Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ September 25, 2017
Meet the New Oak Grove Staff Members
Kari Meyer, Psychologist
Sarah Paulson, First Grade Teacher
Elaine Radzienda, Occupational Therapist
Kelly Ryan, Teacher's Assistant
Brooke Schamber, Psychologist
Beverly Sears, Teacher's Assistant
7th and 8th Graders - Snowflake Forms Due Friday
6th Grade Field Trip Reminder
Lost and Found Items
It is hard to believe since it is only September, but we already have a LOT of items in the Lost and Found. Students, please take a moment to check the Lost and Found areas for any items that may belong to you. Lost and Found items can be found in both lunchrooms. Please put your name on your belongings.
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
What’s New with the Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Check out the various opportunities the OGSEF has to raise funds for differentiated curriculum for the kids of Oak Grove, volunteer and connect with your community!
- NEW FAMILIES - Leave your mark at Oak Grove with a playground paver! Our children's memories of their time at Oak Grove will last a lifetime, so take this opportunity to leave a permanent mark with a custom brick paver on our Elementary Playground and support innovative curriculum enhancements for your children at the same time! Order by October 6th for installation this year. Go to http://www.ogsef.org/playground-pavers.html for more information and to place your order.
- Employer Match The Oak Grove School Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, making your donations tax deductible to the full amount allowed by law. Additionally, many area employers such as AbbVie, will match employee contributions which will double or even triple the value of your contribution. The OGSEF Tax Identification Number is 20-2588681. Visit http://www.ogsef.org/make-a-contribution.html to donate.
- Volunteer for the OAK GROVE GALA ‘18 Our biennial Spring Gala will take place on February 24th, 2018 at Independence Grove. The Gala is OGSEF’s biggest fundraising initiative and we need the support of our community, parents, faculty and students to make it a great success. The event features food, drinks, entertainment, auctions and more. The Gala is also a great time to volunteer! If you are interested in participating in the planning committee, donating to the silent auction or volunteering, please contact Shellie Fahy at shelliefahy@att.net. All talents and skills are welcome (and needed)!!
- SHOP to EDUCATE at no cost to you! Start your online shopping through the Merchant Portal on our website and your favorite stores will contribute a percentage of your purchases directly to the Oak Grove School Education Foundation. Simply click the "Support Us" tab at the bottom of our website (www.ogsef.org) and then “Shop to Support” to view over 150 great merchants in the gallery.
Building Emotional Courage: Fostering Gratitude and Compassion
Please, join us as the TAG committee hosts Dr. Michele Kane!
Oak Grove School
Monday, October 16th, 2017
6:30 pm - 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by the OGS TAG Committee
We are excited to welcome back Dr. Michele Kane!
Dr. Kane joined us during the 2015-2016 school year to present to parents on fostering the social and emotional well-being of gifted children, in order to encourage healthy relationships.
This year, Dr. Kane’s presentation will focus on recognizing that gifted children are exquisitely sensitive to their own inner world and that of others. Intuitively aware, they may feel the pain of the world. It can be overwhelming to understand the magnitude of the world’s ills and feel unable to respond meaningfully. Dr. Kane will discuss how children need assistance from caring adults to develop a healthy repertoire of responses which cultivates emotional courage. There is a growing body of research on gratitude, compassion, optimism, and mindfulness that fosters emotional development and that provides a pathway from empathy to action that Dr. Kane will share with parents.
Michele Kane, Ed.D. is a Professor of Special Education at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, where she coordinates the Master of Arts in Gifted Education Program. She has served the gifted community as a public school district gifted coordinator; through private programs such as Camp Summit for the Gifted, PG Retreat, and SENG, and in leadership positions within both the Illinois and National Associations for Gifted Children.
Please see the flyer in the Virtual Backpack for more information and how to register or RSVP here.
Please, sign up by Wednesday, October 11th.
Every School Day Counts
Arriving to school 5 or 10 minutes tardy may not seem like a big deal but those minutes quickly add up. Students who arrive late miss out on morning activities designed to build connections with their peers potentially impacting their social interactions and important instruction. Not only does the tardy student feel the effect so does the other children in the classroom. Their learning suffers because they have to wait to proceed with a lesson because the teacher needs to catch up the late child. Being on time for school prepares a student for the world outside school. Here are a few quick tips to prevent tardiness:
- Have your child set out clothes for the next day
- Pack backpacks at night and place them by the door
- Makes lunches the night before
- Ensure that your student is receiving enough sleep
- Set an alarm 10 to 15 minutes early allowing you enough time to get ready in the morning
More Information about tardiness can be found by clicking here.
Assessment Updates
STAR 360 Assessments
Your child's STAR 360 report information was emailed to you on Thursday, September 21. If you have a kindergarten student, you received one email. If you have a student in grades 1-8, you received two emails. To assist in understanding the reports, we have created the following documents:
These documents are also posted on the Assessment page of the website along with others that may be helpful.
Grades 4-8 PARCC Assessment 2016 Results
Your child’s PARCC scores will be sent home in their backpack on Friday, September 29th. The envelope will include a cover letter from Mr. Fenton and two pages of reports, one for math and one for English language arts. Additional information about the PARCC assessment can be located on the Assessment page of the website.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Fall Advisory Council Reminder: Parent Inquiry Form, due October 6th
As part of our formal Talented And Gifted (TAG) placement procedures, we will be holding our fall session of Advisory Council. During the fall Advisory Council meeting, the committee will review placement appeals. Parents have the right to request an additional review of student placement into Oak Grove’s formal TAG program, through a placement appeal, which would be reviewed by the Advisory Council.
Parents requesting participation in the appeal process are required to complete the Parent Inquiry Form beginning on page 22 of the TAG Handbook. The Parent Inquiry Form must be completed and emailed to Sarah Cacciatore at cacciatore@ogschool.org no later than October 6th for consideration at the fall Advisory Council meeting. Parents will be notified via email regarding the final committee decisions.
*Please note, appeal process may only be utilized once a calendar year.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120