Cornwall School News 8/24/24
Message from the Principal
Hello Cornwall families!
Cornwall staff spent the last week working hard to get ready for students. We established common staff priorities to guide our work, all of which focus on belonging and creating the conditions for all our students to thrive. Of course we also did a zillion other things: learned a newly updated math curriculum, rearranged furniture, put names on cubbies, fixed and re-fixed the schedule, sorted through piles of last year's junk, reviewed safety procedures, donated 5 bags of unclaimed clothing, played a game (because fun is good for adults, too), and deadheaded the flowers. We're ready.
See you Monday!
- Nadya
Reminders and Other Useful Bits
Bus Routes and Times
To see estimated times for ACSD bus routes, see Bus routes. Don't forget to wave and smile at the driver! For all things bus-related, please call the school or email Laurie--she's our expert.
As you're planning for the school year, some reminders:
- The Cornwall School day starts at 7:50 am and ends at 2:50.
- To keep everyone safe, please do not drop your child off before 7:40; we do not have adult supervision before this time.
Annual Forms
Annual forms (which everyone needs to fill out) were mailed to families. Please make every effort to complete the forms and send them in with your child on the first or second day.
August 26, First day for students
September 12, Back to School Night and Friends of Cornwall School (FOCS) Potluck. More details next week.
October 2, Picture DayOpportunities to Help Cornwall School
Our staff fridge is struggling a bit. If you know anything about DIY fridge repair, email Nadya or call the school! (That's not an ACTUAL photo of the back of our fridge, but it's not too dissimilar).
We would also benefit from a new coat of cheerful green paint on the picnic tables and on the planter under the school sign; and, after the fall harvest, new raised beds for the vegetable garden. Friends of Cornwall School (FOCS) will be arranging a work party later this fall; stay tuned for details in the weeks to come.
Volunteer Sign-up
Once school gets underway, there will be more opportunities to volunteer, such as chaperoning a field trip or providing transportation. ACSD has a sign-up process that ensures our students’ safety. For all the details on how to do that, see the ACSD website under Work With Us.
There are quite a few steps. Don't despair! Once you're in the system, it is much easier moving forward.
Substitute at Cornwall!
We love, and rely on, our substitute teachers! In addition to classroom substitutes, we need subs in the library and as paraprofessional classroom supports. You can always say yes or no to days. You can sign up in advance for expected absences or receive a call for emergent needs.
To apply please visit this listing. If you have trouble with that link, please go to and search for "Substitute" using the area code "05753".
TELEPHONE: 802-462-2463
FAX: 802-462-2462