FMS Newsletter
April 2024
Principal's Message
It was wonderful to see and partner with so many families at our spring conferences in March. As we enter the home stretch of the school year, we have many fun and important events coming up.
April brings us to statewide MCA testing. These tests are critical to help us measure our progress as a school. This newsletter contains important information around MCA testing and more information is to come!
We also have many fun fieldtrips planned, our 5th and 6th grade Spring Fling, concerts, 6th grade Science Fair, spring sports have begun, and we prepare to welcome our incoming 5th graders. Spring is filled with so many fun activities and we look forward to continuing to partner with you.
This newsletter also contains exciting information about our new summer programming. Check it out below! We look forward to seeing so many of our students participate in our summer program!
As always, please let us know how we can best support you and your student. The education and wellbeing of our students is the utmost importance to us and we will continue to do everything we can to meet the needs of all our students. We are here to support, encourage, partner together, and engage students in their learning. Thank you for partnering with us!
Dr. Amy Cochran
Fridley Middle School
Attendance Matters!
Mark your calendar!
- April 10 (EID Celebration)
FMS Family BINGO Night and Summer Programming Preview
Thursday, April 11 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm- FMS front gym
Builders Club (FRIDLEY'S GOT TALENT-Talent Show)
Tuesday, April 23 at 3:45 pm- District Auditorium
5th/6th Grade Spring Fling
Friday, April 26 from 3:30 - 5:30 - FMS Cafeteria/Front Gym
Wellness Event
Saturday, April 27 1:00 - 4:00pm (Fridley Community Center)
MCA Testing
Reading MCA: April 16 and 17
Math MCA: April 23 and 24
Science MCA (Grades 5 and 8 only): April 30 and May 1
6th Grade Inventors Science Fair
Thursday, May 9 at 4:30 pm- FMS Cafeteria
FMS Spring Band/Choir Concert: May 14
6th Grade Band/Choir: 6 pm- District Auditorium
7th Grade Band/Choir: 7 pm- District Auditorium
8th Grade Band/Choir: 8 pm- District Auditorium
Incoming 5th Grade Student Orientation
Thursday, May 16 from 4:30 - 7:30 pm- FMS
MCA Testing
The Minnesota Department of Education requires that 5th - 8th grade students take the MCA Reading and Math test, as well as Science for grades 5 and 8. Students will test in April and May. We will test on the following dates:
Reading: April 16 and 17
Math: April 23 and 24
Science: Grades 5 and 8 only- April 30 and May 1
More information about the MCA tests can be found on our Secondary Assessment Information Site at the link below.
FMS Summer RISE and ENRICHMENT programs
What is the Summer RISE Program?
We are excited to offer Summer RISE, a new opportunity for Fridley Middle School students who will be in Grades 5 thru 9 in the 2024 - 2025 school year. During Summer RISE, students will engage in Close Reading for Meaning (systemic phonics and shared poem), Insight Humanities (Novel Study), Math for Meaning (story problems) and Math Routines with the goal of enhancing grade level content and standards.
- Dates: June 24 - July 25, 2024 (No School July 4)
- Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Lunch will be served from 12:00 - 12:30 pm
- Fee: No Fee
- Breakfast/Lunch: Will be provided
- Location: Fridley Middle School
- Transportation: Will be provided (if you qualify to receive transportation during the school year)
Enrichment Programming
As a compliment to the RISE Summer Program, we are excited to offer an afternoon session of ENRICHMENT from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm. In this program, students will have fun while focusing on social emotional learning, staying active, playing games and exploring STEM projects. The ENRICHMENT program is a great way for incoming 5th graders to get ready for middle school and for incoming 9th graders to feel confident about starting high school at Fridley! ENRICHMENT runs from June 24th to July 25th, with no classes on July 4th. There is no cost to join!
What are my options?
Students who will be in Grades 5 thru 9 in the 2024 - 2025 school year may register for Summer RISE and summer ENRICHMENT programs. Students can choose to attend the morning Summer RISE portion, afternoon ENRICHMENT portion or stay for both programs. Transportation is available to students for summer programming as long as you qualify for transportation during the regular school year.
How do I learn more?
Join us at Fridley Middle School on April 11 from 5:00 - 6:30 for family BINGO night and to learn more about summer programming. You may also reach out to Jessica Stratford at 763.502.5509 with any questions.
March Tiger Grit Students of the Month!
FMS History Day Regional Competition
From History Day Advisor, Aaron Cuthbert:
The History Day Regional competition took place on Saturday, March 23rd at White Bear Lake High School, south campus. Despite occurring during spring break, we had about a dozen 8th grade students submit projects.
We are very happy to announce that Megan Vang, Karla Hernandez-Galvan and Leah Martin were chosen to advance their projects to the MNHS History Day State Competition, which will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Saturday, April 20th. Additionally, Evan Stangler and Maruf Kassim, as well as Shenette Julien and Lotanna Chukwuisiocha were recognized with honorable mentions.
5th & 6th grade Fridley Middle School Spring Fling
Incoming 5th Grade Students
We are excited to welcome our 4th graders from Stevenson and Hayes at a few upcoming events to help prepare them for the fall at Fridley Middle School.
- Our 4th Graders will visit Fridley Middle School during the school day to see our school and classrooms in action! Stevenson will visit on April 9th and Hayes will visit on April 26th. Students will be bussed to FMS and their 4th grade teachers will attend with them.
- May 16th- we will host an evening of fun for students and families to meet 5th grade teachers, visit classrooms, tour the school, practice opening lockers and so much more! Stay tuned for more information
- Summer RISE and Summer ENRICHMENT: Incoming 5th grade students are invited to participate in our summer programming that will be held at Fridley Middle School. In addition to a Math and Literacy focus, students will also spend time on middle school readiness so they feel prepared and excited to join us as Fridley Middle School students in the fall! See information below to register.
Grade 6 AVID
First, 6th graders went on a field trip to North Hennepin Community College. They were so excited about being on a college campus.
We had a former Fridley Grad, Ryken Farr, who came to talk to the class about his experience at the University of Minnesota. Fun week for the 6th graders!
New Summer Programming Preview and Family Bingo Night!
FMS Builders Club!
- Tuesday, April 9th
- Thursday, April 11th
Please email Mr. Berger if you have any questions (berger@isd14.org).
Performance will be Tuesday, 23rd at 3:45 in the District Auditorium.
American Indian Education Information!
American Indian Education Powwow, Saturday, April 13
- Fridley schools is collaborating with metro schools to host a spring Powwow on Saturday, April 13 at Champlin Park High School. Drumming, dancing, food trucks, feast and more! This was a very popular event last year (in a blizzard) and we are expecting more people this year! We are also looking for volunteers to help. Contact Jayna at Jayna.Gunderson@fridley.k12.mn.us or 763-502-5046
Wellness Event - April 27
Student Mini Grant Opportunity!
Please check out this fabulous grant opportunity for students globally ages 11-25!
Get funding for your projects and education!
These mini-grants are available to students looking for financial support for their personal education, school and community projects, internships, networking events, etc. connected to addressing the plastic crisis.
Application Deadline: April 15, 2024, 5 pm PT
FMS Yearbook Information
FMS yearbooks!
Yearbooks are available for SALE!
- The cost of the yearbook is $15.74.
- Yearbook orders will be due 4/19!
- *Yearbooks are for sale and will be for sale through Mid April*
The link below; you will need to create an account and add your student's name. Then you will be able to order your 2023-2024 year book. If you have additional questions, please email questions to celeste.acosta@fridley.k12.mn.us
FMS Spring Sports!
Spring Sport Registration!
Registration is now open through Campus for spring sports! Click HERE for registration instructions. Remember - all student athletes must have a valid sports physical in order to participate.
The sports that are available for middle school scholars:
Spring sport registration is now open in campus.
Adapted Bowling (7th & 8th)
MS Baseball (6th - 8th)
HS Boys Golf (7th & 8th)
HS Girls Golf (7th & 8th)
MS Softball (6th - 8th)
HS Boys Tennis (7th & 8th)
MS Track and Field (7th & 8th)
Spring MS Track and Field is now open to 6th Graders!
If you have any questions about spring sports, please contact Kayla Bryson-Rivera at kayla.bryson-rivera@fridley.k12.mn.us or Mr. Ferry at matthew.ferry@fridley.k12.mn.us.
Check out the flyer for all of the different athletic and activity opportunities at FMS!
Athletics and Activities Reminders
Please remember the expectations/guidelines for Fridley High School events:
1. A middle school or elementary student MUST be accompanied by their Parent/Guardian to any Fridley HS Athletic or Fine Arts Event. Middle school students will not be able to purchase a ticket without a paid parent or guardian present. These students must sit with their parents or guardian and be supervised at all times.
Thank you for your help to ensure that our events are a safe and fun place for students and families!
East Coast Trip 2025!
Families of current 6th and 7th graders, be on the lookout for information during the next few weeks about our East Coast Trip during the summer of 2025. This trip is
5 days long and brings students to Washington DC and New York.
It is a great opportunity to learn some history as well as build great memories.
Over the next few weeks, current 6th and 7th graders will have the chance to learn more information about the trip and fill out an application if they are interested in attending.
Tiger Club!
Fridley Tiger Club Childcare is accepting new enrollments for its Summer 2024 program!
Are you looking for a summer program that will keep your kids entertained,
challenged and moving all summer long? A program in your neighborhood where
they’ll be greeted by old friends and definitely make some new ones?
Look no further! Tiger Club Summer Program is for children ENTERING grades K-6.
Come join our 2024 summer program and check out all we have to offer!
Each year, Tiger Club summer activities and curriculum are planned around an
overarching theme. Join us for It’s a Fairytales & Fables Summer as we explore
units on Once Upon a Time storytelling and reoccurring characters in them, like
fairies, mermaids, villains and tricksters from around the world.
We’ll let fairytales be our guide as participants enjoy trips, events and activities full
of adventure and wonder in this enchanting summer.
A touch of whimsy will be offered every day of the week:
Mini-Adventure Mondays
Open Swim Tuesdays
Fieldtrip Wednesdays
Open Swim Thursdays
Summer Fun Fridays
Dates: Monday - Friday, June 17 – August 23 (Closed on June 19, July 4 and July 5)
Hours: 6:30 am – 6:00 pm
Schedule Options: Consistent weekly set schedules, Minimum 3 days per week; Minimum 8 weeks registration to join summer program.
5-day / $260 per week
4-day / $208 per week
3-day / $156 per week
*We accept County Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP)
Will your child be enrolled in Fridley Learning Academy OR participate in Youth Enrichment programs?
Tiger Club staff will escort children to and from FPS Learning Academy (bus provided for elementary age) and Youth Enrichment activities within walking distance from the Fridley Community Center.
Registration deadline is May 17, 2024.
FPS Building and Grounds Information
Fertilizer Application
The Grounds department will be applying fertilizer throughout the district April 8 - April 30 on
turf grass surfaces throughout the district.
In late April or early May weed control applications will be made one at a time where children are not present by Professional Turf Services. These applications will be made before or after school or on weekends. A posting flag will also be placed on the property.
Camp Superkids!
Summer programming is well underway for the YMCA! Camp Superkids has been operating at Camp Ihduhapi for over 50 years! This camp can be a life-changing experience for young people with asthma and their families!
Here's the most current information:
- Camp Week: June 23-28. (6 days)
- Cost: $925 - scholarships are available.
- Camp Scholarships are available to assist with camp expenses. To determine eligibility, we consider your annual income and household size. Apply for a scholarship below.
- Health Care Professionals/Volunteers will be needed to provide 24/7 medical care. Information will be coming out from the YMCA regarding the process to sign-up and volunteer for 1 or more days. Stay tuned. Mark your summer calendar now, if you would like to help at camp!
- Additional information can be found here: : https://www.ymcanorth.org/campsuperkids
- For questions, contact jana.graczyk@ymcamn.org or call 763-230-9309.
Ways to get involved at FMS!
FMS Family Engagement Survey
Health Office
Health Office Reminder:
- If a student has a fever of 100 degrees or more, the child must stay home until free of fever without medication for 24 hours.
- If a child is vomiting or having diarrhea, the child may return when no vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours after last episode.
- If a child has a rash that may be disease related, or has an unknown cause, please check with family physician before sending to school.
- If a child has a persistent cough or thick, continuous nasal drainage that would make it hard to learn, please keep your child home until symptoms improve.
We are hiring!
Read below for General Information that is in Every Newsletter
Minnesota State Statute
Requires Schools to Provide Menstrual Products to Students in Grades 4-12
In response to legislation passed by Minnesota lawmakers last spring, Fridley Public Schools will make menstrual products available to students in grades 4 through grade 12. The products, limited to menstrual pads, will be available in dispensers at no cost to students and will be located in restrooms regularly used by students in these grades. The legislation requires that these products be available to students by January 1, 2024.
Research has shown that one in four teens missed class due to a lack of menstrual products, and this legislation is aimed at removing the barrier of limited access to menstrual products for students. Staff have installed product dispensers and waste receptacles. If you have any questions about the availability of these products, please contact your school's health office or building principal.
Parent/Guardian Update on Changes
Legislative Changes to Exclusionary Discipline Practices
We want to provide families with an overview of recent changes made by the Minnesota Legislature about student discipline and “exclusionary practices,” which are disciplinary actions that remove or exclude a student from their usual educational setting.
Most notably, state law prohibits (in most instances) the suspension of students in pre-K through third grade. There are some exceptions noted in the law. There are also new limitations on impacting a student’s participation in recess as a consequence of misbehavior, as recess is a necessary time for children to move, socialize and get ready for learning. When appropriate, state law allows schools to provide alternative recess at the student's choice.
We will not use recess detention unless (1) a student causes or is likely to cause serious physical harm to other students or staff, (2) a student's parent or guardian specifically consents to the use of recess detention, or (3) a student's IEP team determines that withholding recess is appropriate based on the individualized needs of the student. We will not withhold recess from a student based on incomplete schoolwork, and we will notify parents/guardians within 24 hours if recess detention occurs.
If you have questions about Fridley Public Schools disciplinary procedures, or about the new legislation, please contact the director of special services, Laura Seifert-Herting, at laura.seifert@fridley.k12.mn.us or 763-502-5024.
Opting Your Student out of School Photographs and "Directory Information"
Under state law, “directory information” may be released to the public without permission of the student, parent or guardian. Directory information includes a student’s name, school of attendance or grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, diploma and awards received, photograph, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended. It also includes the name of the student’s designated guardian.
Directory information does not include a student’s home address, telephone number, email address or other personal contact information, or data that reference religion, race, color, social position or nationality.
If a student or parent/guardian does not want some or all of this information to be made public, they must complete Form 515F (Directory Information Opt-Out Form) and submit the form to their child’s school each school year. Fridley Public Schools designates certain records as directory information to be used only for school or district-approved programs, publications, yearbooks, cablecasts, webcasts, athletic teams, clubs, activities and other public presentations. Those records include but are not limited to student: photographs, videos and other visual representations.
Nutritional Services Information
Hello Families-
Did you know that students can receive 1 free breakfast and lunch each day at school? Students are encouraged to grab a breakfast before school and a hot breakfast if offered 2-3 times per week. Students can pick from a variety of daily options, but they must take a reimbursable meal which includes a ½ cup fruit. At lunch time students must take a minimum of the entree and a ½ cup fruit or vegetables. Students can take more fruits and vegetables and 1 milk with their lunch meal. We continue to offer a hot and cold daily entree item. Please check out the monthly menus to see what we are cooking in the kitchen. Nutritional Services continues to purchase as much food locally and provide a variety of school prepared entrees and convenience items. Encourage your student to try a new food.
Ala Carte in available most days during lunch and students must have money in their lunch account and their bar code to purchase items. They are limited to 1 beverage and 1 snack item per day. Please talk with your student about your expectations for Ala Carte purchases. You can see what your student is purchasing on the Campus Parent Portal under food service. If you have any Nutritional Services Questions please contact Kathy Backstrom at 763-502-5021 or Renee Arbogast at 763-502-5022.
If you have not completed the 2023-2024 Application for Educational Benefits, please complete the form through the Campus Parent Portal at https://fridleymn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/fridley.jsp
Meet our Dean of Students
Binder Packs For Sale: $20.00
The IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Help is Available!
- Are you staying with a friend or family member? Currently in a hotel, shelter, or car? Are you displaced and not sure of what to do next? We have resources for you! Under the McKinney-Vento Law, your student is eligible for transportation provided by the district. Please reach out to your school social worker via phone or email to connect about next steps.
- Whether in person or online, our district-wide backpack program is up and running! If you are in need of additional food resources, please reach out to Ms. Beran at (763-502-5575) and she will coordinate getting items to you. It might look a little different this year, but please do not hesitate to reach out. If you have students in other buildings, please feel free to reach out to the school social worker as well!
Fridley Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Depending upon the particular educational technology being used, our district may need to collect different types of student data, which is then shared with educational technology vendors through their online sites, services, and/or applications.
Under Minnesota’s Student Data Privacy Act, educational technology vendors are prohibited from selling or renting a student's information or from engaging in targeted advertising using a student's information. Such vendors may only disclose student data for K-12 school purposes and other limited purposes permitted under the law.
This act also requires districts to provide timely notice of the tool used, data collected, and contact information.
Download a spreadsheet that catalogs the full library of evaluated resources. If you have any questions or concerns about any digital resources used by your child, please contact your child’s teacher.
Tech Tip
All Middle School students will need to update their account information by enrolling in the district Password Portal system. The Password Portal provides the security REQUIRED to protect their Fridley account information from digital theft and other possible cybersecurity threats.
If you have login questions, please go to the Fridley Public Schools Student Online Support (SOS) page at the following address: https://sites.google.com/isd14.org/student-tech-resources/home?authuser=0
Parent Portal
Access your students grades and attendance online!
All parents/guardians will need to have a Parent Portal account in Campus. The Parent Portal provides secure access to your child/children’s information such as class assignments, attendance, calendar, and grades. You can also use Parent Portal to pay for meals, fees, or school supplies.
There are many advantages of signing up for and using your Parent Portal account. It is convenient and easy to use, and gives you instant access to important information:
- Nutritional Services: Manage your child/children’s meal accounts
- Meal Benefits Application: Annual renewal made easier
- Activities & Athletics & School Store: Now includes shopping for school supplies
- Transportation: Access important updates and information
How to Activate your Parent Portal Account:
1. Go to Fridley Public Schools Home Page: www.fridleyschools.org
2. Select the Campus Parent Portal Login link in the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
3. On the Parent Portal login page, select New User.
4. Enter the Campus Portal Activation Key provided here: <this is the GUID>
5. Choose SUBMIT.
6. You will be asked to create a Username and Password.
7. Choose SUBMIT.
8. Your Campus Portal account will be activated.
Health Services Information
It is also important that we are told about any health conditions your child might have. This information is listed on the emergency sheet as well. If anything has changed over the summer, please call the Health Office about this.
Attention parents of 7th graders
There are additional immunizations that are required for 7th grade; Tdap and Menningococcal. These are required BEFORE starting school or a conscientious objection form must by notarized and given to the health office BEFORE school starts. Notification letters were mailed to parents in May. The immunization form is on the District Web Page under Health Services. Please make an appointment with your clinic to get these immunizations completed as soon as possible.
Per our District Policy, all immunizations must be current in order to start school. Please help in making it a great start for your child's school year by getting this done.
Minnesota State Law requires all students enrolling in school to be immunized against certain diseases or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption. If these are not obtained, your child will not be able to start school in the fall. The MN Department of Health has an immunization form you may use to provide documentation of your child's immunizations. It has been attached to this message.
Check parent portal for immunizations your child may be missing, https://www.fridleyschools.org/
Here is a resource for other options for low cost vaccinations through the Anoka County Immunization Clinic:
Transportation Information
Important Information Regarding Fridley Schools Transportation for this Fall!
This year, the transportation department will not require previously enrolled families to fill out our Transportation Request Form unless they fall under one of these four categories:
- They are new to the district
- Their address has changed since the last day of school (June 9th, 2023)
- They require a different drop off or pick up location including a daycare. If your student needs transportation from a daycare, please fill out the daycare information on the form
- They are entering Fridley Preschool
If any of these conditions apply to your student(s), please make sure to fill out the form so that we may ensure you get transportation right away in the fall. Please only fill out one form per student.
Nutritional Services Information
Completion of Application for Educational Benefits
The Application for Educational Benefits still needs to be completed even with the Minnesota Free School Meals Program. The school district will be mailing households a post card in mid-August encouraging families to complete the application. See the link below for the application or it can be completed online at https://fridleymn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/fridley.jsp (you will need your Parent Portal username and password). If you do not have a Parent Portal username and password, please contact Kathy Backstrom at 763-502-5021 or your School Main Office. An Application for Educational Benefits must be completed every year. If your family receives SNAP benefits or if you received Direct Certification letter from the district, you do not need to complete an application. If your income has changed due to job loss or change, please complete an application. These applications also help the district receive additional funding for support staff and teachers. As a household, you may also be eligible for discounted internet services, reduced activity or athletic fees including Park and Rec and reduced metro transit fares. When completing the application, please include all people living in the household including infants or young children, college students, and older adults who may be living with you.
Minnesota Free School Meals Program
The Minnesota Free School Meals Program provides state reimbursement to schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Students can have one reimbursable breakfast and one reimbursable lunch at no cost at school.
At breakfast, the student must choose at least 3 items to be counted as a reimbursable meal. The student must choose a ½ cup fruit as part of their breakfast.
At lunch, the student must choose at least 3 components to be counted as a reimbursable meal. The student must choose a ½ cup serving of fruit or vegetable as part of their lunch.
Breakfast is offered before school in the café. Second chance breakfast is offered to those students who missed breakfast before school. We encourage students to eat school provided breakfast to enhance learning and concentration in the classroom. Students must take a reimbursable breakfast which includes a ½ cup fruit.
Did you know that we make a variety of our meals from scratch? We also use locally sourced products when we can and encourage students to eat lunch with us. We offer a choice of two entrée items and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Students must take a least a ½ cup fruit or vegetable along with two other meal components for a reimbursable meal. We continue to expand our main entrée items to reflect our culturally diverse district.
Use of Bar Codes at Breakfast and Lunch
The district will be using bar codes to record student purchases at the Middle and High Schools. Students will need to bring their paper bar code, student id card or the bar code found on the Student Campus Ap. A photo of the bar code also works at the cashier station. When students have their bar codes the serving lines move faster and you will be able to purchase ALA Carte if there is money in your account.
Additional Meals, Milk and Ala Carte Items
Students purchasing just milk will be charged $0.55. Students who want to purchase a second breakfast for $2.50, additional entrée for $2.50 or Ala Carte must have money in their lunch account. Students are not allowed to have negative lunch balances to purchase these items. To purchase Ala Carte students will need their bar code.
Online Meal Payments
To add money to your student’s meal account please go to Infinite Campus Parent Portal https://fridleymn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/fridley.jsp If you are paying online, we ask that the minimum payment be at least $10.00. Money can also be sent to school with your student if you choose to pay with cash or paper check. Please include your student’s name, teacher’s name and lunch pin on the envelope. If you are having trouble accessing the parent portal please contact your School’s Main Office for someone to assist you. Middle School students can turn lunch money into the front office.
Monthly Menus
For an interactive student menus including food allergy information can be found at https://family.titank12.com/menu/PLUZN8 . If you would like to print a monthly menu, those can be found at https://www.fridleyschools.org/about-us/departments/nutritional-services/lunch-breakfast-menus We are continuing to prepare more items from scratch, incorporate more locally sourced items, taste testing new cultural dishes and asking for student engagement. The Middle School offers a choice between two entrée items daily.
Food Allergies
If your student has a medically diagnosed food allergy or is lactose intolerant, please contact Katie Joyce RD, Nutrition Coordinator, at 763-502-5028 to discuss your child’s needs. There are some additional USDA forms that must be completed.
If you have any questions regarding Nutritional Services, please contact Renee Arbogast at 763-502-5022 for assistance
Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf , from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632- 9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
3. email: Program.Intake@usda.gov
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Fridley Middle School
Email: amy.cochran@fridley.k12.mn.us
Website: Fridley.k12.mn.us
Location: 6100 West Moore Lake Drive Northeast, Fridley, MN, USA
Phone: 763.502.5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FridleyMS