Bartlett Week Ahead
Week of November 25-27, 2024. (Short week for Thanksgiving)
---Thanksgiving Break---
Early Dismissal on Wednesday- 11/27 at 10:30 a.m.
Please be prepared to pick up your child at that time.
Happy Thanksgiving from the Bartlett School!
-Important Morning Drop Off Reminders- For Elementary School Parents
Please drop off your elementary student at the side door entrance only, at 7:50.
We do not have outside adult supervision before 7:50. Please drop off when teachers will be available to welcome your child safely to school.
Thank You!
It's Showtime!
Time to sign up for the drama club's production of Beauty and the Beast!
Drama is open to all students in grades 3-8. No experience is necessary and you can try out for parts with lots of speaking or a little bit of speaking or even no speaking.
We are also looking for students interested in the backstage crew. The crew helps with costumes, sets, props, lights, sound, etc.
Upcoming Events
November Calendar
11/26- Picture Re-Take Day
11/27- Early Dismissal Thanksgiving Break- 10:30
11/28-Thanksgiving Day
11/29- No School- Thanksgiving Break
Information Session
PreK and Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year.
Lowell Public Schools will be hosting an information session about PreK and Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year.
When: Wednesday December 4 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Where: Morey Elementary School at 130 Pine St. Food will be served.
Interpretation available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Khmer.
Reminders From Main Office
*When planning to dismiss your child, please send them in to school with a note. The should contain the date, time, and name of the person dismissing your child.
*Please call the office (978-937-8968) if your child will be absent. When your child returns to school, please send a note for the reason of absence. If your child is absent due to sickness and has seen a medical doctor, please ask for a note from the doctors office and send it in to school.
Coming to school on time EVERY day is Important
The Bartlett School will work with families to ensure students attend school on a daily basis. Illness is a valid excuse for absence.
Appointments that happen during the school day should be kept at a minimum.
Travel during the school year is discouraged and will be labeled as unexcused.
Dressing for Colder Weather
Please make sure your children dress warmly as the weather gets colder. We're still going outside for recess each day.
If you need help with winter clothing, please contact a social worker or community school manager
dkhankan@lowell.k12.ma.us-- kmcgann@lowell.k12.ma.us or karencasey@lowell.k12.ma.us
Happening in Lowell
Events and Activities for Kids
8th Grade Basketball Flyer- Scan QR Code to sign up
Middle School Color Guard- See Flyer for more information
Lowell Rec Basketball - for ages 5-17- Scan QR code on flyer to sign up!
Winter Book Nook Program- See flyer to register
Free After School Basketball Workouts- See flyer to register
School Site Council
The Bartlett School is looking for members to join our School Site Council. If you would like to become a member of our team and have a voice in your child's education please contact, Mrs. Casey karencasey@lowell.k12.ma.us