News from Centennial Middle School
September 13, 2024
Centennial Middle School
Website: www.isd12.org/cms
Location: 399 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: 763-792-5400
Week at a Glance
Homecoming Spirit Week!
Monday, September 16th: A Day
- PJ/Comfy Clothes Day
Tuesday, September 17th: B Day
- Tropical Tuesday
Wednesday, September 18th: A Day
- Western Wednesday (flannel, jeans, boots)
Thursday, September 19th: B Day
- Neon Day
Friday, September 20th: A Day
- Cougar Spirit Day
- Homecoming Football Game, 7 pm
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Picture Retake Day: October 15th
MEA Break -- No School: October 17th & 18th
Ahead of the Curve -- Notes from the Principal
Bus/Transportation Update: Please be aware that our buses are being used at full capacity this year; and the Transportation Department and the bus company notified us we will not be able to accept requests from families to switch buses for after-school plans, evening events, etc. We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
Mr. Stevens
School Pictures are Ready to Order!
If your child had their picture taken at one of the back-to-school Materials Drop Off days, their school pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number. Note: Student ID numbers can be found in Campus Portal. It's the 9-digit number listed as the "student number" as well as under the Food Service barcode.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
School Picture Make-Up Day is Today!
Friday, September 13th
Lifetouch is taking pictures today at school of students who did not get their picture taken at one of the back-to-school Materials Drop Off Days. Pre-order pictures today by scanning the QR code or visit mylifetouch.com and use the Picture Day ID: EVTRTBKMW
Chromebook Protection Plan Information
An optional device protection plan ($30 per year) is available for families with 6th-12th grade students to purchase annually. This plan covers the first instance of accidental damage. When enrolled in the protection plan, any additional instances of damage would be repaired through a $20 deductible. This is an elective plan and is not required. Families that qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program are eligible for the Chromebook Protection Plan at no cost. Families interested in applying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program can get application information on the ISD12 Nutrition Services Webpage.
The Chromebook Protection Plan is purchased Online through Campus Fees in Campus Portal for Parents.
- The Chromebook Protection Plan is available for purchase at the beginning of each school year until mid September.
- You will receive a receipt at the end of your transaction. The receipt is your confirmation that the protection plan has been activated.
- Families that qualify for the Free and Reduced Program are automatically enrolled (no action needed).
Need help logging into Campus Portal? Click here for instructions
Home Football Game "Cougar Den"
Home Varsity Games: Sept. 13, Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Oct. 10
We want to make sure that everyone understands that our hope is that Middle School students will attend the CHS varsity home football games with their families and will enjoy the time together. However, we do have an option if that's not possible. It's called the "Cougar Den."
For those of you who are new to Centennial Middle School and for those returning, we will have the CMS Cougar Den open for each CHS varsity home football game again this fall. This area is designated for CMS students only and includes supervision, concessions, restrooms, and bleacher seating. The Cougar Den is located behind the west end zone of Cougar Stadium. This is an area where middle school students can come together to socialize, enjoy treats, and watch the football game. There is a separate entrance to the Cougar Den on the west end of the field.
Students can always sit with their families if they choose to in the main seating area, but the Cougar Den is exclusively for CMS students. No guests are permitted. Please check your child in with the adults at the Cougar Den entrance. At the end of the game students will be released from the Cougar Den. It is the family's responsibility to know where to meet your child. The following information will help your child successfully attend the CHS home football games:
How do we purchase tickets?
- Tickets will not be sold at the entrance. They must be purchased through the digital ticketing page of the CHS Athletics and Activities website which is linked here: https://highschool.isd12.org/athletics-activities-at-chs/online-tickets-cougar-corner-apparel
What are the parent/guardian responsibilities?
- Parents/guardians and students need to decide on a plan together. The middle school staff are only responsible for your child when they enter the Cougar Den. If they choose to leave the Cougar Den, they are your responsibility. We will not be signing students in or out. Students who leave the Cougar Den cannot come back into the Cougar Den. There is no re-entry. Also, students are not able to leave the Cougar Den to enter the stadium seating without their parent with them.
What are the behavioral expectations?
- Behavioral expectations for middle school students are identical to the expectations outlined in the student handbook for the student day and the Minnesota State High School League rules. The MSHL Behavioral Expectations are attached below.
Prohibited Items
- Backpacks
- Outside food and beverages
- Footballs or sports equipment of any kind
- Skateboards/Roller (Inline) skates
Reporting Student Absences
Student absence requests are submitted through Campus Parent Portal. An “Attendance Request” link is also found on the Parent Hub of the school website for easy access to the Portal and resources to assist.
The direct link can be found here: Campus Attendance Reporting
Helpful links: Parent Portal Login Assistance
For attendance reporting questions, please email Sara Verke at sverke@isd12.org.
District News
Make a Difference and Substitute in our Schools!
Don’t miss this chance to get involved and make a difference in the Centennial School District! No experience necessary; training provided!
This is a great opportunity to:
- Be involved in your child’s education and help out in the schools.
- Turn your volunteer hours into extra income.
- Work a schedule that fits with your student’s schedule.
- Get paid weekly and take advantage of bonus opportunities.
Available positions:
• Substitute Teachers (To qualify, you must have bachelor’s degree with MN Teaching or Substitute License; you can obtain a Short Call License if you have a bachelor’s degree.)
• Substitute Paraprofessionals (To qualify, you must have a HS Diploma/GED.)
Apply at teachersoncall.com; 800-713-4439
Substitutes are also needed for Kids Club, food service, custodial, administrative assistants, and nurses. More information can be found on the Centennial website.
Reminder: Annual Review of Student Information
Please review and complete the annual data review for your student/s in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal by Friday, September 20, 2024. Helpful links:
How do I log into Parent Portal?
How do I start the annual data review in Parent Portal?
Reminder: Immunization Information
Minnesota law requires children enrolled in childcare, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases, unless the child is medically or non-medically exempt.
If proper documentation is not provided, students will be unable to attend school after November 1st, 2023. What you need to do:
· Contact your health care provider and review your student’s immunization status to make sure they are up to date.
· If you missed a required vaccination, make an appointment with a healthcare provider or local clinic as soon as possible.
· Follow up with your students’ school if they have reached out to you regarding your student’s immunization status.
· Turn in medical (must be signed by health care provider) and non-medical (must be notarized) exemption forms to your child’s school.
Visit the MDH website for vaccine schedules, exemption forms and more information including where to get free/low cost immunizations today. Please reach out to your student’s school for any questions. Please note, K-12 immunization status is available on Campus Parent Portal.
Free Meals/Reduced Fees and Other Benefits
Although no application is required to receive one free breakfast and lunch each day at school, filling out the Application for Educational Benefits is still important. Your student may qualify for free and reduced benefits like reduced fees at school and other meal programs. Find out if you quality by completing an application. Applications and instructions can be found online or apply online on your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Community Education
Here’s what’s happening soon:
Sept. 12- Centennial Bowling Club
Sept. 16- Cookies and Canvas
Sept. 17- Ultimate Outdoor Cooking
Sept. 20- Henna Workshop
Sept. 25- Middle School Girls Who Code
Sept. 26- CoderZ League (gr. 7-8)
Oct. 1- Dungeons & Dragons 101 with Character Creation (gr. 6)
Oct. 12- Easy Oil Painting Using the Bob Ross Method (ages 12+)
Oct. 18- Intensive Sewing Class (ages 8-13)
Go online to view all activities and to register: www.isd12.org/community-education.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack!
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Centennial Resource Locker
The Centennial School District has compiled a wide variety of resources for our students, families, and greater community. These resources include mental health, learning and enrichment, services specific to our aging population, crisis, where to find economic assistance and much, much more. You can find these resources on our district website here.
24/7 Free Academic Support for Students in Grade 6-12
Centennial School District has partnered with Paper to provide free, 24/7 access to 1-on-1 tutoring and writing support for students in grade 6-12. Through federal relief funds, we are able to provide additional academic support for students. Students can access this online tutor via the chat function. The app is available on student Chromebooks. For more information about Paper, click here.