News From Room 106
September 20, 2024
Last week, we finished up our Goal Week. Throughout the week, students reviewed their Fall NWEA-MAP reading and math scores. Each of them thought of a goal they could work on in order to improve the scores in the winter. We also spent some time making a goal that would help them become a better student and/or friend. Lastly, students made a goal they could try and work to achieve while at home. Please check in and ask what their goals are!
Caring Schools: As a reminder, students will be coming home with a new Caring Schools Family Worksheet each Friday for the first 2 months of school. These are optional! They are intended to help guide discussions at home about how school is going for your student!
Too Good: The entire third grade is participating in a weekly lesson put on by the Ionia County Health Department. Optional homework will be coming home each Monday.
Third Grade Field Trip: Our field trip is on October 1. We will be arriving back at Woodview by 11:45 so students can plan on bringing a normal lunch from home or ordering a normal school lunch. Please try and turn in any money and permission slips as soon as possible if you already haven't.
Please feel free to call, email, or text any questions you may have.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Arends
Email: arendsk@bas-k12.org
Classroom Phone: 794-4756
Google Voice/Text: 616-236-3820
Upcoming Important Dates:
9/23-9/27 Spirit Week (Special dress up days are listed below)
10/1 Third Grade Field Trip to NCG Movie Theater, Greenville
10/18 Half Day
10/18-10/25 Woodview Book Fair
10/21 No School- Fall Break
10/23 Half Day Elementary- Parent Teacher Conferences (12:30-5:00)
10/24 Parent Teacher Conferences (4:00-6:30)
11/1 No School
11/20 Mobile Dentist
11/27-11/29 No School
Spotlight Student
This past week's Spotlight Student was Bailee! Bailee has done an excellent job in following our classroom and school rules. She has been very helpful to her peers. Bailee has also done a great job in turning in her homework and following directions as soon as they are given. Bailee shared with us that she loves snowy owls and spending time with her chickens at home!
Next week's Spotlight Student is Ellie! Ellie continues to be an outstanding role modes for her peers. She is always following directions, using her time wisely, and demonstrating great respect to all staff and students. Ellie has a great smile she brings into the classroom each day and a learning ready attitude!
Inside the Classroom:
We have completed our first module! Scored assessments will be coming home next week on Friday. Next week, students will begin learning place value, measurement, and telling time. Throughout the unit we will continue to be using multiplication and division. Any extra practice with multiplication facts at home will only benefit the students! Students should work on mastering units 2-5.
Language Arts
For grammar, we have been working on creating full sentences. Students have been working on recognizing the subject and predicates in sentences. For spelling, we have been working on long a patterns. Lastly, for vocabulary, we studied antonyms.
Next week, we will be working on creating compound sentences for grammar. In spelling, we will be moving onto long o vowel patterns. Lastly, for vocabulary, students will be working on multiple-meaning words.
Accelerated Reader is now available for students to take tests. As a guardian, you can check if a book has an AR level and test by going to http://www.arbookfind.com/
Science/Social Studies
Red Folder
Parent Resources:
News From Around the School:
A Day to Believe 2024
A Day to Believe this year is October 25.
Click the link below to order your 2024 shirts! All orders placed by September 30th will be available for pickup in mid-October.
In addition to online ordering, shirts can be purchased at Varsity football games, and at BC Pizza in Belding during regular business hours.
Woodview's Character Trait of the Month- Self Control
We have been focusing on Self Control. Ms. Chernoby, our school councilor, led a lesson on strategies students can use to help regulate their emotions. One example was flower breathing!