Boletín de Adams
Family Newsletter - Friday, April 5
Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a los estudiantes en su viaje académico a ser bilingües, bialfabetizados, y ciudadanos del mundo.
We strive to support students on their educational journey as they become bilingual, biliterate, and citizens of the world.
Escuela Adams - Family Calendar
Spring Break is Sat, Apr 6 -Sun, Apr 14
This Week's Menu (4/15- 4/19)
Mon 4-15
Glazed chicken bites
with garlic toast OR
Grilled cheese
Potato wedges
Tues 4/16
Beef or Lentil Sambusas
Yellow Rice
Mixed vegetables
Basbaas Sauce
Wed 4/17
Oven fried chicken
With corn muffin
OR grilled cheese
Mashed potatoes
Thurs 4/18
Cheeseburger OR Veggie burger
Potato wedges
Fri 4/19
Italian Dunker
Marinara sauce
Mixed vegetables
Student Intent to Return
We are already planning for the next school year! At this time, we need to know if your child will return to Adams Spanish Immersion in 2024-2025 as well as collect feedback you would like us to consider when we make class placements.
Please complete this form by this Thursday, April 25th to give us an idea of what to expect for next year.
IMPORTANT: We may not know how many classrooms we will have next year before this is due. We may not know which staff will be teaching and in which positions. Requests for specific teachers cannot be guaranteed. Changes sometimes happen in the fall to balance classes. It is Principal Vales's intention that class lists will be shared to families between July and August.
Click here to complete the INTENT TO RETUN FORM
Budget-Staffing Presentation for Our School Next Year
Families are invited to the library on Tuesday, April 30 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm. Principal Vales will share the budget and staffing plan for the 2024-2025 school year. After the presentation, the slides will be available in the Bulletin. If you have any questions after the presentation or viewing the slides, please email jude.vales@spps.org
PTO Update
PTO Meeting - Tuesday, April 15 6:30-7:00
PTO will be discussing spring events in including Spring Carnival planning!
School Supply Kits for Next School Year
Great News!!
We are once again offering the SchoolKidz supply kit program which
offers pre-packaged, school supply boxes filled with the exact items requested by your child’s teacher. Why fight the hassle of retail when there's a cost effective and convenient
way of purchasing your back-to-school supplies?
If you have questions, reach out to Holly from the PTO at losamigosdeadams@gmail.com
¡Excelentes noticias!
Una vez más, estamos ofreciendo el programa de kits de suministros SchoolKidz que ofrece cajas de suministros escolares preempaquetadas, llenas de los artículos exactos solicitados por el maestro de su hijo.
¿Por qué lidiar con las molestias del comercio minorista cuando hay una forma económica y conveniente de comprar sus suministros escolares?
Salta las filas este verano. ¡Ordena tus suministros con SchoolKidz!
Utiliza el enlace a www.shopttkits.com e ingresa el código 24079
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Holly a través del PTO losamigosdeadams@gmail.com
Join us for the Spring Garden Clean Up!
Tuesday, April 30 from 4:15-6:30pm
Bring some gardening tools to help clear out perennials from last season, till garden beds for planting, clean up the Kinder garden area, lay mulch and trim some trees! Pizza will be provided. No sign up necessary. Show up and stay as long as you are able. The Gertens Plant Fundraiser purchase pick up will also be happening at the same time, so get all your gardening energy out in one night! Email Sra. Nordby with any questions at brooke.nordby@spps.org
¡Únase a nosotros para la limpieza del jardín de primavera!
Martes 30 de abril de 4:15 a 6:30pm.
¡Traiga algunas herramientas de jardinería para ayudar a limpiar las plantas perennes de la temporada pasada, prepare los parterres para plantar, limpie el área del jardín de Kinder, coloque mantillo y pode algunos árboles! Se proporcionará pizza. No es necesario registrarse. Preséntate y quédate todo el tiempo que puedas. La recogida de compras para la recaudación de fondos de Gertens Plant también se realizará al mismo tiempo, ¡así que saque toda su energía de jardinería en una noche! Mande un email a Sra. Nordby en brooke.nordby@spps.org con cualquier pregunta o duda.
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to staff our Gertens Plant Sale Pick Up on Tuesday, April 30 from 4-6pm. If you are able to help out for a one hour shift, please sign up here!
¡Voluntarios necesitados!
Estamos buscando voluntarios para el personal de recogida de la venta de plantas Gertens el martes 30 de abril de 4 a 6 p.m. Si puede ayudar durante un turno de una hora, ¡regístrese aquí!
Adams Lions R.O.A.R. (Reach Out And Read)
Mark the Date to Celebrate
Get ready for the Adams’ Book Fiesta in celebration of El Día del Niño (The Day of the Child) and Book Day on April 30! Author Pat Mora developed the idea of adding “bookjoy” to the celebration of children in her story Book Fiesta. Students and staff will be able to use their creativity and imagination to dress up as book characters. Our theater and library teachers are teaming up to help students develop their own costumes in school with paper or everyday items found at home. Watch for the video of ideas and other information coming soon. If you have questions or would like to help, please contact christina.boucher@spps.org or julianne.ninteman@spps.org.
Spring Break Fun and Learning at the Library
Programs are happening at all library locations for ages 7-11. Activities include hands-on robotics, Pokemon parties, bean art, and air-dry clay sculptures.
Learn more at sppl.org/spring-break.
Highland Middle School - Registration Event
Attention 5th grade Families of future Highland Middle School students! HMS is hosting a Registration Event for all rising 6th graders. It will take place in the Highland Middle School library from 3:30-5:30 on Thursday, April 25th and Wednesday, May 1.
Field Day - May 29-30
Field Day is a fun event held every year in the Adams to celebrate fun outdoor activities with their peers and an opportunity to demonstrate their team work and skills.
Field Day Schedule:
Wed, 5/29:
- 10:00-12:00: PreK/Becky
- 1:00-3:00 - Kinder
Thu 5/30:
- 10:00-12:00: 1st/2nd grade
- 1:00-3:00: 3-5th grade
If you would like to volunteer you can email Victor Pastrana directly at victor.pastrana@spps.org
Summer School Information
Summer School
The Department of Alternative Education (DAE) is working diligently to provide great Summer Learning Programs (SLP) for our students. I've already submitted the attached Peachjar flyer and postcards are being mailed home next week inviting families to register students for a summer program. If space is available, ALL students who want to attend a summer program are welcomed and encouraged to register.
Visit www.spps.org/summer to learn about the summer programs being offered this year. Registration will begin on March 15, 2024.
SPPS families should select ONE of the following ways to register:
Register online through Campus Parent Portal (online is the preferred method of registration)
Paper form:
Mail a completed paper form to: Summer Registration, Student Placement Center, 2102 University Ave. West, Saint Paul, MN 55114.
Email a completed paper form to: spc@spps.org
Join Adams at a MN United Game!!
Adams families are invited to enjoy some futbol (Soccer) at a MN United game at the Alianz Field, here in St Paul!
Join other Adams families in a reserved section and enjoy the game together. If you haven't been to a MN United game before, they are SUPER fun and family friendly and this is a great way to try it out!
What: MN United Futbol/Soccer Game!
Where: Allianz Field
When: Fri, June 1st
Tickets can be purchased using the link below - First come first served!
Host an Amity Intern!
Nuestro organización de padres, Adams PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), promote un programa único que se trae Amity Intern Teachers a nuestra escuela para ayudar y apoyar los estudiantes y maestros. Los hispanohablantes sirven como asistentes a los maestros en los salones de clases, y se enriquen el aprendizaje de los estudiantes con perspectivas diferentes, culturas, y acentos para compartir con los estudiantes y nuestra comunidad. Los internos están asignados a un grado específico cada año. Este programa es fundado completamente por los fondos que reciben la comunidad Adams (no los fondos de escuela). Hay varias maneras para apoyar el programa, incluye en ser una familia de huésped, ser una familia "tío", ayudar en colectar fondos, y con eventos por los internos. Por más información, favor de visitar la página de web de Adams PTO, AdamsPTO.org, o enviar un corre electrónico a adamsinterns@gmail.com.
Adams Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) sponsors a unique program that brings Amity Intern Teachers into our children’s classrooms. These native Spanish speakers serve as teaching assistants in the classroom, and enrich student learning by bringing different perspectives, cultures and accents to share with the students and the community. Intern teachers are assigned to assist a specific grade level for the school year. This program is funded only through the fundraising of the Adams community (not school funds). There are several ways to get involved; as a host family, a "tío" family, or help with fundraising and intern events. Please visit the Adams PTO website, AdamsPTO.org, or email adamsinterns@gmail.com for more info!
Health Update
Hello Adams Parents,
We recently received notifications from Adams parents about their child having contracted lice. We take those reports very seriously. As a school there are limited actions that we can take to stop the spread of slice among students, however we want to be as proactive as possible as we work to mitigate this situation for the wellbeing of our students.
These are our recommendations and some of the actions that we’re taking:
Notify the health office if your child has contracted head lice
Stop at the health office if you need a nit comb for checking your child’s head. Adams has nit combs to share on a first-come first served basis
Check out our District-Wide Health and Wellness webpage: https://www.spps.org/about/departments/health-wellness
When Your Child Is Too Sick
As a general rule, your child should not go to school if they have:
A fever over 100.0° Fahrenheit (F)
Your child can return to school after they’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without medication that treat or prevent fever.
Signs they are weak and tired. This is common with the flu.
Diarrhea – more stools (bowel movements) that are looser and watery when compared to your normal pattern.
Your child can return to school 24 hours after diarrhea has stopped.
Throwing up (vomiting) –the night before or morning of school.
Needs to be without vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school.
Coughing that disrupts normal activity.
Wheezing or get short of breath.
Pain from earache, headache, sore throat, or recent injury.
Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s).
A new rash – Not all rashes mean your child must stay home from school.
Check with their doctor or health care provider FIRST before bringing the child to school.
Contagious Disease
We are currently seeing “Stomach Bug”
Diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.
Other symptoms may include headache, stomach cramps, and tiredness.
Illness usually lasts for 24 to 48 hours.
If your child is infected, it may take 1 to 2 days for symptoms to start
Parent Illness Resource Sheets
https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/health-medical/infectious-diseases-fact-sheets/norovirus-parent.pdf (Stomach Bug/Norovirus)
https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/health-medical/infectious-diseases-fact-sheets/noro-parent-spanish.pdf (Stomach Bug/Norovirus)
*Please always know you can call/email the health office if you have questions about your student’s health. We are happy to help!
Health Office: 651-888-7601
Nurse Jenny: jenny.whitney@spps.org
Health Assistant, Miss Roshelle: roshelle.chavez@spps.org
Lost and Found - Call to Pick Up Items!
If you see an item that belongs to your child, please feel free to claim it from the Lost and Found in the cafeteria at your convenience.
Treats for Teachers!
It's Friday... Time to sweeten the week!
Sign up to bring treats for the staff on Fridays and brighten everyone's day. Plan to bring a snack that will serve about 50 portions (25 donuts, cut in half, for instance). Treats are delivered to the office.
THANK YOU you to the Stromberg family for the treats this morning!!!
Arrival/Dismissal Safety Procedures
To ensure the safety of our students, staff and families, we want to remind you to continue following our safety procedures and protocols:
1. Entering the Building
- Contact the teacher if you plan to visit the classroom
- Visitors must enter Door 1 and through the office to enter the building
- Visitors MUST have a visitor tag
- Parents should identify themselves, their child, and purpose of the visit
- Please follow the instructions on the signs at each entrance
2. Parent Pick Up
- Parent pick-up must enter/exit through the exterior cafeteria door ONLY
- Families must stay in the cafeteria - A staff member will be posted by the interior door to prevent visitors from entering the rest of the building.
- Families may NOT enter/exit through playground door
- If you want to enter other areas of the building, you must exit the exterior cafeteria door and enter through the Main Entrance ( Main office Door 1)
- If a student needs to be removed from a bus - that is done by staff, not families
- Please follow the instructions on the signs at each entrance
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Dear Adams Families and Caregivers,
In our effort to increase student attendance and learning time, we request that all families have their student(s) at school from 9:15am - 4:00pm every school day.
Please do not pick up students before the end of the day.
If your student has an appointment during the school day, please come into the office to pick up your student.
If you have a change in your student's afternoon pick up, you MUST call by 2:30pm. Call 651-298-1595, press 4 and leave a message on the PICKUP LINE.
If it is after 2:30pm due to a last minute change or emergency, Call 651-298-1595, press 0 to speak with Jodi to confirm the change.
End of day Student Pickup is in the Cafeteria and those doors open at 3:50pm.
We know that families email the classroom teacher and are requesting that you ALSO call and leave a message on the pickup line.
Thank you for supporting our students!
If you have any changes for your needs for bussing after you have received your student(s) bus information, please call our main office at 651-298-1595
Dropping Off at School
To ensure a SAFE and SPEEDY drop-off in the morning, please follow these guidelines:
Drivers should remain in their cars in the drop-off zone.
A staff member will be at the drop-off zone to help your child out of your car if needed.
Students should EXIT CARS ON THE PASSENGER side of the car to the sidewalk. Let staff know if your child needs help getting out of the car.
Wait until the car in front of you moves, and DO NOT PASS OTHER CARS IN THE LINE.
Do not pull up to the front of the line to drop your child off - Your child can hop out anywhere in the car line with a bright yellow curb and orange cones.
Please refrain from parking in the parking lot during morning drop-off: 9:00-9:30 AM.
If you plan to get out of your car, please park on the street and a staff member will help you cross to the building.
Doors open at 9:15. Students dropped off after 9:30 in the morning will need to enter through the front door and get a pass from the clerk, then get breakfast and go to class.
PLEASE NOTE - All family members entering the building must sign in at the Main Office and wear a guest badge.
Adams Spanish Immersion School
Directions to Adams Spanish Immersion
Email: jude.vales@spps.org
Location: 615 South Chatsworth Street, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: Office : 651-744-6985 • Cell: 612-452-1222
Facebook: facebook.com/AdamsSPPS
Twitter: @AdamsSPPS