Lower School Parent Communication
Odyssey Charter School, K-2
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Back To School Bash & BBQ
Lower School Upcoming Events Summary
9/6 - $2 PTO Dress Down Day
9/10 - Professional Development Day - SCHOOL CLOSED FOR STUDENTS!
9/13 - Optional (but highly encouraged) Formal Wear/Blazer Day! Students who wear a uniform and blazer will receive 3 FREE Dress Down Day passes!
9/17 - Back to School Night Grade 2 - 4:30-6 PM
9/19 - Back to School Night Grades K & 1 - 4:30-6 PM
9/19 - Last Day of School - Lower School Picture Day
11/8 - Save the Date for the OCS Gala
Arrival & Dismissal Updates
AM Carline Update
Carline closes at 8:45 AM.
Cars will be pulled up as early as 8:10 by an administrator.
Help us get students to classrooms on time so they can start a busy day of learning!
PM Carline Update
- Please arrive between 3:15 and 3:30 PM to get into PM Carline
- Carline will run from 3:30-3:55
- Any students who are not picked up by 3:55 will be sent to aftercare Owl Club in Building 26 for a drop-in rate.
- All families should have received a set of 3 car tags.
- Please keep these in any car that will pick up your student and keep your students
- Adults will bring these tags into the cafeteria for verification if necessary.
- It is imperative that you practice these numbers with students.
- Be mindful of timing - keep cars loading quickly and moving.
- Students will not be sent inside the building to pick up water bottles, etc.
- Lower School Walkers - For parents who have both Intermediate School students and Lower School students that you pick up in carline, your Intermediate School student will be considered a “Lower School walker” this year and will be transported by bus from the IS to the LS to be picked up in one location (Lower School). However, you must email to Courtney.Saxton@odyssey.k12.de.us & Julie.Tsakumis@odyssey.k12.de.us if you would like your child will be a "Lower School Walker." Please also make sure your IS student knows they are a "Lower School Walker" so they listen for this on the dismissal announcements. Thank you!
First Day Photos
Thank you for a wonderful First Week of School! We cherish our time with your students and are excited to embark on their learning Odyssey together. Καλή Χρονιά! It's going to be a great year.
Photo Credit to our reading interventionist, Amanda Horning.
An Important Message From Our School Nurse
I would like to welcome all our incoming new students and all our returning students to Odyssey Charter School for the 2024-2025 school year.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and are excited to start the school year!!
***Please read important information below regarding school nursing procedures:
The Delaware Emergency Treatment card is a form used to assist the nurse and other school personnel in contacting parents/guardians should a medical emergency arise. This form is part of your student’s medical file. The DETC is completed on yearly basis. They will be distributed during the 1st week of school to all returning students. New students entering OCS this year received the Emergency card as part of their enrollment packet. If it was not completed, one will be sent home with your student. Please make sure to complete both sides. Once completed, please return the Emergency Treatment card back to your student’s school nurse no later than Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Any student requiring medication must have current emergency care plans on file in the nurse’s office. Information, such as Nurse Forms, Medication Policy and Procedures, Food Allergies, etc., can be found on the Odyssey website under the “School Nurse” link or by clicking the link below.
Families with students requiring medications during the school day should refer to the Medication Policies and Procedures on the Odyssey website under the Nurse link. As a reminder, Emergency Action Plans (i.e. - Food Allergy Action Plan, Asthma Action Plan, Seizure Action Plan) are required to be renewed every year. Please contact your child’s physician to obtain a current emergency action plan. Also, we cannot accept expired medications, so please check the dates prior to sending them into school. By law, we cannot keep medications in the nurses’ offices if all requirements are not met.
Please contact me (demetra.tzinoudis@odyssey.k12.de.us) and/or Evee Busby (Food Service Manager) evee.busby@odyssey.k12.de.us to inform of any food allergies or restrictions and any special dietary requests.
Please do not send your child to school if they are ill, such as:
· has fever of 100 degrees or more
· has a persistent cough
· has been vomiting or has diarrhea
· has any rash
· has open or draining skin sores
· has inflamed or draining eyes or ears
Personal Items:
Please supply a change of clothing for your young child in the event of an emergency (IE-bathroom accident, spilling of food or drinks). If a change of clothing is not available for a student requiring it, then the parent will be contacted.
***Remember to label your child’s clothing. Items get lost/left behind daily. Any clothing items not labeled/claimed will be donated.
For any questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s building nurse. Thank You!
Wishing everyone a safe and healthy school year!!
School Safety Drills
School Safety Drills: This is friendly reminder that our school and our students comply with safety drill protocols required by Delaware’s Comprehensive School Safety Program through the Delaware Emergency Management Agency, DEMA. These requirements include two (2) annual lockdown drills and monthly fire/evacuation drills during the school year to meet. We appreciate your ongoing support of these proactive safety measures.
Important Lower School Policies & Procedures
Student absences must be reported to the homeroom teacher AND main office.
Last drop off without signing in: 8:45 AM
Last early dismissal: 2:55 PM
Last car rider pickup: 3:55 PM
Students who are not picked up at school or bus stop are taken to aftercare in building 26 for a drop-in rate.
All dismissal changes must be communicated to the front office in writing. Please reach out to Dianne McCurdy with any questions.
Please review the OCS Uniform Policy and Dress Code.
Patches can be purchased at the main office on Back to School Night.
If you would like to volunteer at an event at your child’s school or attend a school field trip, please follow the instructions on this form. Thank you for all your assistance!