SVS News
Susitna Valley Junior/Senior High School: "Home of the Rams"

SVS Vision:
We aim to provide students with the necessary tools to achieve their full potential.
SVS Mission:
In collaboration with family and community, we will build strong relationships and share challenging, innovative instruction to inspire student passions, potential, and the ability to think critically and creatively
Dear Parents,
As we transition into the summer break, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. As we reflect on this past school year, I am filled with immense gratitude for the growth and accomplishments of your children, and I am equally thankful for the unwavering support you have extended to me as a first-year principal.
This year has been a journey of learning, growth, and discovery for all of us. Together, we have navigated challenges and celebrated triumphs, and through it all, your dedication to your child's education and well-being has been truly inspiring. Your involvement, encouragement, and trust have been invaluable.
As we look forward to the summer months, I encourage you to take this time to relax, recharge, and enjoy precious moments with your loved ones. Whether you're embarking on new adventures, spending quality time together at home, or simply indulging in some well-deserved rest, I hope you find joy and fulfillment in all activities.
As we part ways for the summer, I want to express my profound appreciation for the privilege of serving as your principal. The support and encouragement I've received from each of you have been instrumental in making this year a memorable and rewarding experience. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity, and I am committed to continuing our journey of growth and excellence together in the coming years.
Wishing you all a summer filled with sunshine, laughter, and cherished memories. Thank you, once again, for your support and partnership.
Partners in Education,
Bryan Kirby, SVS Principal
Volleyball Skills Camp : June 24, 25, 26
Volleyball Open Gym : Sundays 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Basketball Camp: July 8, 9, 10, 11
Basketball Open Gym: Tuesday / Thursdays 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
School Registration: Opens July 1
Open House: August 13, 2024 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
School Starts August 15th
As we near the end of the current academic year, our students are busy selecting their classes for the upcoming year. This process is crucial in their educational journey, and your support is invaluable in helping them make informed choices.
Tamra Harrison
School Counselor and Test Coordinator
Susitna Valley High School
School Code 0201126
Shout Out
Su Valley would like to express a big THANK YOU to all our substitute teachers from this past year. We really could not have done it without the help from all of you. ~Su Valley Staff
Su Valley RAMcast
We're excited to share that we've started a new podcast focused on all things Su Valley. We're just getting started, and like any new journey, things might seem a bit rough at the beginning. But trust us, we're committed to improving with each episode.
Stick with us as we grow and refine our content. We're dedicated to providing valuable insights and engaging conversations as we are navigating the school year. Thanks for joining us on this journey!
Summer Food Service Program
Nutrition Services will be distributing 7-day meal boxes this summer! Once a week Nutrition Services will be offering one FREE meal box per child packed with 7 breakfasts and 7 lunches. Boxes are available for ALL children in the community, 18 years of age and under. You do not need to pre-register to receive a box. See image below for more details.
This program helps protect our students from preventable diseases and keeps our school community healthy. Here's a quick rundown of what you need to know:
- All students attending school in Alaska must be fully immunized according to the State of Alaska.
- If your child has a medical condition or beliefs that prevent them from receiving certain vaccinations, you can submit an exemption form to the school office at the beginning of the school year.
- Check your child's immunization records or contact their healthcare provider.
- You can also access their immunization history through the state's immunization information system, VacTrAK, via the “Docket App”.
- Many healthcare providers offer walk-in appointments for vaccinations.
- The Alaska Immunization Program also provides vaccines at no cost to enrolled providers. You can find more information on this program here: health.alaska.gov/dph/Epi/iz/Pages/vaccinate.aspx
Let's work together to ensure a healthy start to the next school year!
For more information:
- Alaska Department of Health, Immunization Program: health.alaska.gov/dph/Epi/iz/Pages/default.aspx
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): cdc.gov/vaccines/index.html
Romy Byrd RN - School Nurse
Matanuska Susitna Borough School District
Susitna Valley Junior/Senior High School (907) 733-9304
Talkeetna Elementary (907) 733-9415
Trapper Creek Elementary (907) 733-9460
We highly encourage families to fill out the Free and Reduced Meals application, even if you think you may not qualify. These dollars and this designation, is what gives our school it's Title I status, and helps provide additional dollars to put towards educating your child(ren).
This application does need to be filled out each school year, for all families who qualify, or would like to qualify.
Free & Reduced Meals Parents can submit applications to enroll their student(s) in the free and reduced meal program. Applications should be submitted annually and may be completed online through SchoolCafe (LINK here) or via a printable application (LINK here). Paper applications can also be picked up at SVS if you do not have the ability to print at home.
Paper applications cannot be submitted via email or fax, but must be submitted to the student's school or directly to Nutrition Services (690 E Cope Industrial Way, Palmer, AK 99645).
The application process will require the following information be provided:
- Total household size
- Income for all household members
- Student name(s)
- Additional information that is helpful, though not required, includes the student's birth date, enrolled school, and MSBSD ID number
Questions regarding the application process can be directed to (907) 861-5100.
Here at Su Valley we know that hungry, growing teenagers need to eat! Here are option for both in school, and families at home:
- we have free almond butter and jelly sandwiches & free fresh fruit available every day at the Snack Station - students can help themselves
- we provide free shelf-stable portable snacks as available through the Snack Station - students can help themselves
- we have a free School Food Pantry - available every Friday during lunch, or by request. This is food for any family who needs additional food at home. The items in the pantry are shelf-stable and range from snacks to ingredients for full meals. We also have toiletry items (toothpaste, deodorant, etc) available. Students may help themselves. This is provided in partnership with the Upper Susitna Food Pantry.
SVS PTSA has Su Valley spirt gear for sale. Please contact them at svptsa@gmail.com or call the school to leave a message for them. (907)-733-9300
Late Start Monday
Every Monday we will be starting school at 9:30 am. The rest of the week we will be starting at the normal time of 8:30 am. Another change this year is that we will be in school everyday of the week until 3:00. See Bell Schedule link above.
What are PLC Mondays, click on the link to go to an informative webpage to learn more.
The Public Information Office and Office of Instruction encourages schools to share this MSBSD website with their families to share what's happening for kids in the Mat-Su Valley. Schools, parents and other community stakeholders may download, read, or print informational flyers distributed for sharing to all schools each week.
Flyer approval requests may be sent to Laura Richardson, Family & Partnership Coordinator for review and approval for distribution to schools.
Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High School Contact Info
Email: Bryan.Kirby@matsuk12.us
Website: http://www.matsuk12.us/svs
Location: S. Parks Highway, Talkeetna, AK
Phone: 907-733-9300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Susitna-Valley-JrSr-High-School-314999352167336/?ref=settings