Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, November 8, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
What an awesome week of learning and fun we had at Roundtown this past week! To celebrate our Roundtown Family Veterans and enjoy our fall fest activities in one week was a treat. This time of year, as we get set to show our gratitude for all the good things in life, I am grateful for our awesome school and school community. I want to give a huge thanks to our wonderful parent volunteers who made today's fall fest parties so special. Thanks for giving your time and adding so much to our school!
I crafted a new video message for you this week and you may view using the link below to check out all the upcoming activities at Roundtown!
During our fall parent-teacher conferences, I received great feedback and suggestions for future communications. Last week I addressed the after-school activities and shared the district's link for programs offered in our community. If you missed it, here it is again and you may click here to access.
This week I will address enrichment opportunities. Our school's gifted/enrichment facilitator is Mrs. Natasha Weaver. Mrs. Weaver is awesome and provides enrichment activities to our students. Mrs. Weaver works with several students in each grade in a pull-out fashion based upon Acadience Scores. Mrs. Weaver is able to serve many more students directly in the classroom by supporting teachers and providing activities for our students in a non-pull-out manner. On a daily basis, Roundtown has a 25-minute PROUD time where students who need remediation or enrichment can work through activities and resources. Mrs. Weaver has great resources for families as well. Families can use the following link by clicking here to access enrichment opportunities at home! Mrs. Weaver's contact information is: nweaver@cysd.k12.pa.us.
Have a great weekend! I will be traveling to the Mt. Union area this weekend to celebrate my dear sweet Aunt Joanne's 90th birthday! She is an amazing lady who is still active in her community, lives by herself, and reads all the time. May we all be so fortunate at 90! I also want to give a shout out to all of our Veterans out there. Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country! Happy Veterans Day!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
The school enjoyed Fall Fest Spirit Week and participated in a variety of special dress days. Among the favorites were hat day and dress like a farmer or cowboy day!
Our Panther Pantry Holiday Service Project continued and thanks to everyone who sent in an item!
On Monday, kindergarteners from Mrs. Hart's, Mrs. Ogelsby's, and Mrs. Plymire's Classes took their field trip to Flinchbaugh's Orchard.
Kindergarten celebrated its final color day on Wednesday by wearing pink and/or gray. Thanks to everyone who participated in our 10 weeks of color days!
Picture Retake day was yesterday.
Roundtown honored its family veterans on Thursday as well during a special celebration. We are PROUD of our veterans and thank them for their service!
Today was our annual fall festival! We enjoyed Steven Courtney in the morning for another awesome concert and then had PTO parties later in the day.
Coming next week…
There is No School for students on Monday, November 11 in honor of Veterans Day. Thank you Veterans!
Our Panther Pantry/PTO Holiday Service Project Collection will continue. During week 3 we will collect cereal, jelly, and bagged instant mashed potatoes.
The school will participate in an intruder drill next week to continue our practice of safety.
Our next PTO Meeting is set for Tuesday, November 12 at 10:30AM. Please join us!
Beginning Tuesday, PTO and I will provide the first level fundraiser incentive for ALL students. We will start with kindergarten on Tuesday and move to first grade on Wednesday, second grade on Thursday, and third grade on Friday. All students will enjoy a freeze pop and a special story from Dr. Miller.
Saturday, November 16 is set for our Secret Santa Shop. Families are invited to come to Roundtown between 9AM and 12PM to shop for the holiday. PTO is looking for special helpers to assist the children with their shopping and wrap presents. You may use the following link for sign-up to volunteer by clicking here.
Congratulations to our latest Roundtown Students of The Month!
Dr. Miller recognized Caleb and Amaia at the most recent school board meeting. Congratulations!
Roundtown recognizes our latest classroom Energy Bus Drivers for the month of November.
Congratulations to: Luca Marchena, Prince Daniels, PT Phue, Avery Fedorko, Julia Clemens, Onyx Zimmerman, Logan Cummings, Liam Rodgers, Evan Stremmel, Lois Gladfelter, Camila Fuentes Santiago, Filomena Henalla, Jason Christy, Brayden Countryman, Christian Leih, Olivia Stemrich, Barry Craig, Opal Zimmerman, Millie Ring, Paisley Cornell, Jacob Gucor, Weston Schaffer, Jack Wampler, Kia Turnbaugh, Camryn Gasche, Mirola Gayed, Claire Nicholas, and Bailey Dunlap!
Roundtown honored 46 family veterans on Thursday afternoon during an awesome program. Students learned what Veterans Day is and why it is important to honor and recognize Veterans. Roundtown says, "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!"
Veterans honored:
Barry Anderson-United States Army (Norah & Zoey Dreisbach)
Samson Bamgloose-United States Navy (Faith & Grace Bamgloose)
Jason Baughman-United States Army (Nolan Baughman)
Tommy Beakler-United States Army (Ellis Nestlerode)
Ryan Campisi-United States Army (Aiden & Lyla Campisi)
Jordan Colberg-United States Navy (Everly Thompson)
William Cox-United States Army (Micah & Michaela Brown)
Ryan Daberam-United States Army (Emily Etwaroo)
Don Dreisbach-U.S. Navy (Norah & Zoey Dreisbach)
Sheena Dziados-United States Army (Félicie Dziados)
Thomas Erdman-United States Army (Ashlee Buckley)
Geno Ferrari-United State Marine Corps (Vincent Ferrari)
James Frigm-United States Army (Duncan Landis)
Sydney Gasche-United States Navy (Camryn Gasche)
Ed Hewitt-United States Army (Vincenza Hewitt)
Sean Hightower-United States Army (Kairo Lawrence)
Stacy Hilton-United States Air Force (Evalyn & Jasper Hilton)
Rick Horn-United States Navy (Kyle & Lila Horn)
Dale Kastelic-United States Army (Jordan Smith)
Marc Koser-United States Marine Corps (Maeve Koser)
Alicia Lawver-United States Army (Ryan Lawver)
Jesse Lenk-United States Army (Karsyn Lenk)
Michael Lutz-United States Army (Owen Lutz)
Larry Markle-United States Army (Ryan Carson)
Colin McConnell-United States Navy (Kennerly McConnell)
Steven Moon-United States Air Force (Myles Moon)
Vincente Morffi-United States Space Force & Air Force (Atlas Morffi)
Rachel Nicholas-United States Army (Zion Arevalo)
Bob Nicoli-United States Army (Mason & Henry Otterson)
John Noone-United States Army (Ford Zerfing)
Jacob Olszewski-United States Army (John & Isabel Olszewski)
John Ostroski-United States Army (Josephine MacPherson)
Christopher Parto-United States Army (Bailee Parto)
Dennis Ray-United States Army (Aurora & Eden Ray)
James Ring Jr.-U.S. Marine Corps & United States Army (Millie & James Ring)
Micah Rosemond-United States Army (Rylie Rosemond)
Scott Runkle-United States Air Force (Ellie Ramp)
Jake Ryer-United States Army (Nolan Ryer)
Darren Sablan-U.S. Navy (Autumn Sablan)
Ronald Simpson Jr.-United States Army (Rhylee Simpson)
Bradley Smith-United States Coast Guard (Dravyn Smith)
Marshall Smith-United States Navy (Jacob Watson)
Samuel Smith Jr.-United States Army (Madelyn Altland)
Michael Stamm-United States Air Force (Charlie Stamm)
Greg Vega-United States Army (Aviel Vega)
Christina Weist-United States Air Force (Soren Weist)
Cold and flu season is already upon us. This is just a friendly reminder from the health room staff to please keep your child home from school if they are exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
Fever of more than 100.0 degrees
Abdominal pain
Itchy, red, watery eyes
Excessive coughing
Severe sore throat
Body aches
Enlarged glands
Fever policy: a child must have a temperature under 100.0 degrees for 24 hours without fever reducing medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen to return to school. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The students have now had several cycles of library class, and they are enjoying choosing and checking out books. Library books are always DUE on the first day back in library (usually Mondays). Your student may then check out a new book. That book will not be due back until the next library cycle, however, your student may enjoy exchanging books throughout their library week. It is a good idea to keep the book in the backpack at all times, that way it is always with your child at school if it is needed. If you enjoy reading the book at home in the evening, just tuck it back in the backpack when you are done. Watch out for those water bottles too! We have had several books ruined already this year. If you have any questions at all, please reach out at hdusich@cysd.k12.pa.us. Happy reading! Mrs. Dusich
English Language Learners Night
The Central York School District English Language Development Department is hosting an informational Title III Night for ELL/ESL families. Join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at North Hills Elementary School from 6:00 - 7:30 PM to learn more about our programs, Skyward and Schoology, qualifying for services, graduation requirements and more!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
11/11 - NO SCHOOL-Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you for your service!
11/12 - PTO Meeting 10:30AM
11/12-11/15 - PTO Fundraiser Incentive Level I
11/16 - Secret Santa Shop 9-12
11/18-11/22 - American Education Week
11/18-11/21 - PTO Fundraiser Incentive Level II
11/19 - 60th Day of School (60's Day!)
11/19 - Skyward Reports available for families in Skyward
11/20 - National School Support Professionals
11/20 - Roundtown Holiday Meal
11/20-11/21 - PTO "Night Out" at Pizza al Bacio
11/22 - Firefighters Visit Roundtown