees for all students. We ask that all families complete the form, especially if your child will be participating in athletics, activities or taking IB tests, as this is the only way to waive those fees.
School Supplies
Hillsboro School District does not have a defined supply list for middle and high school students. Typically, students will be told what supplies they need for their individual classes on the first day of school. There are, however, some basic supplies that most students will need:
- Backpack
- Binder (2.5‐3”)
- Tab dividers
- College‐ruled filler paper (11” x 8½”)
- College‐ruled composition books
- College‐ruled spiral notebooks
- Folders
- Graphing Calculator
- Pencils (#2 graphite)
- Pens (black or dark blue ink)
- Highlighters
- Zipper pouch for pencils/pens (optional)
- Combination lock for PE classes (if needed)
Donations of these types of supplies are welcome and appreciated! Contact the Communications department at 503‐844‐1500 for more information.
Dates to Know
Fechas para Saber
- Monday, 8/19 (4:00-7:00pm) & Tuesday, 8/20 (9:00am-12:00pm) | Spartan Days - Fall Registration
- Monday, 8/19 - Fall Sports Begin
- Wednesday, 8/28 - Connections Day - advisory teachers will call all families to check in
- Monday, 8/26 - Teachers return for Inservice
- Wednesday, 8/28 - Connections Day - We'll call families to check in.
- Monday, 9/2 - Labor Day Holiday - No School
- Tuesday, 9/3 - Last day of Inservice, No School
- Wednesday, 9/4 - Freshmen Orientation Day - All 9th graders attend, 9:00 start time
- Thursday, 9/5 - All students attend, 8:30 start time, Day 2
- Friday, 9/6 - All students attend, 8:30 start time, Day 1
- Saturday, 9/7, 8:00-10:00 - Freshman Dance in the Commons
- Tuesday, 9/10 - Picture retake day
See the Hilhi Calendar for updated events.
Fall Sports!
Fall sports are getting started!