Hemlock & ACE Family Newsletter
October 2024
Welcome to Fall!
Dear Families,
The weather will soon be cooling (although it sure doesn't feel like it this week!) and we have lots of fun fall activities that are right around the corner.
Mark your calendars...
YOU make a difference in school funding
About 4/5 of our school's budget comes from Title I funds.
YOU can help make sure our students receive all the funding they're entitled to. Simply fill out the free and reduced lunch application, even if you think you might not qualify. The more families that apply and qualify, the more money our students receive.
Our students are having a blast with Air Blair!
Check it out!
Air Blair is funded by Title 1 funds - help us decide what else should be funded!
If you'd like to be part of the SSC, send your name and your child's name to Ms. Bandy at nicoleb@vacavilleusd.org; call the school office at 707-453-6245; or drop by the office and give your name to our office staff.
The next SSC meeting is Tuesday, October 8 from 7:30-8:00am on Google Meet.
English Language Advisory Council (ELAC)
Please join us for our first ELAC meeting of the year!
ELAC is a group for families whose students speak more than one language or who are learning English now. Come meet other families, learn about upcoming school activities and how you can help your child, and share your ideas about how our school can best help your child. We need your voice!
ELAC Meeting Date
Tuesday, October 22, 9:00-10:00am
Staff Lounge (Room 1)
Safe School Ambassadors
Congratulations to our first cohort of Safe School Ambassadors!
Safe School Ambassadors are 4th-6th grade students who were selected by their peers as people who will speak up for what's right, who display leadership, and who will listen and help solve problems. Our Ambassadors received two days of training where they learned how to identify mistreatment among their peers and practiced strategies for balancing the negative actions of peers who bully, along with strategies for supporting students who are targeted. Ambassadors start with themselves and their close friends and only intervene if they feel safe. Students often see and hear about problems that adults never learn about, so student Ambassadors have the ability to make school a safer and more inclusive place for everyone.
Cell phones and smart watches are a distraction
Reminder of our rules
Cell phones and smart watches must be turned off and put away in backpacks during the school day. Students who choose to carry or use their devices during the school day will have those devices confiscated by staff. The first time, students may pick up their device at the end of the day. The second time, an adult family member must pick up the device.
Unsupervised screen time puts kids in danger
When students use the Internet unsupervised, they may be exposed to adult content, may stay up all hours, may initiate or be the victim of cyber-bullying. Most importantly, if your student uses the Internet unsupervised, anyone on the web can have direct access to your student without your knowledge.
Ways to keep your child safe online:
- Inform your child that one condition of having a phone or device is that you will randomly check their messages, social media, and emails - then do it. Require your student to provide you with their user names and passwords.
- Collect your student's device(s) at bedtime and store them with you until the morning.
- Turn off the Internet/wifi at night. Protect it with an adult password.
- Install parental controls that will filter what your student can access and will alert you to any inappropriate searches or content.
- Teach your student about cyber safety, cyber bullying, and responsible digital use.
Attendance Counts
Every day matters!
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school -- and themselves. Start building this habit in preschool so they learn that going to school on time, every day, is important.
Good attendance will help students do well in school, college, and at work.
Strive to make sure that your student has less than 5 days absent this year.
What to do if your child *must* miss school
If your child is ill, call Ms. Yanin Avila, our Attendance Clerk at (707) 453-6245 to report the absence. If your student must miss school for another reason, you can get an Independent Study packet so your child doesn't fall behind, even if your student will only miss one day! Independent Study packets are available through Ms. Yanin in the front office.
ACE Program
TAP Program
(707) 453-6245