Lauren's Stella & Dot Newsletter
April 2017 Edition
Happy April!
Although my schedule is full of fun activities, I'm never too busy for my customers! If you need help shopping, want to book a trunk show, or have questions about the Stylist opportunity, please message me! I'm always happy to help!
Helpful Resources:
Web Site: http://www.stelladot.com/lululauren
Email: mailto:lululauren78@gmail.com
Sample Sale: https://www.smore.com/9vz9j
Facebook Personal: http://www.facebook.com/lululauren78
Facebook VIP Pg: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1858214087801113/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lululauren78
Summer 2017 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KslGKSU93eU&feature=em-subs_digest
Summer 2017 Lookbook: https://issuu.com/stelladot/docs/sd_su17_lookbook-us
Summer Collection 2017
April TSE
Autism Awareness Month:
Style Inspiration:
Celebrity-Coveted and Editor-Adored:
Holly Robinson in People Magazine:
Holly Robinson's The HollyRod Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing compassionate care to those living with autism. For the month of April, Stella & Dot will be donating all net proceeds from our Melody, Harmony, Bisous and Protective Eye bracelets to the HollyRod Foundation. The funds generated from this partnership help to support various autism summer camps, social skills and adolescent prevocational programs. Shop for a Cause today:
If you are interested in learning more about the HollyRod Foundation, please visit their website at http://www.hollyrod.org.