Eagle Update
Archer Glen Elementary | October 3, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 9 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Thursday 10 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Friday 11 | No School- State Inservice Day
Wednesday 16 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Wednesday 16 | AG PAC Dine Out at Araceli's Cocina from 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Friday 18 | School Picture Day
Friday 18 | Fun Run Prize Day - Water Bottles
Wednesday 23 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Thursday 24-31 | Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday 24 | Elementary Conferences, No School for Students
Friday 25 | Elementary Conferences, No School for Students
Wednesday 30 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
A Message from Principal Woofter
Happy October!
It is incredible how quickly September flew by! We had a fantastic turnout for our Back to School Night last week with well over 200 Scavenger Hunts returned. Yesterday, we did the drawing and 10 lucky students won a $10 gift certificate to use at the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair! If you have not had a chance to do so, please consider providing us feedback on this new format through the survey link HERE.
This week, we started our monthly Character Trait Assemblies. Each month, we have a specific character trait that we focus on. September’s character trait was Responsibility and October is Teamwork and Problem Solving. The character traits are discussed in various settings including morning announcements, community circles, in the cafeteria and during recess. Each month, we will be coming together as a school for a brief assembly to discuss the character trait of the month, examples of what that trait looks like at school, and recognize students from each grade level who have demonstrated the character trait. It is so fun to have the opportunity to hear information together as a whole group!
Lastly, you may be wondering what the extra hour looks like when students have gone home on our Wednesday Early Release Days. During this valuable time, our teachers work together in their Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to collaborate with their teams and other staff members to focus on various aspects of student learning and growth. Sometimes, it is using the curriculum resources to plan for strategic small group learning while other times, teams are analyzing data from an assessment to determine how to proceed with instruction. This weekly dedication of time is critical in allowing our teachers to think deeply about the progression of learning and how the needs of each student are being addressed.
We are going to begin sending the Eagle Update home on Thursday afternoons instead of Fridays. Hopefully this change allows families to catch up on school news and reach out with questions before heading into the weekend. As always, we welcome any questions you may have and love partnering with our families to provide an incredible educational experience for all students.
Attendance Matters
This year our school district will continue to focus on improving student attendance to help our students have the best possible school experience. Your child's regular attendance in school encourages academic and social-emotional success.
Missed days add up quickly: When a student misses as few as two days a month, that’s 10% of the school year. This can make catching up or feeling connected feel overwhelming. Students with solid attendance are much more likely to be successful and have a positive school experience - starting as young as kindergarten!
We will send attendance notifications home each trimester to all families so you are aware of your child’s current/overall attendance rate. We will also communicate with families regarding attendance concerns. We appreciate your partnership and want to see your child at school each day!
Here are a few of the resources available to help support your child/family with regular attendance:
In need of assistance with food, clothing, or school supplies? Contact our SHARE Center today at 503-825-5087, or email our Family Resource Coordinator Amy Gillett at agillett@sherwood.k12.or.us.
Does your child have a recurring illness or dental issue, and need access to care? Contact our Health Services Department at 503-825-5093 or health@sherwood.k12.or.us for referrals to community resources or to speak with one of our school nurses.
Is your child in need of support for their mental/emotional health? Contact our Mental Health Coordinator Chelsie Vukovich at 503-825-5034 or cvukovich@sherwood.k12.or.us.
Does your child need greater academic support? Reach out directly to your child’s teacher(s), or contact your school’s office for assistance.
Fun Run Update
Tomorrow is the last day Fun Run donations will be counted towards the classroom prize! Thanks to your generosity, we have collected $36, 941 towards our $50,000 goal and welcome any additional donations.
As a reminder, the class that brings in the most donations earns a "T-shirt making experience/Field trip" with Adams Screenprint. The winning class will design their own T-shirt AND go watch it being made!
Currently, Mrs. Ruize's class holds first place. The top 3 classes are all within $100 of each other so any additional donations will absolutely make a difference and determine the winner of the T-shirt making Field trip!
AG PAC Dine Out at Araceli's Cocina on 10/16
Student Services
Scholastic Book Fair on 10/24 & 10/25
Please join us for Family Shopping on both Thursday (10/24) and Friday (10/25) of Parent Teacher Conferences! The Book Fair will be open the following hours:
- Thursday, 10/24, 8:00am-8:00pm
- Friday, 10/25, 8:00am-12:00pm
Students will also have the opportunity to shop during their scheduled Library Time the week of 10/28-10/31.
PAX Tools Community Workshop on 11/4
Open Play
The District will be welcoming volunteers back into our school buildings this year. All volunteers will need to complete and have an approved background check on file prior to volunteering (this must be renewed each school year). The background check process can take 7-10 business days, so please allow sufficient processing time if you are planning to volunteer for a specific event.
HelpCounter Volunteer Information
Our Archer Glen Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is creating an updated email list for school information and other ways to support our school. If you are looking to volunteer at Archer Glen this year, please sign up using the link shared here. If you are new to Archer Glen you will need to create a new login. Past volunteers can use their old sign in. (Please note that this link does not work well on your phone so you will need to use another device).
ALL parents will need to fill out their information again as the system gets updated each fall. The registration will ask some questions about volunteer preferences, please still answer the questions and select all activities you might be interested in learning more about!
You can find out more information about how to sign up for volunteer opportunities at Archer Glen using HelpCounter by visiting Archer Glen PAC's Instagram handle here.
AG PAC Facebook
Archer Glen PAC
Background Check 24-25
Helpful Information and Past Newsletters
Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
Archer Glen 24-hour Attendance Line: 503-825-5110
- Sarah Woofter, Principal: swoofter@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Jennifer Switzer, Administrative Assistant: jswitzer@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales, Attendance Secretary: jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Elisabeth Gardner, School Counselor: egardner@sherwood.k12.or.us
Previous Eagle Updates:
- Eagle Update, September 6, 2024
- Eagle Update, September 13, 2024
- Eagle Update, September 20, 2024
- Eagle Update, September 27, 2024
Helpful Information:
About us
Website: https://ag.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 16155 SW Sunset Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 825-5100