The Hoot Owl
MAY 15, 2023
Just a few summer reminders:
- READ - It is super important that our students continue reading over the summer. Mrs. Falcon has sent home a summer reading challenge to help encourage your child to read. Remember to talk to your students about their reading. Ask questions such as:
- Who is the main character?
- Who are the other characters?
- What is the setting?
- What is the conflict?
- Can you summarize for me what you are reading.
- Have them do a "stop and jot." They will know what to do.
- MATH FACTS - practice their math...
- PK-1 - counting out loud as high as they can and keep challenging them add more
- 2-4 - practice math facts, start with addition, move to subtraction and then multiplication
- Look at the Top 5 for your child's incoming grade and choose a few things to work on. That can be anything from recognizing letters in their name to writing 5 sentences about their summer events.
We look forward to a great school year in 24-25! Our theme will be Team ORE! It's Owl or nothing!
Note that early dismissal will begin at 12:40 p.m. on Thursday, May 23 instead of the original 12:00 p.m.
Yearbooks have been sent home.
We still have several copies of the 50th anniversary yearbook for sale. They will be $36 sold on a first come, first serve basis. If you send in cash, it must be the exact amount as no change will be made. Checks must have drivers license number and birthday on it.
Are you moving over the summer? Please reach out and let us know. Mrs. Hill will be sure to get records ready for your new school so that everything will be seamless and easy for you!
Any medication signed in at the clinic must be picked up by an adult on or before May 23, 2023. Any medication remaining after May 24 will be disposed of properly.
2024-2025 CAR RIDER SIGN
If your child will ever be a car rider or you think they might be a car rider for the 24-25 school year, get a jump on ordering your car rider sign. Complete the form at the link below and we will have them ready for you at Meet the Teacher in August.
- Co-President - Kristie Sturgeon and Jodi Fuller
- Vice-President - Marlene Mondragon
- Treasurer - Heather Smoot
- Secretary - Stephanie Lindsey
- Parliamentarian- Robin Alexander
- Members at Large - Maryam Norouz
- Volunteer Coordinator - Jenny Baugh
- Social Media - Heather Lott
PTO is looking to increase members next year and will be hosting a membership drive during the first month of school. Please consider joining and being a part of the meetings and activities hosted by PTO. If you wish to help in area, please reach out to
and we will forward to the right person.
Please take time over the summer to work with your child on the grade appropriate skills. You child should be able to do these skill before they enter school in 2024-2025 school year.
17 - Senior Walk - seniors from ORHS will walk through the building at approximately 10:30 a.m
20 - 3rd grade EXPO 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
20 - ORE Retirement honoring Kathie Gensbigler and Mendy Carr
21 - Kinder Celebration @ 9:00 a.m.
22 - 4th grade program and confetti parade @ 9:00 a.m.
23 - Last day of school - early dismissal 12:40 p.m.