Sunset View Newsletter
Week of December 9th
Message from Jennifer
We hit the ground running last week. We have much to learn and do before we leave for Winter Break and our students settled back into the routine of school nicely! We started the week with a fun assembly, I heard about Thanksgiving travel, visiting with friends, eating turkey, and all other fun activities over break. .
Thanks to Colleen Anderson and her team of volunteers for coordinating our annual Mom's Night Out at Pigment last Thursday, and to the Carasali family for catering a generous spread from Rubicon Deli. It was a fun night of shopping and socializing!
Thank you KidsFirst!
Mad Science Fire and Ice Assembly
Thank you to KidsFirst for sponsoring our Mad Science Fire and Ice Assembly last week! Our Sunset View scientists were able to learn about chemical reactions, explore various states of matter, and watch and watch science experiments in action. It was a fun way to return from break and grow our science knowledge!
Leader in Me
Food Drive Follow-Up
We received the below message from the San Diego Food Bank in gratitude for our efforts in collecting food for those in need before the break. Thank you to the 1st graders for coordinating this effort and to all of you for your generous donations!
Hybrid Lunch Menu
Please note, UTK the menu option on Tuesday is Mozzarella Sticks, not Hot Dogs.
Health Office Needs
Health Office Request
The Health Office is seeking donations of the following items:
- Coloring books for 4 to 10 years old
- Small size undies, boys and girls
- Small size shorts and pants, boys and girls
- Gender neutral socks
Please drop them off at the office at any time. Thanks!!
Friendly Reminders
1. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS. This includes the driveway utilized for trash pick up and cafeteria deliveries. This includes the driveway leading into the staff parking lot. This also includes neighbor's driveways. We have multiple complaints each week and our neighbors should not be inconvenienced because of your decision to block them in. Please stop.
2.DO NOT ENTER OR PARK IN THE TEACHER PARKING LOT DURING MORNING DROP-OFF OR AFTERNOON PICK-UP. This is a safety concern. Each day there are near misses as children dart past moving vehicles. This parking lot is for staff. Do not enter this lot during morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up.
3. DO NOT PARK IN THE 3 MINUTE LOADING ZONE OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL DURING DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP. We asked the city to rezone this area so parents have a safe space to pull up, have their children get out of the car, and pull away. Parking in these spots is not permitted and we will have SDPD ticket parked cars if this continues.
I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and your commitment to the safety of our school community. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding these protocols.
Please do not send your child to school when they are sick.
When your child must be absent for any reason, please call the office at 858-988-2000 by 9:30 a.m. every day of non-attendance, giving the exact reason for the absence. You can also email
Any child arriving after 9:00 a.m. must stop in the office and pick up a tardy slip. Let's set good habits early in the school year to arrive on time.
Cell phones/smart watches:
Although we love your pets, they are not allowed on campus. Please do not bring pets past the school gates. Please see the district policy below.
Policy Reminder - Animals on Campus
- Animals are permitted at school only when needed for the instructional program and when
under the strict control of qualified instructors or handlers.
-Animals must be obtained from a reliable source and have written certifications that
they are in good health and are not carriers of dangerous disease-causing organisms.
- Hamsters, white rats, black widow spiders, rattlesnakes, and banded psittacine
(parrot-like) birds are too dangerous to have at school.
-Therapy and Service Dogs are allowed with proper certification.
Pets at school: Domestic pets shall not be allowed in classrooms, on or around campus.
Save the Date
Upcoming Events:
12/9 - KidsFirst Meeting
12/13 - SSC/SGT
12/16 - UTK Sing at 3:00
12/17 - Field Day
12/18 - Kinder Sing at 3:00
12/19 - 1st Grade Sing at 9:00
12/20 - Flag Ceremony/Pajama Day/Minimum Day
Useful Resources
Sunset View Elementary
Location: 4365 Hill Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-988-2000